장음표시 사용
St. 63. a. Haud alienum videtur nobis, hie sabulam de agitatione Oeeani ex Gitae editione Illustr. WHYIns deseribere. Rameia eandem offert RAM. SC . I. 5. sed ea in re praecipue dissert, ut viiii salutarem quam Vischnus in MahnLarato habet, in Sivum transferat. Episo de trom tbe Nahab barata Book I. Chap. t S. There is a sale and stately mountain, and iis naine it Merii, a most exalted minos glory, reflecting the sitnny rays isoni the splendui sursaee os ita gilded horus. Itis eloathed in gold, and is the respected haunt os D/ws and Gandbarus. It is incone eiva Lle, and not to be eneompassed by sinsul man; and it is guarded bydreadsul serpenta. Many celestiat medicinal planta adorn iis fides, and it Mands, piere Ing the heavens Hith iis aspiring summit, a niight y hill inaeeessi ble even by the human mindi It is adorned mitti trees and plea ant streams, and refoundet, Willi ille deligitistit songa os etarious birds. The Soors and ali the gloAous hosts of heaven, having ascended lo the summit os ibis tosty mountain, sparulingwith pree ous genis, and sor eternat ages mised, 'vere aliting In solemn synod, meditating the diacovery os the Amreeta, oe water os Immortalii'. The Dε- Naradian Leing atio there, xpove unio Bratims, whitit the sciora Here thus eonsul ling togellier, and said, MLet the ocean, as a pol os milh, be churned by the uni ted selabo ur os ille Soors and Asoors; and wben the mighty waters have been stirpedisup, the Amre et a s hali be so und. Let them eolleet together euery med Icinat herb,, and every pretious thiiig. and let them stir ille ocean, and ther ahali diseouer the
plures Deas diversis formis Inesse Deviae, ea nempe ratione, ut haec Dea summa et complexus singularum sit. Hue speetat etiam CantiVIL SL 24. b.
St. 21. 6.-Θ-Dubito, an recte verterim, cum sensum verborem aecurauita non perspexerim. St. 21. Post hunc versum seritae errore B. habet versus 18, 19 et 20. repetitos.
SL 12.α. De N es. Quaest. mythol. St. 12. a. Amet: l Ilaee novo, ex qua mens discernit inter a mentum et formam, inter Deum eiusque significationem sola ei aetati est propria, qua mens philosophieis intenta quaestionibus, illa simpliee sde relicta, seiens eog tacone id persequitur In quod antea sua sponte ineubu L Indorum ingenJum lubenter eiusmodi quaestionibus indulget, fideique et eultus formis eogitationes involvit et quodcunque sngendi erravit vi, id meditandi vi dissolvit. Utram ille rationem Indi summo studio perseeuti sunt. Illusiri Colebrookius haec assert M. Res. VIII. p. 32. The eight Saetis ot energies os as many Deices, are also ossed Matria or m thers. They a re named BHibmἰ, ete. beeause . be ismed stom. the bodies ot Bra lima and the ollier go is respectively Raya Mueuta on the Amerae ha, Insonte places, they are thus enumera ted: Brshmi, Mahes .ari, Λ Inde I.
quarters and on every potnti Deinde sequitur versio octo versuum in - 22. nostrae editionia. De Vitibus sive Matribus etiam sermo est H. Th. I. p. 22. RAM. SER. L 13. 4. ubi editores In annotatione septem nomInant, Ed. Scu G. I. 14. S. voeabula: non habet; quodsi hoc eo tactum est, quod maxima pars codicum ommittit ea, illa voeabula serioris aevi glossam putemus.
SI. 57. b. Hoe hemistichium C. et Ed. Cale. non habent, et B. pro habet Tnai. St. 61. a. B.