A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


Tug leaves of this plant have a Strong faetid sineli, similario that of opium, and yield a White juice, tu whicli their activity resides. Their tasto is bitter and acri l. Thoughnarcotic, they have been used principutly srom their divi otio power in the treatinent os dropsy, under the forni of the -- pressed juice inspissated. The dose of this is 5 0r Id gratis, hicli is .gradualty increased to 1 or drachnis in tu onsy-sour liotius. Ny the German practitioners, by Whom pulticipalty this plant has been recommended, it has also hecti usodas a remedy in palpitation os the heari, and in intermittent


THE flowers of this plant have a sineti cliintly foetid, and

n penetrating bitter laste; both taste and smeli are extracted by maceration in Water. In their action on the system,ihela direct stimulating power is very apparent along withtheir narcotic action; they increase the force of the vascular System, and appear to commimicate tone to the muscidarfibre. In a larger dose, they produce vomiting and pu juras elimes sollowed by muscular patiaS, Vertigo, and convulsions. They have been used in alnam OSila, paralysiS, Cou- vulsive disorders, Mut, and rheumatism. The dose is 5 gratans in substance dried, or haln drachm in insuSion. The root of amica is aromatic and tonio, and has been med as a substitute ser Peruviav bain



THE leaves of this stirub are destitute of smeli, but havΘa bitter, rough and subacrid iuste, Whicli they communicate to water by .infusion or decoction. They are stimulating and

narcotic, and occasion in a smali dose increased vascular ac

tion ; in a large dose intoxication and delirium. They havubeen empi ed principalty in chronio rheumatism and goiit,illeir application in the formor disca se haring been derived fromthe practice of the natives of Siberia. Their power is salii to


'H1s plant is culti ted in En and, iis Strobiles heing used lo give bitterness to ferinented mali liquors. They are pic ed off when ripe, and are dried by artificiat heat. They

very bitter, With Some astringeticy ; these rue extra ted by wator infusion ; by ducoction the aromatic flavo is tost: by distillation Ruth water, a portion of cssentiat est is obtalaed. Η , al0ng With iis bittomess, has a nareotic powex ; of this the popular reme ly, Sometimes successsul, of a pillow of hopsto procure siue, in the delirium os sever and in maniae, is in proos. It accordingly, when given internalty iu a fuli dose, reduces the si equency of the pulse, and procures fleep. Ithas been employed as an anodyne, principassy in rheumatismand in the paroxysm of gotat, either in substance, in the dose of three gratiis, or under the form os infusion Or tincture, the lalter being sven in the dose of Doni half a drachm to ae

an application to pa insul tumοurs. It has no v a place in the London Pharmacopoeia, aud osticinat preparations of it stre

THE Lernet os the fruit is the pari os this plant that is


IM3Werfully narcotic; iis taste is intensely bitter; it has liti leor no sineli, and is so hard that it cannot be reduced intopo dex by beating, hut requires to be filed do n. Ds naria cotic operation is ivoli exempli fita in the offecis it produces

When given as a polson to dogs and Other animais. It Occ Sions extreme anxiety, paralysis of the hinder extremities,C0nvωμο , and death ; and on dissection, no marks of inflammation, or locul affection, are to be discovered in tho

As a narcotic, it has been recommended in mania, opilepsy, and hysteria, hut it has scarcely been emplayed. D has en given in dyseutery and intermittent severi in a dose of 5 gratias twice day ; hut the use of it is so harai dous, that , it has not been est lislied in practice, nor received into the

- THE leaves of this plant have an odour Alightly fragrant ; heir ta te is extremoly bittor. They possess a hi ly nam Cotic quali , whicli is extracted by infusion in alk0hol or vater, and is eveu bronglit over by distillation ; tho distilled mater is narcotic, and a smali quantity of essentiat Oil may likewise be procures, possessed of the gaine proporty. The very singular saci has been est lished, that thέ volatile princise in Whicli the narcotic quality of this plant resides is the pruSSic Mid. It liud osten hoen observed, that the Odo of this acid is similar to that of the chero laurei, pinchblossona, and bitter almond. Bolin sotvid, that the distilled vater of the bitter almund contains prussic acid. Schro erdiscoverod it in the distilled water of the perech blossoni anil


thom stoin the aikali; and Buchola succceded in separatingilio pruspic acid Doni the essenties Oil of the chero lauret byagitation ivitii an aikaline solution. This . acid in iis pin estate has been furthor und tο be hi j narcotic; and thenarcotio power of est these planis no doubi depenci on it. Thoy afford a curious example of the existence in the veget te Lingdom, of a substance which had belare been Pegata-ed as a produci onb os in artificiat process, and whicli, form-ed by the decomposition os animal substances, resembles stem in chemicat constitution ; and the volatilily os this acidoot less expiatas the singular fact of a hio degree of narcotic potver belonging to a distilled water of planis, or an essentiat od.

The distilled water of the cherey laurei has long been knownas a polson ; it speedily kilis smali animais, and iis effecis arothose of a p e narcotic. The noxious operation of the plantis also somelimes displayed in the effecis of those spirituouscordials to whicli it has been added to communicate flavom . It has not been o Ioed in medicine, but a cataplasm pr paria Dom the leaves has been used as an anodyne application to patulat tmors and ulcera.



IT is not easy to assim precisely the differetices in Lind of

action belween Narcotics and what are named Antispasmodios. The essecis they produce axe similar ; they are capilleos exciting the actions of the System, and they are ostin equesty powexsul in alia ing pain and inordinate muscular action. But antispasmodics do not in generat produco that state os insensibility and diministed powey whicli solio us the application of narcotics. This might be supposed o ving. to a mero differetice in strensii ; yet there seenas also to besomething sarther than this, since anti asmodios produce nosuch effect in any dose, and since, although they are so much inscrior to narcotics in this respeci, they are equassy poWe fui in repressing inordinate and irregular muscular action. The disseretice has been explained on the supposition, thatas stimulanis they have less diffusibility and greater durability of action; or else, iliat willi their stimulant operation, thcy have no direct po ver of diminishing the po vers of the system. Considered under cillier viem, they som an intermediate class hctween Νurcotics, which are so highly diffvsible, and Tontcs, Whicli are much more permanent in theid stimulant operation ; and cxperience Stic S, that they par-tre f the properties Vs both ; severat narcotius and toni s


Froin the naine given to this class, their medicinal applications may bo understood. Spasin consiSis in irregular muscular contraction ; somelimes the contractim is permanent; , at ollier times it alternates With relaxation, but even thenboth are persermed more quickly, and the contractionS are

more powersul and permanent than naturai. Many digeases depend on SpaSmodie action, and others are accompunied withassections of this Lind. The medicines whicli obviate audaeemove such a State are termed Antispa modics. Spasm may originate Dona various causes. One of theniost frequent is a strong irritation, continuatly applied, suchas dentition, Wornis, or the presence of any foreim substance ouniis, tho effect of this irritation being extended moreor lega to the nervous System, or to the Voluntary muScies. In Such Cases, narcotios must prove useful by diminishing h- vitabili ty and sensibility. Soinetimes spasm appe S to ariSe om mere debility, and the obvious means os removing thisis by the use of tonios. Loth narcoties aud tonics, therelare, are OccaSionalty usesul as antispasmodics ; such, lar ex- ample, as optum and ether belonging to the one, and Zino, mercii , and Peruvian hark to the other; and these are ac- cordiu γ in common practice regis led as belonging to this class. Lut there are farthor severat substances Malch can-u0t be with propriety referred to either of these divisions, S muSk, Castor, aSSascetida, galbanima, Valerian ; they axe in Sonae mensure intei inediate; and it is to these that thenanae of Antispasmodics is more exclusiveb appropria C. FHW generat observations can bo madu on this ClaSS Os ine-dicules. As thela cneci is not very pormauent, they require



to be given during the paroxysm of the spasmodic disorderior a stiori time besore iis approach. FOr ille Same xeuSon, the dose requires to bo frequently repeated. Those, hoWever, which belong to the class of tonics, requite an Opposite mode of admimstintion; thoir beneficiat effecis heingobta ed only srom theu, continued use. Some of those more strictly antispasmodios, stimulate tho generat system, andrender the pulse more frequent; but in generat they can- Scarcely be regat ded as medicines of much potver, and evenin removing spasmodio affection, are inferior to sonae of theugrcotics, particulat ly to sulphuric ether, Ox OPium.