A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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분류: 미분류


AcETUM. Vinegar. Acidum A ceticum Dilutum. VINEGAR is a weala acid, formed by that species of seramentation whicli succeeds to the vinous fermentation, Whentho serinented liquor is submittod to the due degrce of tomperature. The temperature Whicli is most savcurabio, is belween 60ς and 70R ; the presence of a portion of the yeast formed during the vinous fermentation p10moteS the proceSA, and the air must not be excluded. The spiritous savour audpungency, and intoxicating qualio of the fermentcd liquoi , are tost, and it hecomes more oraess Sour. While this state os fermentation, denominated the Acetous, procoeds, theoxygen of the air is absorbed ; according to the experimenta os Saussure, carbonio acid is also formod ; and the formationos the acid appears therei ore io bu oming to these chetui gesos composition in tho principies peculiis to the vinous ser-mcnted liquor. The produci differs according to tho Lindos formentud liquor front whicli it has Men obtained. In


more grates ul. It is obtained of inferior quality, both withregard to purity and Strength, Doni sermonicit mali liquors, or Dom a solution os fugar, tu whicli fermentation is excited by ye t. Vinegar when fully sermented is limpid, of a yelloivisti colour, has in odour whicli is agree te and somewhat pungent, and a four iaste. The acid existing in it is very largelydiluted with water, and there are also present portions os gluten, naucllage, and extractive matter, and frequently malica ad tartario acids. The presence of the vegetabio glutenrenders it peculiarly liable to that Lind of decompositionwhenoe it hecomes mouldy on the surtace; and lience therationale os the process by Whicli this may be countem ted, fiud vinogar preservea ,-that os bulling it gently for a seis minutes, he gluten being Separated by coagulation. It is Deed froin iis impurities by distillation, the processsor hicli has a place in the pharmacopoeias. The distilled

vinegar is colourless, but iis odour is tess gratesul than thatos common vinegar. It is however purer, and is not liableto spontaneous decomposition ; heuce it is preferable for the proparation os medicat ed vinegat)s, and for other purposes in pharmaCy. The acid whicli is the basis of vin egar, the Acotio as itis named, cari be obtriine i in a concentra ted state by various methods, principuJly by the decomposition of iis saline com hinations ; and processes of this kind are now received into the pharmacopoeias. As obtained Dom ille metallic acetatos

by heat, it is extrem cly Strong and pungent ; and at oneri me, tho acid thus procured was supposuit to differ in composition frona that obta ined by other methods, and was distinguisbed by the appellatiun os Acciic, nihilo the other Was


named Acetous Acid. It has been established, howeveri that they differ only in the dogree os concentration, and thenaine Acetio is applied to the acid in ali iis states. When concentraled it is hioly odorous and pungent, aud is used principalty as a stimulating perfume. Common vinegar is Sometimes employed as a refrigerant in febrile affections, heing added to any common diluent. It is also much celebrated as in antidote to the vegetable narCOtios, being s vallowed in large drauctis. Externalty, it is used as an application to burns, and as a discutient. Iisodour is gratelai 'hen it is sprintaed on the fioor of the chamber of the sich in typhoid severs, though it is not possessed of the virtve whicli has been ascribed to it, of neutraliZing noxious Or contagious effluvia. In pharmacy, distilled vinegis is employed as the solvent of the active matter

FRoΜ the excess of acid whicli this sali contains, it possesses the viriues of a reflagerant. A solution os it in a large quantity of water, Sweetes ed with fugar, and receiving fia-vour Dom the infusion os a Sinali quantity of tho iund of lemon, fornas a cooling heverage, used in flabrile assections, and recommended, especialty in hospital practice, by iis cheapness. Iis only disadvantage is iis heing liable to prove purgative. ΝΙΤRAS POΤASSIE. Nitrate of Potasti. Nitre Page 3D.)THIs sali impresses a sense of coolness in the mouth, and when tinen in sinali doses frequently iopeated, appeaxS io


REFRIGERANΤS. have the effect os reducing the larce of the circulation. Itis hince somelimes used as a refrigerant in inflammato dis- eas , particularly in acute rheumatism, and in haemoptysis. Ιt is seven in a dose of Dom 5 to 15 grains repeated every four or sive hours. When given in larger doses, it occasions nausea, and pala of the stomach. It is osten used as a refrigerant, under the forna of gar e, in the different species of cynanche, one drachm heing dissolved in sta or eighto ces of water: or the nitre troches a re allowed in dissolveslowly in the mouth. D. Prep. Troch. Nitr. Pot. EL

soda being Mightly in excess ; it is brought Dom Thibet whore it is found in a native state, being dug Dona a line iuwhicli it is spontaneousty deposited. It is impure, but is purified in Europe by crystallization, and is usualty in thesorin os crystalline masses of no regulis figure ; iis i te is coul; it is solubie in eighteen paris of cold, and sis of hos

Lorax is not used internalty iu modern practice, nox domit appear to possess any activity. Iis solution is in common HSC RS a Cooling gargie, to relieve the sense of heat in themouth whicli attends salivation ; and mixed with an equalpari os fugar, it is used in the forni os powder to remove the aphthous crust froni theton e in childron. Mixed withhoney, it fornas an ossicinat preparation in the London Pha macopoeiu, applied to the Samo purp0Se. Obsic. Prop.-Mel. Boracis. Lond.


TAgsE aro remedies whicli obviate acidity in the stomach, by combining with the acid id neutraliZing it. The sub stanCes most powerfui in exerting this tand of action, and whicli can be emploed, are the aikalis, and among the eartiis magnesia and lime. They are ali used both in their pii estate and in that os carbonate, the carbonic acid being easilydisongaged by the acid in the stomach, and the base theresere exerting iis neutraliZing power. They can be regavded onbas palliatives, the production of the acid being to be preventia ed by the administration os remedies capable of restoring thetone of the stomach. They are empl0yed in dyspepsia, and . in diarrhoea arising froni acidity. Tlie principat distinctionamong them is, that some, Such as magnesia, forin with thoacid in the stomach a sali having a purgative effeci; others, as lime, a sest apparently iuext.


Tuis athali, the chemicat characters of Which have beeuiaready noticed, is oblataed hom the incineration of the wooh paris of vegetabies. The ashes a re lixivialed, and by evaporation the saline matter, consisting chiessy of Sub-ca bonate os potasti, is procured. This forms the potasti orcommerce ; it is purified by a second solution in water and evaporation ; and to procure the aikali, Iime is added to tho solution of this Sub-carbonate : the whole is put upon a filire, so that the allaesine solution may pass Alowly throtiis themass of lime ; the carbonio acid is abstracted by the lime, and the potasti passes through in solution, sussiciently pure DP any medicinal application. This solution Aq. Potassae is somelimes employed to a clieve the symptonas Dona aciditriwhere the generation os acid is constant und abluadant, heinggiven in a d0so of 15 drops dilutod in ivator. Iis acrimony


nate is occasionalty employod in solution, and the crystalliZed neutral carbonate, bcing more mild, has been introducedas a substitute, and has a placo in the London Pharmacopoeia. It is stili more frequently used as an antacid, under the form of the super-carbonato, Aq. Super-carbonatiS PO-taSSAE), prepared according to a formula inserted in the Edilaburgh Pharmacopoeia, in whicli an Ounce of Sub-Carbo- nate of potasti is dissolved in ton pounds of water, and thisis combined under a moderate pressure, With an EXCESS Oie bonio acid. By this imprognation, the acrid aikaline

Tho liquor is tinen as an antacid, in the dose of hali a pound occaesionalty ; and proves usesul in relieving the Symptotus connected with acidity in the stomach, not only by the chemicat agency of the athali, hut also by the gratestes stimu

Titis eskali is obtained in the state os carbonate, Dom thesaline matter, formed in the combustion os marine vegetabies, the barilla os commerce. In iis pure state it is not employ-ed in medicine; the crystalligod sub-carbonate is used as alithontriptic, and as an antacid, in a dose of ten or fifteen gratias dissolved tu water: the crystalliped neutral Carbo- nate, whicli has a place in the London Pharmacopoeia, is more mild and gratesul, and may therelare be proferred. Supersaturaled with carbonio acid, under the sorm of the super- carbouated Soda water, it is stili more gratesul, and is an an-tacid in common use. It is prepared in the Same manner aSthe super-carbonate of potasti, the proportions being so ad-justed, that the allaesine strength of cach solution is noaxlythe sanie. It is thexesore talien in the fame dose, and is


usualty preseri ed to the super-Carbonate os potaSh ivatur, asbcing supposcit to be moro milit. AMMONIA. Ammonia. Puge 319.)THE solution os ammonia in Hater Aq. Ammoniae) is Sometimes used as an anta id, aud it has been recommended by Dr Sinas as superior to the ollior allantis in relieving ca dialgia, and other symptonas froni acidi ty : So much so, that he has been led to supposo that these Symptonas frequentlyariSe, not froin the liquid contents of the stomach being acid, but frona an elastic fluid, having a degree of acidity, on Whichthe ammonia froni iis volatilily more readij acis. Froni 20to 30 drops of the solutiou aro gi ven in a cupiat Of water. The solution of the carbonate of ammonia is also used inae dose of half a drachm; and the aromatic ammonialed al-Lohol sornas a stili more gratesul auia id and stimulant.

occasional ly used as an antacid, in a dose of Dur or Six OUnces. It Operates, not oesy chemicat ly, neutraliZing the acid, but by iis astringent and tonio power contributes toxestore the tone of tho stomach. It is also employed under the forna of carbonate of lime, of whicli there are twO V rioties in use : the ono named by the Edinburgii College Car- honus Calcis Mollior, the other, Carbonas Calcis Durior.

CARBONAS CAI cIS MOLLIOR. Creta Alba. mitte Challa. ΤΗΙs is a carbonato of limo found abundantly in nature, Dearly pure, or containing only minute 'it uilities of othex


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earilis. It is sost anil earthy, of a White colour. II rom thegrosser impurities With whicli it is mixod, it is Reed by levigation and washing, and is thon numed Propared Chath, Creta Praeparata). This is an antacid in very commouuse. As the compound it fornas i th the acid in tho stomachlias no pii gative quality, but appears to he quite inert, it is the antacid commonly employed to checla diari hora from aci-dity. Ιt is givon in a dose of I or 2 drachms, with the addition of a smali quantity o omnic. The challa miX-tr an F ture of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia affords a very good sorm for administering it.

Is the head and stomach of the rivor Crau sisti, Cancerasta cus), ure found concretions, Consisting principalty of ca

bona te of lime, with a litile phosphato os lime and animal gelatin. They are propared by levigation, and washing Withri ater, and are named Lapilli Cancrorum praeparati, soranei lyOculi Cancrorum praeparati. The tips of the claws of tho Common Seu -Crab cancer pagurus) are similar in composition, and axe prepared in the fame manner. They are named Chelze Cancrorum praeparatae. Loth are medicinalty emplo -ed as carbonatos os lime, and bding prepared with more care,are in generat sinoother, and more casily dissu sed in v ater than the common prepured challi, iliough there is reason tobelicuo, that as met With in ille si ops, thoy are merely chalia ivith: a litile gelatin.


MAGNEs1A is usualty obtained in the State os carbonate, by decomposing iis sulphate or muriate by an aikaline carbonate ; and Dom this, again, the magnesia is obtained in apiare state, by expelling the carbonio acid by the applicationos heat. In Elther state it is used as an anta id : the carbonate has the inconvenience, where largo quantities of it require to be tinen, os occasioning salutenco hom the dis-engagement of iis cahbonic acid, and this leniis to the preferen ce of the pure magnesia. It is seven in a dose of a scruplo or hali a drachm. The salt whicli magnesia serius with the acid in the stomach proves stightly purgative ; and this is the oesy reason ser distinction in practice belween this e th and the carbonate of lime ; the one heing used wheredi rhoea accompanies acidity, the Other Where a laxative effect is wished to bo obtained. To obviate the flatuleuce