A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

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Giload. Octanti. ATHis balsam is oblati of tho trunti of the tre

a yello v colour and thibitier ; and iis savour Shops, under the namejuice having none of ili duce of a disserent plant in is os turpentine. The modicinal viiii have been very hi lyaggeration. Even thecui ed by decoction, is used in European pracmilar to iliose of the hmixture os saw-dust, and Sometimes of earthy matter. It is Dub.


SIALAGOGUES are those medicines Whicli increase the sali' uao discliarge. This may be effected either by the mastication of substances, whicli, by their acrimony aud pungen cy, excite tho action of the vesseis whicli secrete the saliva, orby the internat exhibition of certain medicines. of the lat ter, merculo is the only Stalagogue ; and Such is the certain-ty of this operation of it, that ali iis preparations, ut hen administered in certain quantities, produce salivation to a greater

on the System. The acrid Stalagogues, whicli are applied locassy, by increusing the secretion os saliva, and by thela pungency, Sometimes relieve the pala of toothach ; they have been supposed useful, by the derivation they occasion, insonte tandes of headach; and theix pungency has been sup-pOSed to operate With some abantage in paralysis of thetongue, or of the muscies concernia in deglutition.



HYDRARGYRUS. Quicksilver. Page 194.)No satisfactoo explanation has been given of the peculiari Whicli mercu , under every forin os preparation, hasos exciting the secretion of the saliva. Some have remarhed, that in consequence of the gravio of this metal, by Whicli, when received into the circulation, it is disposed to retain the direct line in whicli it is propelled froni the beari, it is more certainly determiuod to the vesseis of the head V a solution of tho dissiculty whicli is altogether absurd. It has like vise been supposed to act by lessening the consiStence of the blood, and disposing it to pass more casib into the Sali-

equalty gratuitous and imperfeci. Dr Culleia eiidcavoured to


solve the problem, by supposing that mercui has M a particular disposition to unite ivitii ammoniacat salis, and that Such salts are disposed to pass Osr by the salivary glandS more copiousty than by any other excretion.'' But mercury haes

are not more abundant in the saliva, than in sume other Secretions. Is unother hypothesis might bo huzarded, the sollo ving perhaps may afford sume explanation os illis singular Propertf. The urine appears more peculiatly designed tocon mattex whicli has been received lato the circulatingiuasS, but Whicli is excrementitio us, fioin the syStem. TOpass with this fiuid, it is necessary that the mattor Conveyed

should be dissolved ; and when it is so, we caii disco ver it in the secretion by chemicat tests. If there is any propertyconnected with it Which shali prevent this solution, this pro-b ly will prevent iis Secretion. Now, the phosphoric acid, whicli is abundant in urine, must in this mode counieraci thesecretion Os mercu in any forna of preparation, by formingwith it a compound insolubie, and to whicli the stight exceSSof acid cannot communicate solubility. T he mereury, there- fore, when brought, in the coui se of the circulation, to the secreting vessuis of the kidneys, will not pass through theirwhole co se, but is conveycd so sar as to be combined Withphosphoric acid, will, froni this combination, he incapille of being conveyed onu ards, but ivili be retained in the composition os that part of the blood whicli docs not enter into the secretion, and return into the circulation. It must bedischarged by Some other oniunctory : a portion os it appeni sto pass 0ss by the uisensibio perspiration; hiat the tenuity ofiliis secretion, is the term may be empi ed, must be tuas a-vourable to this modo os discliaige. The saliva secretionis onu by whicli it may be more eastly transmitted ; and this transmission inny ex eu be facilitas ed by the assinity o xci ted


to the ovide os mercury by the muriatic acid, the soda, and ummonia, V hicli are ille clites saline ingredionis in saliva; sor it deservos to bo rem Ecd, that triple compo uiads of these

Cury, a re to a Certain eXtent Solubie in Water. Is the moracu is thus secreted, it will of course stimulate the secret- ing vessela through Whicli it passes, and increase the salivat discliarge. The incrcaso in this discli arge; essected by mercury, is attended with pain and a sense of heat in the mouili, with SOft-ness and sivelling of the gums, or even stight ulceration; s6metimes with a considerable degree os gwelling, extendingover the ilaroat alid face. These effecis, When CeSSive, arebest checked by the use of opium, of pu gatives, of a hiister applied to the throni, and , as Mr Peargon has recommended, Dee expostare to a Cool dry air. Frona theory, the administration of Sulphur, or sulphuret os potasti, has been recommended.


impressos at sirst a sense Of gweetistinuss, hut sonia aster ardAos great acrimonyon the longiae; and applied moist to the stilia, it in flames or excoriates it. In digesting it with ali hol, or vitii Hater, and evaporating either solution, an eX1racti is obta ed tess norid than the root itself, the vapour Conden ed has not much acrimo , and lience the principio in whichthis lai Operly resides appears to he One very ea Sily dccompos- ed. Uy mea ely waslimg the root, too, the acrid mattor is removed, and a milii secula is obtained. Arum resemblus pellito , and may be applied to the sanae purpoges, but iis pungency iS unpleaSant. Internalty, it has Sometimes beenused as a simulaui in pals and Hieumatism. COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA. Raphanus Rusticanus. Hors radisti. Tetrai n. Siti c. Siti quo P. Radii. Indi enotis. ΓΗΕ root of iliis plant, When recent, has a penetratingiaste, with a degree of sweetness. It excites, when chewed, a sense of heat, and a discliarge of saliva. Iis pungen resides in an essenti ut Oil, and is tost by dry g. Water aud

cured, pungent anil acrid. HorsΡ-1 ad isti is a stimulant, Which, as a stalagogiae, hasbeen used tu paralysis of the longue. It has also been used internalty in paralysis and Plieumati Sin as a stimulating diu-phoretic, iii aSilimn tis an expectorant, and in dropsy ius a litareti c. Jis dosi, is abolit a dractim of the recent .root cut



suid. They ali operate by direct application, and generalty

in consequence of a Stightly acrid quasi . Any substance iusne powder snumed up the nostriis has this effect in a ceriain desiice ; hut it is, as is to be eXpected, more Coptous as the substance is more acrid or Stimulating. Tl e dis hargo, asproduced by different evrhines, Varies in extent, and in thetimo during whicli it continues. Some HSO OCCaSion a senseos heat, or even inflanae the membrane to whicli they a re apta plied, while others have no such effecis. It is evident, that the effecis of this Olass of remedies must be very limited, as applied to the treatinent of dise e. By the evacuation they occasion, it has hecu supposed that

ther diministi the quantity of suid circulating in tho neigh-

bournig vesseis ; heiace they have been inseri ed to be usos ut in rheumatic affections of the muScies of these paris, anil intoothach. It has even beon suppoSed, that their effecis may extend to est the branches of the externat carotid, and DrCullen mentions, that he has, apparently Dona this operation, known hea lach, patia of the ear, and Some cases of ophthal mia, cured or velle 'ed by the use of errhines. He has like wise supposed, that they may have been Os use in proventia
