장음표시 사용
Fo. Prep.-P. Assar. Europ. C. Ed. Dub . VERATRUM ALBUM. Helleborus Albus. Whito Hellebore. Polygam . Monoec. Titi acet P. Muth re Europe. ΤΗΕ root of this plant has a strong disanee te smellulen Desii, wllicli is tost by d ing, and an acrid iaste whichis retained. Snussed up tho nostriis in very smali quantity, it excites violent sileeZing, with a Sense of heat, and a copious discliarge of thin mucus. It is there re sonaetimesuSed as a sternutato , mixed with sonae of the militer and more fragrant collines. Tinen internalty, in the dose os a
be obtained by exudation froni incisions in the branches of the plant producing ii, whicli is a native of disserent coun- tries of Africa : it is usualty imported froni Barba . It is in smali mund fragmenis, haring scarcely any smeli, but a
very acrimonious tas te. Iis operation as a Mastic purgative is so violent, that it is never sven inteaenalty. laspouder is the most violent of est the errhines, Vccasioning φcopious discharge of mucus, rasith a sense of heat, and Som limes haemorrhage or inflammation. Ηence it is scarcely everemptoyed. Externalty it is used as a rubefacient or vesti
principie, and produco. Similar cffecis, differing only in de- mee. They may there re be considered as subdivisions of
Tho term Epispastio has been applied io Whatever application has the power of producing a Serous or pruriform dig-charge, by exciting a previous state os inflammation Or Suppuration. The term includes biisters, issues, and setons ; butit is more commonly restricted to the si si os these, and itis this whicli chlesy salis undex the depistinent of Materia Modi Cn. Elis ters are those externat applications which by their acrimony excite inflammation On the Skin, and whicli, occasioning a thin seruus suid to he potired froin the exhalenis, separate the cuticle froni the truo Shin, and sorin the appea ance of a vesicle or blister. Tho mode in Whicli they produce this effect is sussiciently evident ; it is to bo res creed to the stimulating pora ex os the Substances applicd, whicli exciting incrcased action in ille extremo blood-vesself, inducos inflammation, and causes ibo potiring out of the scrotas suid with whicli the vesicle is silc l. Ilonco may bo deduced tho primary cffocis of these applications ori the general system. By the lucroased aC-
tion they excite, and ille pain they occasion, they aci asStimulanis, and they may also aci, it has been Supposed, as evacuantes, by the quantity of suid whicli they cause to ho
There can he litile disputo by whicli of these modes os operation blisters are used with ad vantage in the treatinentos discases. The quantity of suid discliarged is so inconsiderabie, while the relies obta ined is osten so sudden and complete, that it would be assigning a very tua loquate Caia Seser Aheir effecis, is V e should ascribe these to any evacuat-ing pD 'Cr. Somo have imagined that the substance of cantharides, whicli sorins the hasis of the common bl istoring applications, is absorbed in part by the inflamed sui face, and 1liat it is to the peculiar action of this acrid inatter stimulating the system, that many of the essecis of blisters are o ving. Buti here is no proos, nor in deed any rea Son to holieve, that thisubso1 ption is uni rin or frequent; the Same esse is are ob ta ed from blistering applications in to tho composition ofwhicli cantharides do not enter, While they are not Oh-tained froin the internat administration os cantharidos. Tlio effecis of blisters are theres ore to be ascribed to the patii
and inflammation they excito in the part to Malch they a re applied, and the stimulus whicli is thetice propagated to ilie
It is a principio with regarii to the living body, demonstra ted by many facis, that whoro a morbid action exigis, it may be osten removed by inducing a different action, evenos a morbid Linii, in the fame pari, or in paris as contiguouSto ii as possibie; and where tho morbid action extentis to the whole system, it may bo removed by one of a disserent kind being excited either generally, or in any partices ax part6s the both.
ali cases of inflammation and of Spasmodio constriction; a nexu inflammation heing excited by the blistor whicli occasions derivation of action: Hence, too, the' advantage obia nod is menter When the bl ister is applied as near as pOS-Sile to the part affected. This principio regulates the application of blisters in pneumonia, hepatitis, phrenitis, angiana, ophthalmia, rheumatism, and every other case of active inflammation. In these affections, blistors are used with very evident ad vant age; the locat inflammation hicli is excited more than colanterbalancing, by this operation, the Stumulant effecis at ille Same time prodi ed.
Λ similar principie exisis usilli respect to the pain excited by blisters, which may be applied to ille explanation of the advantages derived froni them in other dise es. It has long
and lience blistem afford relies in toothach, and other painsulassections. Epilepsy and hysteria arising hom iuitation have been removed by blisters ; apparently hom their excit-ing patia, enga ging the attention, and diminishing the sensibulity to the morbid irritation. ,
Lastly, blistem exert a stimulant operation on the generat System, and ratSe the vigour of the circulation. Hence thola
utility in fovers of the typhoid tand, where extremo debilityprevatis. Frona the e peculiar operation tuo, they are theon ly remedy that cun be used to obviate the locat inflammation of the brain, or other paris, that Sometimes exigis in seia vers of this kiud, as they contribute to resolve it without reducing the strength of the system. It is also frum illeir stimulating po ver, and perhaps smin exciting pain, that blisters are of adunaatage in apopleu and paralysis.
blisters ; they excite patii aud inflammation, but Oiij in nutu serior degree p the flatu mereb is inflamed, and no vesicleraised so that any fluid shali be discliarged. By these effecisthey more peculiarly Obvia te locat instamination. They aroused, there re, sor the Same purpOSes.
RUBEFACIENT Sceratiori u hicli sonaetimes sollows the application os oti cruci id substances that have been USed sor ille Same purp e. I lio cantharides in powdor is mixed with lard and wax, soas to sorm a plaster of a proper consistenCe, Whicli is ap
cipat circumstance Whicli requires cuinion in the applicationos the cantharides plaster, is that determination os actionto tho necti of the bladder udaich gives visa io Strangu . This is more peculiarly liable to occur u iere the system is uncommonly irritabie, Where the blister is large, or ivliere it is applied. to a newly abraded Suriace, as to the head Y cently shaved; and as it is a very patulat affection, not eas lyremo 'ed, Cave ought to be tinen to guard against it. Camplior has been sonieti mos ad ded to the blistering plaster, xviththo vicw of obvia ting this. Lut it is do ubii ut is it has a Such effeci: the plentiful use of diluents, while the blister is applied, provenis it much more certa iiij; and it is always proper i 'heia a blister is applied, especialty is lume, or in in- summatory discuses, to Order the patient to Ilula siseely os any mi id diluent liquor. Where the strangury does occurfroiii tho application os a blister, it is best relie 'ed by anenema Os topid water, With a sitile expressed od, and 30 or40 drops of tincture of opium, and by the use of the M arm
I ii Some discases, as hi apoploxy, it is of importanco to hecortuiti of the Operation of an 'epispastic, and to have iis ensect producod in a stiori time. To attain these, a Compound
plaster is ordored by the Edilaburgii College, Eataplast. Ite-I0es Vesicat. Comp. in ivllicli the stimulating po ver of the cantharides is increased by the additi0n of other acrid su
stances, burgundy pitch, turpentine, Verdigro SP, mustard, and pepper. In the application of this stili more cautionis necessary to mavd against the occuuence of Strangur . Aster a blister has been raised, it is osten os advantage toconvert the serous discliarge into one os a purulent nature,
by exciting suppuration, or to forin What is termed an Issue :this can eastly be essected by the application of any acrid Stimulating oiniment; one composed of wax and oti, with agmali proportion os cantharides, is commonly used for this purpose, as by the irritation it cxcites, it Eceps up the inflammation, and at lengili produces suppuration. Any so-xeim hody retained on the inflamed part answers the Same purpose. What are nam ed Orange Peas, the smali uni ipe fruit of the orange, polished, are usualty empl0Jed, as bytheir odour they cover the foetor os the discli arge. One orthese is retained on tho blistered part by a.slip of adhesive plaster, and by the irritation it occasions, Leeps up a conStant
discli arge. A seton, or cord , introduced by a neeille, an-SWei S the sanae pii Ose. hen a puris orna discliarge isthus establislied in a pari, considerable effecis arise hom themorbid action Whicli it continuos, and the evacuation it OC-casions. It is a practice osten employed with advantage in asthina, paralysis, and a number of chronic affections.
i evers, Wheru there is extremo debility, or determination to the heud. It is used in the samo mannex in comat0Se asseC-tions ; the application os it in cither case heing continued
RUBEFACIENTS lar an hour or two. It Soon excites a sense os patia, and is
applied long produces inflammation. Ossio. Prop. Catap. Sin eos. Lond. Dub. ALLIUM. Garlic. See p. 4l4.)-The bruised root os ibis plant, applied to the soles of the Dei, produces offecissimilar to those of the sinapium, and is used DP the fame puri pose. It is tess powcrful, and iis od0ur is ungratesul.
THIS resinous substance, Uready ConSidered as an errhine, is a powerfui vesicatory. It enters in to the epispastic compositions of the sarrier, and might be empl0yed, mi xed withother epispastios, when it is of importanco to obtain theelsecis of a blister in their fuit extent, speedily and with cc lainty. As a rubefacient, it has the advantage Over Cantharides, that froni iis fusibility, it can be diffuded uniformiythrough the resinous matter Whicli forins the composition os plasters, while cantharides can only be mixed in powder. The action os re rubefacient plaster prepared with it is there- fore more eques. I xvolve paris of burgim dy pitch or of Iitharge plastor vitii resin, With one of euphorbium, forms an excellent rubefacioni of this Lind.