A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

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it is lem patulat in iis operation, and the application os it

tum), sormerly known by the nume of Volatile Liniment. A piece of stannel moistonod with this, and applied to the

inin, soon excites superficiat inflammation. It is osten employcd instead os a blistor to tho throat, in angina tonsiliaris, being less painsul, yet frequently effectual. It is also Some- times applied by friction to relieve the patu of rheumatism. O . Prep.-Ol. Ammon. Ed. Dub.



OF REFRIGERANI S. 1 ΗΕ substances arranged by authors on the Materia Medi ca Oder the appellation Os Refrigeranis, have been desinod, Guch medicines as directly diministi the force of the cireulation, and reduce the heat of the both, without occasioniugany diminution os senSibility or nervous energy. The theo dolivered of their operation is uiasatisfacto and obscure; nor are even the facts adduced to estabiisti the existence ossuch a class of remedies altogether precise. It is acknow



temperature os ille body, whicli is the ordinary temperaturoos it in hoalth. V Ho concludes, theresore, that the desinution should apply only to the reduction of the temperaturo Whon it has been morbidly increased; and even in this czi Aetho effect of ilicse medicines is allowed by practical writers

not to be considerabie. It is not necessary to revie v the opinions that have been udvanced on the mode os operation of these substances; theyare in generat absurd and unintelligibie. Dr Cullen, in particular, gives an eXplanation on this subjeci, unded On themost Obscure and hypothetical idcas, and whicli, indeed, it is

scareely possibie to understand. Iis basis, he remarks, is a doctrine dolivored by Νeedham, that there is every where in nature an expansive force and a resisting power ; and that, particularly under a Certain degree of heat, sae expansivo po ver appears in ali the paris of organiZed bodies, in consequence of whicli thoy shew a Singular vegetat ing pGwer; vhile, at the fame tim , in other hodies there is a poWer resisting and preventing tho action of this vegetating power, and ut least os diminishing iis sorce. V This power, it is

added, is found in thoso saline Substances commonly SuppOSedio be refrigeranis ; and as an increase of heat is no other thau an incrcase of the expansive force in the heated paris, it may be undevstood, how resisting po vers may diministinny preternaturat expansive sorce and heat in cur hodies. I ho disco vortes of Modem Chemi Stry furnisti sonae facis,

Which may perhaps bo applied to this subjeci; and indocti itis only to those disco vertes hicli est abiisti the fource of unimal temperature, that we are to look sor an explanation ofilio changos to whicli it is subjeci.

It is establis hod by experiment, that tho consumption of oxygen tu the lungs is materialty iiissuenccd by the nature os tho lucesta receivcd tuto the stomach. When thu sood aud


REFRIGERANTA. lPink are composed os substances whicli contain a sua MI pro portion os oxygen, the consRinption of oxygen is increased, and this even in a Shori time aster the aliment has been re

eoived. Thus MP SPal ling, the celebrat ed divor, observest, that whon he used a diei es animal sood, or drunk spiritοus Ιiquors, he consumod in a much shorier time the oxygen Athe atmosphorio air in his divinPheli; and theres re he hadlea med from experience to confine himself to a vegetablediet, and water for drinh, when soliora ing his professi . During digestion tuo, it was ost ablished by the experiments of Lavolsier and Semini, that a larger proporiton os oxygen

The animal tomperature is derived froni tho consumptionios oxygeu gas by respiration; aud an increuso in that consumption will occasion a grenter evolution Os calorio m the SyStem, and C Sequently an increase os temperatuae in thehody, whilo a diminution in the consumption os oxygen Munhave an opposite offoci. Is, then, When the temperature Ostho hody is morbidly increvsed, we introduce into the si mach substances containing a large proportion of OXygen, eSpecialty in a loose state os combination, we may si Ceed in Teducing the generat temperatur . I liis ive aecomplisti in

part by a Vogetabio diei, hut stili nasi e senectually by the Dee use of acias. The vegetable Mids in particular, whicli is experien e are found to be the best refrigeranis, Me readi lyacted on by the digestive p0wers, and assimilated With tholaint. Anil as the large quantity of oXygen they contain isal ready in a concrete state, litile sensibie heat can bc produced by the combination of that elsement With tho other principies of the laod. Ille nutriticius matter Whicli is received in to the blood, containing thus a largor proportion oroxygen than usual, will bo disposcd to abstivaci less os it homthe air in the lungs, and consequently less caloric Will he



volved. The temperaturo os the body will be reduced, and

this again operating as a reduction os stimulus, Will lessuutho number and force of tho contractions of the heart.

It might be supposed, that any effect of this Lind must hevery triviai; and it actualty is so; sor xve find in practice

that refrigeranis produce no sudden or great change. Theyoperate sto ly, and have litile other offect thau moderatnig the morbidly increased temperature. The whole of theireste is, as Dr Cullen rem ks, are so flowly produced, as notio be very evident to our senses, nor easib subjected to eX- periment, being found onb in consequence Os frequent repetition. This is probably tho action os acids. The other refrige ranis, the neutral salis, perhaps act in a Similar manner; the acid they contuin may yield oxygen, but they are stillless effectual than acidf, and their refrigerant potver is eventu oblematical, excepi in so far as they operate on a principiedisserent Doni that wllicli has been pomtud Out, the po Verthey have of producing in the stomach a.sensation os coid. Is a di aught of cold wator be s vallowed, the sensation Ofcold it produces in the stomach is equivalent to a partial abstraction os stimulus, which bcing extended by sympathy tollio beari, occasions a transient reduction in tho force of tho circulation, and by this, or is a similar sympathetio asscction, Causes a sensation os colit ovor the hody. Nitro is an example perhaps os a refrigerant acting in this mannex. IteXcites a sensation os colit in the stomach even wheu tinendissoluod, and stili moro in tho solid stato ; and this is quickb soliori ed by a reduction in illo number stad force of the

pulsations. Veni e nitre acts iarure suddonly than any of the Other refrigeranis, and is more transient in iis operation. Itmay also, hori eves, Operate in Some degree more permanent- in the qan e mannor us ih 0 vegetable acids; as it is pro-



basilo that nitro, froni the florid colour whichiit givcs toblood, paris with oxygen readily. It is evident that the indication to be fulsi ted in the treatiament of disca se by the use of refrigeranis, is the reduction ofilio morbidly increased temperaturo. Heiace the proprietyos thoir administration. in synocha and other puro instammato discasos, and in typhus laver ; in both of whicli the tem perature of the body is increased, though hom dicterent causes. In inflammato diseases, the circulation being somuch more rapid than usual, a greater quantity of blood issent both through the whole b0dy and through the lungs in agiveu time ; and the usual alterations of the blood taliangplace, i Iae evolution os caloric, whicli is the consequence of these alterations, must be incre ed, and the temperatureraised. In suci, cases, thoe use Os acides, by lessening the disposition of the blood lo consume oXygen in the lungs, maybe usosul in reducing the temperature ; and nitre may be os duantage, as it diminishes the force of the contractions of the hestri; but these means, it is evident, cau have oesy a trivial esseci, compared with iliose direct evacuations bywhich the force of the circulation is tessened. The increased temperature in typhus laver cannot be ascribed to the fame cause, but Soems other Owing to the absorption os the animal solids, whicli, containing comparative-Iy Iitile ovgen, cause tho blo0d to consume more of it in the Iungs. The introduction os acids in to the system, by aD ing this element in a concreto state to that mattei', Will lessenthe consumption os it in respiration, and will of course ino- derate the morbid ly increased temperature. In cither os these fornis os disease, therei ore, refrigeranis may be uscsul,



milation, and of being acted on by the chemicat processes of the living SyStem. The native vegetable actas are laund chiesy in the fruits of vegetabies. The four juico os these fruits consists of the Citrio or Malic Acid, or more frequently of a mixture Aboth, sonaetimes with the addition os tartario acid. Thucitrio acid is that whicli is most largely cmploycd, as it sornis the acid juice of the orange and lemon, the two acid fruits

iu common medicinal use.


Tug juieo os the fruit os the lemon consisis almost entirely of citrio acid, diluted with a portion os saccharine and

mucilaginous or gelatinous matter. As the fruit cannot al-wVS be procured, various methods have been employed topreserve the juice. The most effectuat is to add lo it whennewly expressed a portion of aikohol, and to put it asideuntii the mucilaginous mattor is deposited, then by a moderate heat to evaporate the aikοhol, and preserve the acid in botiles caresully closed. Even as prepared in this method, howevor, the juice is liable to chemicat change. By a disserent process, the citrio acid can be procured pure and in a crystalli ed state. To the expressed lemon juice gently heated, carbonate of lime is added so as to neutraligeit; citrate of lime is sorined, and being insolubie is precipita ted ; it is washod with water to caro osy the extractive and mucilaginous institer, and is then submitted to the actionor sulphuric acid ; whicli, whon digested or boiled on it sora ShOrt time, combinos with the lime, and discngues thecitric acid ; and by evaporation and cooling, this is obtainedin a crystalliZed forni. This process was originalty sven by Schoelo, and it has been received in to the London Pharmacopoeia.


paration Dom ii, whicli is used as a rosei gerant in sever, is What is nainta the Salino Mixture, formod by neutraliZinglemon juico by the addition os a sussicient quantity of Carlκ,-nate of potasti, addiug to this xvator, willi a litue sugis anda sinali portion of any distillod water. of this mixture, a tabi sposuist is tinen Occasionalty ; it is gratesul, but cinnotbe considered as possessed of much po ver, any refrigerant

iis neutraliZatio .

Another forin under Whicli temon juice is used in ses eae, principalty with the view of relieving nausea or Cliochi g VO- ting, is that of the Us vescing Diau t, as it has boeunamed. .A solution os carbonate of potasti, and dilutod lemon juice are minsed together, and while in tho aci os o ferves iace, Hae mixture is su allo Med. The ossica of it is probably dependent on the pungency and stilaudant operatiouos the carbouic acid, hut it affotas a gratesul f in underwhicli this can be administeria. The juice of the lemon, and indeod the citrio acid, as it exigis in any veget te fruit, has beon long known cis neat lyan insallibie remoth in scurvy. Λ theory of iis opetratioti iuremoving this disease has been given, seunded on iis chom cal Vency, and particulis j ou the supposition that it imparis oxygen to the System, Whicli is not without probabilit In sonio fornis of urinary calculus it Issords restes. Lemon juice was Employed as a remeth in syphilis, at thetime nitrio acid received a tristi, aud cases avere given iuwhicli it proved successsul. These aro doubisul, and it has nevo been tablislied in practice. The crystalliZod citrio acta may be supposuit to have et liesanie power as the nati e lemon juice. Thiri ho evor, isso me hat uncertain, especialty with regarii to the treatinent of scui V, ille discase in v bicli the medicinia ossicacy of iliis



cid is most important. It is uiso deprived of the agreeablosavour of tho lemon juico, and is helice even a less gratesul roseigerant in sever. The savour may be communicated toit, howevor, to a cortalia extent, by infusing a littio of therinil of the lemon in the wator in ivllioli it is dissolve l. Itis used medicinalty, principalty in forming the effervos ingdrauit, iis solution being added to the solution os carbona te of potasti. One olance of it, dissolved in a pint of water, is suid, by Dr Powell, to be equul in strength to one pint of