The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


Appendia'. at spursu a conciliating courge, by sho viniistat the Reformers, ho composed hos Articles in the eignis Εdwar VI., and those horevised them unde EliZabeth, were in agroe ment, o ali ille essentiat doctrines, with thesustem o Calvin and the word of God. Having completed the translationis Calx in s Catechism, and casuali opening the cd ol. of the Christian Observer, a WOrkuhichbo solioly appreciate, the extracts iven of owellys Catechism, in that volume,

whicli I ad translate in Calvin s. his


And while the thought are the Same, theworiis in the latin are different Fur Xample, Calvi Says, under ilio. Inth omniand-

ruent, ' vati quod agere coram hominibusninium est, malum est coram Deo etiam velle.'

Nowel, unde the si hi Cirmnian ent, says, nam quod agere hominibus iniquum

est, id etiam velle coram Deo malum St. This is a specimen o numerous inStance os Word transposed and changed, and of Sen-fences transferred, ithou an apparent reaSon ariSing either froin the improvenient

of the latin, o the sentiment of Calvin. q. orie is entiret silent a to the '-ἀers of the Priest-hood, and the eremoni of the Church, excesing Some ver modeSt


tutes o that subjeci asae has also on thedoctrinem originat in On the doctrines of predestination, election, and eprobation, he has at east qualle any thin advancedin Calvin s Catechisin. An in another instanc he has surpasse every thing Sald Ortes to b inferrei in that work, when hestates that se hould have a illingvies tolosρ ur life uni siluit our very fouisor

Vitam denique animamque ip8iam amitamUS, po titia quam Chriatum, OStruinque in illum amorem


See lis of Calvin p. 336, and citas, here Calvingives his approbation to the Homilies, the Apostles

Jished a large in theirst vol. of the Christian Ob-


Appendis. 117


morem gerere, eundemque hunc Catechismum edere exiguo libello quam potest seri


Appendiae. 119

brevissime, ita arciatum, ut arctius fere S tringi non poterit in quo magna parViS. longa brevibus, lata angustis, multa pauciS, permutata reperient; ut quibus lic liber, ut productione longior, non placebit, libellus ille, ut contractione brevior non displiceat. Foruli benesit of thus who remo verSed

prima iustitutio, disciplinaque pietatis Christianin Latine explicuta. Ond. 1570 quarto

translatet into Englisti by Thomas ivortor

Lund 157 1. Q. Catechismus parvis pu- ρι is primum qui eviscatur proponendus in


1e Appendis.

Dum it, si solio ving sentences are selecte land translate i. In his Catechism, I have also given diligetice an care, that the ound integrit Athe latin langu age hould a much a posSi-ble, e very here preserved That urvolath, illi ne and the fame labour, might be able to learn piet and latinityriogoth et . For hicli purp0se, I have transplante mandinsertod in his Catechisin the mos select

dens of IcERO, maxime ex Ciceronis hortulis distinguishing and illuminating tho dis-

tained in tho Creed of the postles, the


Appendiati ei prope to relate in his placo stat Linight

rnio compla in illa Ll, ad dolivered in hi

Catechisin the sum things, an also amythings in the sanie oriter, in hic they have been be fore ritten atriam by sum othea's Thi acknowled gement of Jr. owell, sola ascit gues, is eli; ut it a b asked, dii nos the sage of autitur require hina, Onam the writers or credit the works Domwhicli e so Deely transcribod Theodoro Begn, in a simila casc, and aliout ille Same period, a Ver explicit. In his episti tollis aged instructor, Melchior Colmar, prefixed to his elaborate confession os Falth, With scripture prouis, he candidi aeknowledged his obligation to Calvin. Thesethings,Vie says, I conses have been ellillustraled by ther in this age, and princi


IM Appen diis. also sanctioned by the Queen ci unctions it Was ens0rcedis the public Catechism ofilio Chureli.

The omissionis the Convocation, or of the Bishops, to mention Calvin by name, a v xvriter frum hum the had ahen manuthings, of tself was ouhites a that time amatter o litile momoni and mus have been su considered by Calvin and his frientis. And the onquir into the reason oscit, at this time, e comes expedient, meret fromtiae circumstance, that numerou WriterS

and amon them sontem ita dignitaries of the Church, have laboured to prove that he Englisl Reformers ere iustile toWard SCalvin and that thei confessionis Fatili, and lite Catechism in question, ere oppoSed totis theologica works an opinionS. Thatis suci opposition existud, ut iliat an entire harmon prevalled belueen thoge Venet able Reformers, and that pre-eminent minister o Christ, is bey0nil question Vin- csed rom the Catechisin iis eis, hicli uias parallel 1 4th his, and carcet Varie fron :it, eXcept in a mure diffusive illustration os the doctrina p0ints. It is an incontroversibi sact, ilia a tha very time, and 1 rab0ut fift years ster, tu the Arch-prelacyo Willium stud, ne Institutes o Calvin vere molici reti and studie in bothim versities, nevery student in divinity. Andthe ope in iis Buli, excommunicatin and