장음표시 사용
or the heir an assigns of the sat William : and thea resaid Mayor the ardens, and whole Commonali and thei successors it for ver arrant the a resaid tot fland with iis appurten ances to the a resaid illiam and Johanna, his iis, the heir an assigias of the said illiam, in the formis resaid against ali men. In itness hereos as et the ea of the ossice of the Mayorali of the or of Over a the seat of the aid illiam and Johanna, re alternatet assi xed to these present
Give at over, the las da os December in theelevent year of the rei gn of Κin Richard the secondaster the conquestis England.
v Aprilis, II Ric. II. HEc indentura testatur quod Johannes Monyn, Major portus ovorre, et UStodes ejusdem portus, nomine et concensu ocius Communitatis ibidem concesserunt et ad odi firmam dimiserunt Thome Pier et Isabelle, uxori sue, unam terram vacuam jacentem infra Libertatem Portus Dovorre in Nicholewarde, inter terram Ricardi Magoteversus orthes et orthwest, et fallaciam maris versus fouthest, et terram Petri Daunc versus outhwestri habend' et tenend predictam pectam terre cum suis pertinenciis
prefatis Thome et sabelle, heredibus et assignatis ipsius Thome imperpetuum isaciend inde omnia servicia et onera annuatim debita et de jure consueta : Et reddend inde annuatim dicte Communitati et eorum successoribus in auxilio ille predicte, sex denarios sterlingorum annualis redditus ad Festum Nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptisteri Et si predictum annuum redditum ultra terminum predictumaretr o fore licitum sit Majori et successoribus suis per
servientes suos nomine dicte Communitatis in predicta terra distringere, et diStricciones abducere et retinere u usque de omnibus arreragiis predicti redditus plenarie fuerit satisfactum : Et si predictus annualis redditus aretro fuerit in parte vel in toto per unum annum et unum diem ultra terminum prenotatum tunc licitum sit dictis Majori et Communitati, et eorum SucceSSOribus, in predictam terram cum suis pertinenciis, in quorumcumque manus imposterum devenerit, reintrare reSei Sire et in statu pristino illam retinere imperpetuum, abSque impedimento vel calumpnia predictorum Thome et Sabelle, heredum et assignatorum ipsius Thome : Et predictus Major et tota Communitas predicta ita succeSSOrex Sub predictam uerram cum suis
Apri I388. THis indenture it nesseth that Joh Monin Mayor of the Portis Douer, and the Chamberlatias of the aid Pori in thenanae, and with the consent of the whole Commonalty there have grante an a se farin have demise to Thomas Piers, and sabella, his i se, ne plotis vacant land lyingwith in the Liberi of the Pori os ove in Nicholas Ward, between the and of Richard Mago to the north-eas and north-west, and the se clis to the outh-east, and the lando Peter Daunce to the solith-west have an to hol thea resaid plotis and with iis appurtenances to the a resaid Thomas and sabella, the heir an assigns of the aid Thomas for ver the performin there re ali services an burdens annuali due and by right accustomedri and pay in annuali there re to the aid Commonalty and their successors in id of the sal town, d. steri in os annualsent, at the eas of themativit of S. Jolin the Baptist an is the foresai annua rent be in arrea beyon theterm foresaid it a b lawm for the Mayor an his Successors by thei sedeant in the nam of the sat Commonalty to distrati on the a resai land an to take wayan retain distresses unti the shal be fuit pat for allarrear of the rent a resaid an is the annua rent a resaid shal be in arrear, in pari or in hole, for ne earan one a beyon the term e re noted then it a belawm for the sat Mayor an Common alty, and their
pertinenciis predictis Thome et Sabelle, et assignatis ipsius Thome in forma predicta contra Omne gente WarantiZabunt imperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium tam sigillum ossici majoratus quam sigilla predictorum Thome et sabelle presentibus indenturis alternatim sunt appenSa. Data Dovorra sexto die Aprilis anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi post conquestum Anglie, undecimo.
appurten ances to the a resai Thomas and sabella, and theassigias of the sat Thomas, in the orna foresaid againstat men. In it ness hereos, as et the ea of the ossice of the Mayorali a the seat of the foresai Thomas and Isabella are alternate lyram xed to the present indentures.
Glven atmoverin the si xth da of April, in the elevent hyear of the eigia os in Richard the secon after theconques of England.
i Julii, I Ric. II. NOTUM sit omnibus istam indenturam cernentibus quod Johannes Giles Major ille ovorre, nomine ocius Ommunitatis ejusdem ille, tradidit ad eodi firmam Johanni
Boner, naute, de Ovorra, quandam placeam terre acentem infra libertatem portus ovorre in DelfKarde, inter terram Johanni Monyn versus ortheast, et terram Johannis Ofher VerSUS OuthWeSt, et mesuagium dicti Johannis versus orth-WeSt, et terram heredum Petri eade versus outheasth habend et tenend predictam placeam terre cum pertinenciiS suis prefato Johanni, heredibus et assignatis suis, imperpetuum faciend' inde servicium domini regis quum
evenerit Secundum consuetudinem portus Supradicti, necnon
capitali domino feodi illius omnia servicia debita inde et
consueta et reddend inde annuatim predicte Communitati unum denarium in festo Sancti Johannis Baptisteri et quumcunque predicta annua firma retro fuerit aliquo anno ultra terminum predictum per unum annum tunc liceat fori ville predicte, qui pro tempore fuerit, dictam placeam terre cum pertinencii suis, ad quorumcumque manus inpoSterum devenerit, reingredi, reintrare, et pacifice possidere sibi et successoribus Suis imperpetuum: Et predictus Major, et SucceSSOre Sui, a Communitas predicta, aranti Zabunt predictam placeam terre cum pertinenciis prefato Johanni, heredibus et assignatis suis, in forma predicta, contra omneS
In cujus rei testimonium tam sigillum M oratus dicte ville quam sigillum ipsius Johannis alternatim sunt appenSahuic in dent Ure. Data ovorra xmo die Julii anno regni Regis Ricardisecundi quintodecimo.
B it nown to ali seeing this indentur that Johia Giles, Mayor of the own of Over in the nam of the whole Commonalty of the sal town has deli vere a se farm to Johia oner, Sallor, o Douer, a certain tot of and lying
Maii, I Ric. II. NOVERINT universi presens scriptum inspecturi quod ita convenit inter Abbatem et Conventum Sancte adegundis ex una parte, et Ricardum etyi de Ovorra exaltera, videlicet quod dicti Abbas et Conventus remiserunt et pro Se et SuccesSOribu Suis quietum clamaverunt dicto Ricardo elyt omnimodas acciones quas habuerunt inrepOSSeSSione cujuSdam place terre cum pertinenciis suis jacentis infra libertatem ortus ovorre in alvenden ne warde, capitantis ad viam Vocatam lai lane verSus SOutheast, et ad mesuagium Ricardi Plomer versus northeast, latitudine ad tenementum heredum alter Acris versus outh, et ad mesuagium prefati Ricardi Pety versus Orth, quam quidem placeam cum pertinenciis suis predicti Abbas et Conventus quondam perquisierunt de Rogero de heimansleghe et postea tradiderunt et concesserunt Thome Boiaque ut plene liquet per indenturas inde factas, quam clam Placeam cum Pertinenciis suis prefato Ricardo elyt et Johanne uxori sue
conceSSerunt et per preSen Scriptum confirmaverunt
habend et tenend totam predictam placeam terre cum domibus muris et arboribus desuper stantibus et omnibus
aliis pertinenciis suis prefato Ricardo Pety et Johanne uxori sue heredibus et assignatis prefati Ricardi Petyt de dictis
Abbate et Conventu et successoribus Sui imperpetuum reddend inde annuatim super dictam placeam prenominatis Abbati et Conventui et eorum successoribus duos solidos
sterlingorum liberi redditus, videlicet ad Pascham duodecim denarios, et ad Festum Sancti Michelis duodecim denarios pro omnibus serviciis dictis Abbati et Conventu debitis: et
faciend pro predictis Abbate et Conventu Secundum consuetudinem Portus Ovorre servicium domini Regis quociens evenerit : et sciend' Si quod uocienscumque predictus redditus duorum solidorum suis terminis non fuerit Olutus, licebit prefatis Abbati et Conventui et successoribu suis per
sai Richar Petit ver action hicli the had for therepossessioni a certain ploti land with iis appurten ances lying ith in the Liberi of the Pori fiove in Halven-den ne ard abutting on the oad calle Blais an to thesouth-east, and the messuage of Richard lomer to thenorth-east, longside the tenement of the heirs of Walter Acris to the outh, and the messuage of the a resaid
Richard Petit to the orth, hicli tot illi is appurien-ances the foresai Abbo an Convent formeri acquiredfro Roger de heimansleghe, an after ard te and grante to Thomas Bonquer, a fuli appears by the indentures ad on that bellat L hicli tot of land withit appurtenances the also grante to the foresai Richard Petit and Johanna, his iis, and by the present ritin have confirmed o have an to hol at the a resaid tot fland with houses, Walis, and trees standing thereon, and withali iis other appurtenances, to the foresai Richar Petitan Johanna, his iis, and the heir an assigns of thea resai Richard etit Do the sal Abbo an Conventand thei successors for ver payin there r annuallyfor themaid plot to the fore-mentioned Abbo and Conventand thei successors, 2 h. Sterlin o Dee rent, Vi Z. at
Easter, I 2 , and a the eas of Saint Michael, ait, or ali Services due to the aid Conventri an performin for thesai Abbo an Convent the service of the Lord inga osten a it arises, accordin to the custo of the Portos Dover and e t nown that as osten a the a resaidrent hali notae aid at iis term s it hallae a m for thea resai Abbo an Conveni and thei successors by them-
Se vel per attornatum suum predictam placeam Um per
tinenciis suis et totum mesuagium predicti Ricardi elytquod habet eidem place annexum, in quorumcumque manus in posterum devenerint, intrare distringere di tricciones abducere et penes se detinere quousque de dicto reddit et ejus arreragiis plenarie fuerit satisfactum et ad hoc faciend predictus Ricardus etyt si fuerit necesse concedit pro se heredibus et assignatis Suis per preSensscriptum prenominatis Abbati et Conventui et eorum
SucceSSOribu ac clam eorum attornato tam in mesuagium suum antedictum quam in predictam placeam liberum ingreSSum et egressum et predicti Abbas et Conventus et succeSSOre sui totam predictam placeam terre cum omnibus
pertinenciis suis prefato Ricardo elyt et Johanne uxori sue heredibus et assignatis ipsius Ricardi contra omne genteSwarranti Zabunt imperpetuum. In quorum omnium testimonium et fidem huic scripto in modum yrographi confecto partes predicte alternatim sigilla SV aPPOSUerunt, ψUS Una pars Signata Sigillo communi dictorum Abbatis et Conventus Sancte adegundis residet penes prefatum Ricardum ety et Johannam Uxorem Suam, altera vero parte signata sigillo ipsius Ricardi Petyi penes eosdem Abbatem et Conventum reSidente. Data quo ad prefatum Ricardum apud ovorram primo die mensis Maii Anno regni Regis Ricardi secundi Anglie quintodecimo.
Hiis testibus Johanne ait Halle tunc Majore Golian ne Gerold, Ballivori Ricardo Arnold Johanne Lord Ricardo Plomer Willelmo Engelanx Johanne Bord via, pistore Johanne Lade Roberto Uyt, et aliis multis.