The Captives : a comedy of Plautus : with English notes, for the use of students.

발행: 1843년

분량: 120페이지


분류: 미분류


imi subsellii viros. The parasites ere compelled totake thecio est an meanest place aliariquets. So Stich. iii 2, 33:

Maud postulo equidem summo in lectulo accumbere Scis tu me esse imi subsellii Mirum.

395. PlagipatidaS, qui plaga patiuntur. O plagigeruli.

403. Quis profitetur Pro iter prandium eSt promittere. Guliel. 407. De compacto, i. q. de Or X compOSito by previ ous

412. Omne compacto, Q. The ali combino, like il-mercliant in the Velabrum.' 415. Barbarica lege, by the Roman la . Tli Roman S, with allisther orei gners, were called by the Greelis barbarians. The alluSion is here to the Roman laws of whiclithere,ere Severat against unlawsul assemblage and asSO-


ciations Such were the Lex Duilia de Coitionibus, and tho Lex Varia against ali Wh Should enter into a conspiracy, quo populum Romanum vita et victu prohiberent.' Under these laws, ErgaSilus resolves O bring a Suit against theyoun men or conspirae to cui Osf the Supplies of the para

420. Si pido ollabit is that Ahould ait, o di sappoin me. 'The Delphin editor explain this phraSe by the ancient custom os suspending the ui se si ona the nec Decollabit, id est de collo decidat, cadat.' Gronouiu read decolabit, and fornis decolo in the Same manne a percolo, illi the senseos desuo, dilab9r. 422. Bono publico Frum the igh rank of Philocrates, Hegio supposes that his restoration Ouid bo a benes notoni tolimself and a uitly buta the State. T. Vix eminebam. 'Mith dissiculi extricated myseis. Τ

437. Cum me fuisse, c. 'tena mould rathera dealthan alive. When the ancients pol e of the death of any one in Ste ad os mortuus est the Said vigil or fuit. So Ciceroos the conspiratorS, vizerunt, and Virgil:

-fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium. V

438. Spernuntque Se Spernere i Sometimes used in thesense Os disjungere, egregare. Si EnniuS Uus atque aequum Se a mali spernit procul. V OuZa. 440. Exilium, egreSS,' 'eSeape. DiSSaldaeus proposus aurilium.

443 Deprecatio. Depreeare S properly to consessthe crime and implore mercy V Delph. 450. Neque jam Salu S. Salu Wa WOrShippe as 40ddes by the Romans, andia a temple on Mount Quirinalis.



452. Quam malum i Malum is an interjection expressivctos Surpri Se impatience, O anger. 472. The morbus qui sputatur Walthe epilepsy. See Pliny, lib. X. cap. 23, and lib. XXVili cap. 3. It was probablyrio calle from a superstitio us custom Ofipitiin when the dis-

with t. his a considere salutar saluti fuit either tolli person wli spat in the way of provention O to the patient in the way of cure-perhap both. 483. Haud vidi magis. The Delphin editor considerithis equivalent i nunquam vidi hominem But the Same phraso OccurS, Amph. i. 2, 47, an in Cic. Pro Sextio, in both whicli cases it is used ironi catly ascit probabinis here. Suppi sodalem rom the reviOu Sentenue, and ea thuc: He. H even ad himself an aequaintanee foOurS. Tyn. At ver true. Non more O. O ere Alcmaeon, OreStes, and Lycurgu una opera, qua Ste), u S a much a he. These were three amou madmen Os antiquity, and Tyndarus insinuates that thei illusion were jus a real as Aristophontes pretended aequaintance withaim. 490. Veri verbio, 'ruth-telling, veracity.'491. Vera vanitudine qui convincas. Milo convictest thotruthis salsehood. Convincere, in this Sense, is generallyjoined with the genitive as convincere aliquem erroriS, α), but so metimes,ith the ablative. O Cicero, Verr. iii. c. 9 manifestis criminibus convinci 496. Quem patrem, qui Servo eSt. The Romanes a reo Ognis edis parentagem relation Ship amon StaVes Thoughallowexto marry thei conneXion a termed not connubiinum, but contubernium, an gave is to novies orirights,hichwer of any orce in law. Even manumission didio alter



thoi condition in this respect. The sortune offreed memor libertini di no descen to thei children, ut to thei heirs i. e. to thOSe OnStitute Such in thei Will); and in asothe die intestate, to thei patrons Thi inhumaticia continuod in orc tili the time os sustinian See Hein eccius, De

ever they erat, Whicli a calle FURCA, hende FURCLFER hicli, like mastigia verbero, α beeam a general

idon tu illi oculos vireres ut viridis exoritur colos Ex temporibus atque fronte i ut oculi scintillant vide V


scelerisque Iuela, Carcer, et horribilis de saxo actus eorum, Verbera, CarivificeS, Obur, piae lamina, taedae.'

M taeda lucebis in illa, Qua stantes ardent, qui fixo gutture fument.)Τ


9RNOTES. ferire foedus t beraetreeen the altar and the stone mas there- foro to bo place in a Siluation Where deStruetion was ne itable Erasmus cite an interpret this passage in his Adagia Tyndarus, apud Plautum, alteris captivis, quum jam proditis dolis esset deprehensuS, nec haberet quanam

arte posset elabi nunc ego inquit), omnino occidi. Nunc ego, inter sacrum saaeumque sto, nec quid faciam scio. V Alex ab. Alexandro Gen. Dies Vol ii. p. 57hthus explain the proverbia phraSe inter sacrum saetumque sto Quum quis diversus agitur, et ita dubita animi fluctuatur, ut-in quamyis partem declinet, preSen damnum aut exitium videat se inter sacrum et saetum positum, Vulgo actitant deductum ab eo qui in cedere ineundo, porcam SAXO serit.

dierectum cor meum. DiereetUS, sto Gr. ιaρρηκτος, disruptus. Gr OViu SayS VOX Latina non est, sed plane Graeca, ut multae a Plaut USurpatae, ut prothymia, tympanotriba, mastigia, et alia infinita. V e compare ἐλακnσε μεσος, Acts i. 18. 563 Deruncinatus, deartuatUS, Sawn Sunder, tornlim 1 rom limb. 569. Crispus, cincinnatus. Facciolati thus distinguishes theso epithet crispus capillo habet in ruga contractos,

cincinnatus in annulOS. V

catenarum colone. 589. Se note above in V. 519.


ΝOTES. 99610. Acherunti, an adverbia form equivalent to in Ache


615. Interduo sor interdo, whicli a the fame mean in gwith do, aestimo, facio. Nihil interduo, nihil interest. Delph. 632, c. How disserent the Same mora question hen presente in opposite light to uriwn interest l644. ne mode os puniShin StaVe was to Send them in chains, to labo ur in the quarrieS. 646. Sesquiopus, in tas and Rials i. e. twelve Siones.'647. Sexcentoplago, a name Ormed rom Si hundredlashes. Sexcenti, a used by the Roman to denote an ii desinitet large number. 665. Vale atque Salve Theseo 'O Salutation united mere generalty a sorm of takinia sna farewell. Haec conjungebant veteres, discedente ab iiS, quo nunquam iSuri essent. V Taub This Was no alWay the caSe hoWever: Vid. Curc. v. 2, 36. The were Sometimes eSpecially, connected illi ternum o supremum the novissima verba addressed to the ead, and were equivalent to arewel for-ever See Statius, Sylva sit. 3, 208

Salae supremum, senior, mitissime patrum Supremutinque viae. '

Salo aeternum, mihi, maxime Palla,2Κternumque ale . '

671. Et trahi et trudi simul, o be dragoed way by the Lorarii and rinent Hegio. 675. Absque hoc esset. ad it no been for this man. SOTer. hor. Nam absque eo esset, reete ego mihi vidiSSem, V

680. Ea Spes elapsa est f. Eur med. 103I:

687 8. The objec Seen whil taking the auspices dete


100 NOTES.

69Ι, . An iuventory f the lessing mos valued by a paraSite. 695. A simila alliterative lusus Occur in Amph. i. I, 122 optumo Optume optumam peram dZS. V696. Sine Sacris hereditatem Roman families ad their private sacrisces, hiul the law of the welve Tabies re quire to e perpetuated Sacra privata perpetua manento). The obligation to maintain these sacrifices descended tobelrs illi the estates hicli the inherited. Henue thephrases ecam proverbial transire in gentem et sacra, and hareditas cum sacrisi sine sacris. Ergasilus OaSt of hav- in acquire an State L . a perpetua mainten ance at thetable of Hegio without the charge of maintaining Saerifices. -RptUS, . . adeptUS 1 rom BpiSuor. 700. Conjiciam in collum pallium. The ancients, henaddressing them selves to anythin whicli require acti Vityo expedition ei the laidisside the pallium o toga, O thre it ove thei Shoulders. Such was the habit os flaves in therepreSentationis comedy. 702. The Secondiscene of the ourth aut present us Witha palpabie violationis probabilit facit appears to us), Whichyet Osten occurs in the ancient comedies. I allude to the presene Os tW O more actor On the Stage at nee who continue to Speali sor Some time, While one iunconsutous of the presence of the ther. On his subjeci, hortaton in his preface to Plautus has quote sume ingeniou ObserVation Sof Echard whicli I subjoin, leavin the student to sor hisown udgment of the degre in Whicli the account so the peculiarity Some objec that in the eginning of many


NOTES. 101

Scenes, tW aetor enter the Stage, and tal to themselves a considerable time, e re the See Orono One another; Whicli, Sa they, is ne ither probable nor natural They that object his do no conside the disserenue between Our smaliscant Stage, and the large magnificent Roma theatres. Thei stage was si xt yard wide in front thei Scenes soman Street meetin together, With by-lanes, O S, and al-Iey so that two actors, comin do tw distinc streelso lanes, could noti See by ach Other, though the Spectator might se both and Sometimes, is the di seu achother, the could not wel distinguisti saces a fixi yards'

distanee BeSides, o SeVera accounts it might et beauppOSed, When an actor enter On the stage ut of Aornelio use te might take a turn o tWo Under the porticOes usualat that time, about hi door, and not Observe another actorinthe ther fide of the stage. V hornion addi: These observations relatiVeri Tere nee are o leS necessar toleremembered with respectri cur author aniles anno too much cautio the modern reade constanti to bear in mindili extent an scenica decoration Os the ancient stage.

Without his it illi impossibi to reconcile many partic lars that constanti occurri an Lindis probability. 714. Ore sistet, shallais the round Thus Cure. i. 3, 8 Nec quisquam sit tam opulentus, qui mihi obsistat in Via, qui cadat, quin capite sistat in via de semita. 7l7, 18. The balista aca warlike machine so throwingstones the catapulta sor urtini ea pons though the areused indiscriminately. The arie wa a long eam, armedwith iron at ne en d in the ora os a ram' head whenceitcname) used la beat in do the wallios an enemy. 719. Dentilegos, &c. I Wil mali themiather theiraeeth, i. e. I iit knoch the out Valpy. Ome ea dentiloquos; Lwill mali them lisp. 724. Edico. In the style os a magistrate.


102 NOTES.

tim in earin or teli in the public neWs in the basilicae, whicli ere spactous and Splendi hali or Saloon ersected so the administration os justice of the Same impor areth Greel Ἀγοραιοι, ActS, X vii. 5, and the Latin Subrostrant, Cic. p. ad Fam. lib. viii. 1. 740. Danunt, O dant froni dano, an ancient form Os do. Danunt is here equivalent O praebent, venalem habent. 745. Agoranomum. The agoranomu among the Greelis,

like the sedile plebeian no curule among the Romans halthe superintenderice of the marit eis. This is indicated bybi name, αγορανόμoc Thei principat uSiness,as tu de tect an punish fraud, ither in the weight an mensure, Orquatity of provisions. enc the proclamations and threata of thoiuisoon are called by Hegio edictiones cedilitia. 749. Qui, O quo. 753. Assulatim foribus eXitium adfero. Somere. i. 2,20 foribus facere assulas V755. Here is a planon the doubie meaninios respicio, whichsignifies both to ook bae an to ook fanourab*,pon. There Was a temple a Romerio Fortuna respiciens, nea that ofJupiter Victor. 762. Gronovius refines iapon this passage mitti more ingenuit than probability Loquitur tanquam de veste ut corpus humanum Vestis S animi, eumque aegrum maculis, id est, pallore illuvie rugis prodit. V771. Ophthalmia. Isti so calle stom the largenes ofit eyes. Jlin callii oculata. 776. Victi. Vieti an victuis ere ancient genitives of

780. The superstitionis the ancients interprete ali the