장음표시 사용
IS. Aliis . lautus writes Alis and Alii inste ad of the usual sortiis Elis and Elii. O satisfactor rea Son has ver been assigne so this peculiarity. That proposed by Gulielmus vig. that this Orm Wa more familia i tho Romanis romth River Allia and the dies Aliensis, and was heresire u Sed by the poet in accommodation to thei ignorance, at that earlyday, of Gree histor and even Greel names is trivial. 23, 4. Quaestum inhoneStum, illiberal tr c, calle in an-
is lain, rom these epitheis that dealin inritave wa accounte inhuman and disreputabie. 26. have here solio ed the edition 1 Bothe a wel asthe obvious ense of the paSSage , and inserte Si lineS, commencin with Quod ego quidem, 'Me. Whicli are generali placed in the secondinet, after the 50th line. 34. Saturitate ebrius. Conf the dulci fortuna ebria o Hori Od. i. 37, 11, 12.37. Catenae Singulariae ma mean chains,e hing a singlepound a balistae centenariae ere erigine so throwing Elones of a hundred weight), o single chains, i. e , Or achos the captives, who were Ofte bound tW and Wo Or Simply smalle an lighter chains, in oppoSition to istas majores, mentioned in the nexi line Thornton' conjecture cingenious, Vig. that it mean single chain in Opposition to dou -
75. Unicus Lit., an only liene a belove Son. Ergasilus play on this oubi Sense. 'TO Oui is a belove Son to me heris deare than an oni Son.'78. Remissus est edundi exercitus. The arm Or com- pannos bon vivan is disbanded. Gronovius pereeives in the phrase remissus est Xercitus Znd imperare Tercitum Ruallusion to the manne in Whicli the comitia centuriata, eresummone and di SmiSSed Taubman Says, allegori a smilitari. The opinion of the forme is rendere probabie bya passage in Varro De Ling. Lat. lib. V. ear the end where imperare egercitum Signitie to summo the citizen to the comitia.
89. Milites opus sunt. Opus is Sometimes construe withthe nominative. SOTer. hor. V. 2, 3, argentum spu eSSe. 93. ReconciliaSSere. Reducem facturum. Si autem infinitivus, modi antiqui futuri temporiS. Si Amph. euug-NaSSere, Aul. impetrassere LambinuS. Reconcilio has his unu Sual Sense in Severat paSSage of thi comedy. Cf. S.
33 Prol.), 93, and 498.102. Contentus is here an adjective, and esse the infinitive
Sus terrestris beStia St. An alluSion to the sumen, which was esteemed a great delicae by Roman epicures. II 6. Numquid vis Havebo any command Si Theia aliartin salutation. Cf. Hor. Sat. i. 9 6 and note On V.
Ι24. erili imperio sor per herile imperium, illi his
Atque hortis impserium ingeniis vestris lene reddere.
Taubmani quote a parallelisentiment frOm Quintus Curatius Regum Ducumque elementia non in pSOrum, modo, sed etiam in illorum qui parent, ingenii Sita St. Obsequio mitigantur imperia. VI 26. Oculis &c Gries is aggraVate by lamentation lit.,
134. In patriam. The riSk of escape a much increased by the proximity of the tW countries, whicli,ere but a sewhours' Ourney, O Sail, pari. 136. Sine his arbitris-allud in to the Other captives. 138. Incipesse. The ancient Roman uSed incipio an incipesso illi the Same relative mean in a lacio, lacesso saeto, saceSSO capio, capeSSO Verb of this terminationare eitherisse With the Same mean in acthei primitives,
Adoo ut-nobis sint obnorii, Nostro devincti bene scio '
with the ablative a wel a genitive though ostener, illi thslatter Compos mente, ' Virg. Ingenti praeda compos, ' Livy. Salmasius eadS, Et ejus copiae tacitis nos com
143. Arbitrari. To Walch O Ob Serve Thu ΑUlul. v. ,1 2 Hinc ego et hue et illuc potero, quid agant, arbitra
Epeo the immoralit os decet tim expedients, hichris the Same, hether the Succee o sati it has resere ne to their
156. Impetrant impetrare conantur. AmbinuS.
158. Nunc, ut, c. No es belle ve that ou are assected toward me a I Would have Fou to e beWare then thalyou do no disapp0in my good Opini0n. 166. Te Oro per precem. Opem precariam, aSSiStanc Ob-taine by entre attes, is distinguished froni pro debita, th tWhicli mighti demande a a right. LiV. iii. T. Here, imperitare probur audirare per precem are Se in OppoSition. 172. Fauere memoria o memoriter in many in Stanees in the comedies signifies toto a thin Witti shrered promptitudeor ready it in OppOSition to laborious preparationi premeditation. Memoriter Sised in this Sense in Asi citi. I, 38
Ut memoriter me Sauream Vocabat atriensem l
189. Involucre. barber' towel. The fame allusionis Stili common. Achere used, it is intende to describe thebol and unserupulous deception Ofthilocrates Turnebus and Bothe ea inrolucrum.190. Strictim. Strictim tondere est tondere ad cutem ' Ang. a close shave, per pectinem, Si paullo longius a cute interposito pectine tondere. V Urn. 192. avelis, o malis mavelim and mavellem, ant. Ormalim an mallem i. e. magi Velim, &e.196. Eugepae Weli donet' excellenti It generali eX- preSSe SurpriSe accompante With oy. Talent non emam, Wa probabi a proverbial Xpression. I ouidisset buyThales at a talent, sine Philocrates is much his superior in
Ι97. Ad sapientiam hujus. In comparison V, c. ThUS Ter Eun. i. 3, 69: Estne ut sertur, forma Sane. At nihil ad nostram hanc. 198. Facete. Adroitly naturally,' to the lisei See Stich. , i. 3 Il5 Ut facete atque ex pictura hic adstititi 203. Unde excoquat evum. playin the litera mean-
in os opimae perhaps too, an allusion to the natur of his Wealth, hicli, in thos early times, consiste principali in
orcinum thesaurum, Aul. Gell. i. 24, 1.2l3. Samiis vaSis. VeSSel of earthenWare. These were manus acture a Samo in great abundance an variety. Samium catinum, Samia simpuvia Sami capedines, are mentionedi classi authorS.
214. Ne ipse Genius Surripiat. s. ulul. i. 4, 29: Aquam hercle, plorat, quom lavat, profundere. Hegrud geS Up0n m Word, t 90ur Way the water aster Washing. ' Plautus display uriri valle vis comica in the delineatior of the miser. He osten appii exposes by a single Stroke, the me anneSS, ealOuSy, and restieSSnes of those whose goveritin passiori S the love of old. The characteros Euclio, in the Aulularia, is perhap the moSi persectis pecimen of this class. Moliore has imitatest it in his comedy of
225. Dicto haud audebat, underStand loedere. 235,Me. Si prosecto Deus, &c. The belles os a Divine Providen e a neve been OS unde the mos erroneous fornas of religion. Human Societ probabinowecit preservation to the universalit aridio eris this sentiment Among many other distinc an impressive notices of it in hea thun authors, e the Ollo in PerS. Sat. i. 24-28 Eurip., Elec. 953 6 Liv. iii. 56, hicli ear a Strong reSem- blande to this passage DEO tandem ESSE et non negligere humAna fremunt.
253. Duis. Duim is, it int, pro dem, Vel dederim est antiquum et comicum. FICO.254. mittam, o dimittam. S Ter And. v. 3, 27: mane me vis amittere 'V f, alSO, Menaech. V. 8 6: 'Quia te servavi, me amisisti librum. V256. Privata servitus was the condition os a lave ho
belonged to an individual-publica serpitus that os ones obelonged to the state. The lalter,as called by the Romans publicus Juv. Sat. X. l), by the GreekS ημιοσιος Dem.
275. Num quae causa, &c. Form in Whicli the ternis osthei argain Were propOSed. 276. Optuma imo An ellipsis sor optima imo causa est ut fiat. The ancients avo ide a direct negation, as of illomen. O A ulular, ii 2 84 Sed nuptias hodie quin aciamUS, num quae RUS eSi P Ev. Immo aedepol optima. V291. Pro rota. e compares him Selsa a wheel, to denoteat Onc his Spee and SubSerViency. 293. For a GrOnOviu read ea, Se ratione; hicli, perhapS,gives a plaine mean ing. 298. e. Concern in me. In imitatio of the Greel accus With κατa. O Curculio V. 2, 31 annulum parasitus te elusit, ' O de annulo. 302. Rebitas. Betere Was ancienti Written or ire. Re-bitere, perbitere, praeterbitere, O redire, perire, praeterire. Nonius. Perhaps derived from the Greeli a M. 307. Adhuc locorum Usque ad hoc tempuS. V Lam. 309. Corde et animo atque Viribus. The resemblance of this langu age to that of the sirs an great commanduient willi observe& ε χλη ταὶ κaρdfacis. . . AEUC. V. 327. ed, o me, to prevent hiδtuS. 339. Nox diem adimat f. Sen. ed. 76, 7:
Νox condat alma lucem Mergat diem Visc.
conduci. This significatior of the word is unus ual. There appear n Sufficient evideno that pasSporis, in the modern Sense of the terni, ere in Se among the Greel. O RomanS. Syngrapha Or syngraphus generalty ignified an instrument Xecuted ointly by creditor an de bior to secure thepaymen os mone lent Helice, credere per Syngraphum, ο
mari et of Greece were principali Supplied by the almostinuessant,ar belween the eighbourin tribes. The prisoner talien in these Wars er Sol into perpetuat lavery, Unies rari Somed by thei friends. I Was thus that the Helois of Sparta, a large portionis, hom consisted originalty of the brave an high spirited essentans, ere reduce toSlavery War an Stavery the tW great socia eviis of humanity, have been greatly mitigated by the progress of timeand the influence of Christianity. 379. Sullis, O Si vultis. 380. Ego apparebo domi. J Eballis at home presently.
389. Ecfertum sanie. O Aulul i. 2, sedes inaniis
391. Residoni, c. Residere Sometime Signifie cessara, otiosum esse, elice, to keo holydis, ecauSe these were observe by cessatio stom labour. Resident esuriales serias