The Captives : a comedy of Plautus : with English notes, for the use of students.

발행: 1843년

분량: 120페이지


분류: 미분류


Et miser Sum et ortunatus, Si VOS Vera dicitis. Eo miser sum, quia male illi feci, Si gnatus meu st. Eheu cur ego plus minuSve feci, quam aequom miti Quod male feci, crucior modo, Si infectum fieri poS- siet. Sed eccum incedit huc ornatus haud ex suis virtuti-bUS. 9 15

Vidi ego multa saepe picta, quae Acherunt serent

Cruciamenta : Verum enimvero nulla adseque est AcherUIIS,

Atque ubi ego lavi in lapicidinis. Illic ibi demum ost

Ubi labor lassitudo omni St Xigianda e Corpore. Νam, ubi illo adveni qua Si patricii pueri aut mone dulae, 920 Aut anateS, aut coturnice dantur, quicum lusitent; Itidem haec mihi advenienti upupa, qui me delectem,

data eSt. . .

Sed herus eccum ante ostium, et heru alter eccum

ex Alido Rodiit l

Salve, exoptate gnate mil

Hem quid gnato mi V 24 Attat, Scio cur te patrem assimules esse, et me filium Quia mihi, item ut parentes, lucis da tuendae copiam.



Salve, TyndRre.


At nunc liber in divitias faxo veniem nam tibi Pater hic est hic servos, qui te huic hinc quadrimum Surpuit, Vendidit patri meo te sex minis. Hs te mihi 930 Parvolum peculiarem parvolo puero dedit. Illic indicium fecit nam hunc ex Alide huc reducimus.

Quid hujus silium l

Intus eccum fratrem germanum tuom.

Quid tu ais' adduxtin illum hujus captetvom nlium

Quin, inquam, intu hic St.

FeciSti, edepol, et recte et beneu 935


Nunc tibi pator hic est hic fur est tuos, qui parvom hinc t abstulit

At ego nunc grandi grandem natu, Ob furtum, adia mincem dabo.


Meritu St.

Ergo edepol meritam mercedem dabου Sed dic Oro pater meu tune SI


Ego iam gnate mi.

Nunc demum in memoriam redeo, qUom meCUm Ο-gito; 940Nunc, edepol demum in memoriam regredior, audiS-

se me,

Quasi per nebulam, Hegionem patrem meum VOCarior.

Ego Sum.


Compedibus, quaeSO, ut tibi Sit levior siluis, Atque hic gravior SerVOS.

Certum est principium id praeVOrtier. Eamus intro, ut arceSSatur faber, ut Sta compedeSTibi adimam, huic dem.

Quoi peculi nihil est, recte feceriS. 946 CATERVA. Spectatores, ad pudico mores facta haec fabula est. Νeque in hac Subagitationes Sunt, neque ulla amatio, Nec pueri SuppoSitio, nec argenti circumductio Νeque ubi amans adule Scen Scortum liberet clampntrem Uum. 950Hujusmodi pauca poetae reperiunt ComoediaS, Ubi boni meliores fiant. unc vos, Si Obi placet, Et si placuimus, neque odio fuimus, Signum hoc mittitot Qui pudicitiae esse voltis praemium, plausum date l



AL the comedies of Plautumare precede by an argument in the orni os an acrostio the sirs letters of the lines form-ing the nam of the Omedy. TheSelare generali ascribe dio riscian, ut ere, no improbably, Written by lautus himself. The acroStic aκροστιχὰ is fiser ancient date. Cicero rem arks De Divin. c. 54 that Some of the poenis of Ennius and the Sibylline verse Were in hiS Orm.


the drama,hicli precede the sirSt entrane Os the chorus. Whether solito tu or dialogue, it a delivered by ne Ormore Of the persons of the drama, and Orme an essentialpar of the drama iself. The prologiae of Roman comedywa distinc froni the play see iis desecis observed in note OnV. I of the prologue). e cannot hel wishing that os allhis ther arguments and prologues lautus hae been able tosay, as in the Stior an elegant prologiae to the Trinummus,

'de argumento ne expectetis fabulae.

2. Hi stant ambo. Lemonii ter rem artis that he humouros this passage would onlyi perceived through the addressos the actor It wouldie dissiculta mali itinnythingietterthan to tis his own wOrds une repetition ridicule. 10. atrid-sor patri, the diein insertexto a void hiatus. Jam hoc tenetis lobo comprehendie Pio do ouremember, is it is translate by Coste Soraries a State-ment the wouldie in no dange of surgetting. Teneo ostensignities to understand f. v. 618, 19

--nunc ego teneo; nunc scio

Quid sit hoc negoti.'



distinguished common alty This Strici gradation os rank in proportion to fortune astares institute by Servius Tullius. Livy, i. 42 43. The law,hicli allotted separate seat tothe uight was introduced, ami thera iud murmur of the commons by ROSeius Otho, a tribune of the eopte in thotimo of Cicero.

Sic libitum vano, qui nos distinxit, Othoni. JUV. Sat. iii 159.

The poet' here ad dressin himself exclusi vel to the spectator of higher rank, with a contemptuous an allusion to the common people ShOWs the Strongi aristocrati spirit of Roman society an institutions even during the Republic. Cf. Hor. De Arte Poetica, 48, 250

quibus est equus et pater et res,V C.

16. Reliquum Sometimes Signifies debi, arrears It may also signis here the rem inde of the Story. The author playmon this dOuble Sen Se. 19. Hic-po intincto Theodoromedes the sather of PhilocrateS. Thia paSSage Aeems t show that notin ly the whole compannos autors, ut at the person connected illi theaction, appeared on the Stage during the recitatio of the prologiae. In this respect as,el as by the premature eX- position os the tot the prologiae Seem to have been an ingeni0u contrivane to destro ali the interes of the actual


31. Equitem Alium equitem et alterum. Othe. 40. Hic-eXpediet, c. me,' Ointingo Tyndarus, wil adroiti caro out his artifice.'

ter, and the important consequence to himself and ther of the artifice he was practising S Terenee, imprudens harum rerum, ignaruSque omnium. ' Prudens, in the solio ingverse, sis Sed in the oppoSit SenSe ViZ. conscious, with des n. In many nStanees, One dOe more good unawareS

Veterem atque antiquam rem novam ad os proferam.'

Both reads fabulae, ut Without givin his authority. GrO- novius render thu Hoc reprae SentabimUS Ornatu, Oee, vultu gestuque quasi rem veram vobis id erit Spectaculum et ludus, ,hicli leaves the line ithout oin O meaning. The passage Seems t have been needlessi perplexe byemendation and conjecture. 60. Cf. Hor. De Art. oet. 8 188.61. Comicum choragium-the decoration S, in empl0yed in the representationis comedy tragicum-denote those empl0yed in the representationis tragedy.


1. Parasiti This,ord denote Originalty a Saered order, who ere o Calle sromo a an σιτοc because they Ahared in the public sacrifices It asterwar camerio Signisya table companion, a fallerer, One Wh sor a mnintena nee Submits to ever caprice of his entertainer. The para Sit may almostrae termedine of the essentia an in variable dramatis person Os ancient comedy. Lilio the oo of tho id die Ages, the earn ed thei bread by their,itis buffoonery, and by a patient en durande of ever insuit hicli the runken violenue of thei patrons might insti et The were Osten beaten, had water Or,ine thrown into thei saces, and were compellexto submit to stili more brutat utrages. Cf. actili. c. I. This retulte an degraded classisas happilyn parallel in modern SOciety. 3. Res prolatae an rerum prolatio ignis e the suspen- Sion o adjourriment of publio busines an closin os thecouris of justice either justitio indicto on occasion of waro public mourning o during holyday and VacationS. 1 and 11. Venatici, hi as ounds-mOlOSSici, plum as

12 odiosici and incommodistici are,ordios the parasite' sown coining sor Odios and incommodi.