T. Lucreti Cari De rerum natura libri sex

발행: 1900년

분량: 316페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



unum addo, quod ab aliis nondum quod Sciam animadversum coniecturam de victoriani codicis origine propositam Valde confirmet. Post l. 3enim V. 360 versus novem scripti sunt, quos delendos esse homo quidam doctissimus in margine monuit, qui Versus 403 4li per errorem hic illatos esSe Vidisset. ratione autem subducta inter v. 360 et 403 vorsus bis vicenos senos interpositos esse invetamus, ut iacile intelligamus in singulis archetypi paginis versus vicenos sonos scriptos fuisse eiusque inter Scribendum cum unum vellet scriptorem victoriani duo tolia vertisse. in archetypo Vero oblongi C. Lachmannus ostondit p. 3. 19. 233. aliis locis eandem Versuum rationem fuisse'. Probably bolore this timo the learnod


urgument or teri in a founder state. But even While revising the 2nde l. ior the press I found in a recent program by Th. Bergk, With the , nume of Ed. Hoine on the titie pago, a tresti attemps to magnily thismueli vexed Victorian codex: in p. XIV it is suid that it solus iusto ordino exhibet libro IV locum antiquitus archetypi schedae paginis inversis perturbatum: nam post V. 298 Atque eα continuo Sequuntur v. 323 Servet.... 347 ac resilire, tum V. 299 Splendida ... 322 Quαe sita sunt, denique V. 348 Quod contra. hoc igitur insigne est Virtutis documentum, atque possit aliquis indo colligere librum Poggianum ex archetypo descriptum eSSe, antequam illae paginae inversae sunt' etc. Is it nos strango that so definito an assertion Ahould be printed, When in truth this manuscripthas tho vorsus in just the fame invected order, in Whicli they aro ovenby tho L0yden and ali other kno Π mss.' Nny more the corrector Marullus without doubt) arranges the disordered lines, Whether astor Politian or not, exactly us Candidus cloes in the Juntino, Who b0yondany question adopted his arrangement ii om this manuscript. And yos the main purpose of the program Spolien Oi is to prove Marullus not tobo the corrector of this Victorian codex, and to prove it irom this very passaget J It Wili ho seen that by the maiorials Whicli I have collectodand just describod I have in many important cases got nearer than hasbeon dono bolore to tho readings of Ρoggio's ms. Which Was a Worthyrival of the Leyden tWo. But Lachmatin's long experience and disciplined acuteness have en-


accounted for in the fame manner. Thus Wo oblata siX certain land-

martis in disserent paris of the poem. The archetypo therofore consistocloi 300 pages, or admitting, as seems to bo an undoubted iaci, that a


univi ured. It suems to me thereiore much moro natural to assume thatour archetype or one of iis predeceSSors accidentalty omitted an uncertain


hesides sueti usual instances Oi transposition there are throughout thopoem many Smali groups of Vomes, torming generalty Sentences complete


INTRODUCTIONpoet, insertod on the fame principio res the longer sections discussod ove: these too the first editor, inithiully preserving eve thing in his copy, but nos caring relWays to sind the right placo for What the authorioit ambiguous, has insertud out oi their ordor. Add to thoso v 137 442 whieli tho cont0xt could dispenso With : these uss. nr0 found out oi place in Macrobius res in Our mss. This inor ases the probability thatthoy were out of their proper order irom the firsi, tWo apparently inde- pondent authorities Macrobius and our Archetypo quoting them in thosnme Way. Porhaps these single Vss. might be ad lud to tho list, Iu 202,


spacium, species or speties Was correct ; and consoquently ns a rulo clioso

the Wrong. Their generat principies hoWever Wore nos acceptod by thomost thoughtiui scholars in any ago, so fur ut least as concernod tho iuxtot anciunt authors, uiatess it be during a pars of the present century ;

coena moereo Sylva caetera lor caelum cenα maereo silva cetera in order to

of things : tho best anil most systematic Was that of Ρh. Wregnor in his orthographia Vergiliana publishod in l81l. With admirabio industrylio amassed nil tho evidenco assorded by the medicean and, so far as it Was accessibie G him, of tho other ancient mss. oi Virgil. As these, lihoother old mss. are as a rule very tenacious of the true spelling in thoso cases Where there is only one right method, he periormed this pars of his Work With seminent success, and stili remains Ono oi tho best authoritioson the subjeci. In thoso other casus hoWevor referred to aboVo, in Whichorieo is tho ruis of tho ancients and whicli include a gruat multitudo oi particular instances, ho has chosen to abundon the sate ground of evidelice und experience and has mado Virgil Write What ho decidod ona priori principies he must have Writton. This seems to me the reason Why his system Was nos moro generalty fosso ed. Stili tess satisfactory

oi asking tho right question,' and joining With it a minuto knowledge of

the whole evidenco upon the subjeci, saW at once What could bo obta inedand What could nos, and shapod his courso accordingly. The Leyden mss. of Lucretius, imperieci in many respecis, are on the wholo admirable in their orthography, at least equul to any of the mss. of Virgil, comfirming them in What is trus and confirmed by them in turn : in somenice potnis, Such as tho frequent retention of the enclitic si, th tarsurpasA thum. With thoir nid he was ablo to confirm thoso improvomenis in spelling Which Wagner had so med ostablishod in opposition to the SyStem in common use. But in rogard to the other class of Worda in Whicli tho usage of tho ancionis varied in dishrent ages or even in the fame age, he did nos dogmatteatly determine What his author Wrote and thus close the door to ali futuro chango; buthnowing that certainty Wasnot hero attainabie, ho caretally silaod tho evidenco ossered by his mss.


at onee produced by Lachmann. Otto Jahn in I 813 publishod his elaborato edition Oi Persius in Whieli ho adopted throughout the spolling


iound in tho tox Rubria and once in Our AB : HWays peremo interemo neglego intellego etc. Above nil me must Scout Such barbarisma as coelum moestus sylva caeterre nequicquam. In these Potnis Wagner is as good aguide as Lachmann ; but in rogard to the cases in Whicli ancient usago variod shali me tolloW the former Who deseris the mss. for preconceived generat rules, or Lachmann Who here also is content to oboy tho bost evidendo ho can get i I have unhesitatingly come oVer to the vie s of the latior: hypothesus non fingo' should bo tho rule in this as in othormatters. As suid above, nil these uncertain Apollings tali undor a veryi0W generat heuds. Ono of theso is tho assimilation Or non assimilationoi prepositions : inpero representa the etymolo , impero the pronunciation of the Word. From tho most ancient period of which We have any

record, centurios beiore Cicero or Lucretius, a compromise WnS made be- tWeen these opposing interosis: Worcis in common uSe Soon began tochange the consonant, those in less common uso retained it longer. In


INTRODUCTIONword, Whicli must datly have been in evo body's mouth, etymolo in remoto times yielded as Was natural to soland: imperium agnin occursthree, inperium Six times, heing doubiless in som0What less common use. NoW in Lucretius imperium impero or imperito occurS Six times, unditie mss. HWays speti With m, and so Lucretius spelt I have no doubf: inde0d many of these common Words tho silvor age I boliove more

Withd wn irom under our ieet. To tine unother common inStanee, commuto occurs 9 times in the corpus inscrip. and alWays With m; l2 timos in Lucretius and always mitti m. Other Words are more uncertain : me find in the mss. impius and inpius, immortalis and inmortalis, conligere and colligere, compleo and conpleo; and so With other prepositioris, αb, ob, sub, ad: nil tending to prove that usago Was in moSt Words uncertain. Agnin We haVe eaesto, and eaeto, emolvo, ea uo eaepiro evecto cet. , 8 betaggeneralty omitted; and this agrees With Quintilian 1 7 4 Who implios