Ignoramus : comoedia

발행: 1787년

분량: 461페이지

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asis Μα ch, Ma the solio ing articis Rex invisita Hemiam cist- tabrigiensem, ubi gradus academici Indoctis prostituti; and in Baher, in an account of St. hu's college, Cambri e. hic oecupies the wholeos the fiaminime of his manuscript collections, spiniung, p. 38, of king m risit in Mare 16r xs, and again in Mamfollavitan says,

that in his departure Myee were vitet prostitute tu mea person such as apothecaries an barbera, and that in se scandatim a manner, that seme of them ere inerWard degradedi a grace of thelousea though, to osten the marier, it was pretende that semei these de gremisere surreptili ny obtainia; an in V d. XXIII. among Gratiae eoncesse is the grace iistic but with an erronem date of mr. 1614 in .hichabe names of the per narure mentioned.

o the personat histor of hinti ne indis of both bis mea inau, meme sex littere, in Lanc sire, in the pullament hic me at 4nsim re Rom. 19, isset, Wilsis' Notitia Parhamentari DUO,


inest actora.


entillaesa grame riem, ascit mas presented in Latin, meretriis Dimines, Moreuis Majem in Cambriam, sisInterlude, sile Liber novus de Admiatu Regis ad Cantabrigiam in the appendix hereto. The public orator, in his speech o the iam occasion, is reportedio have stylia the prince Iacobissime Carole See in Chamberltans letterbesore inserte s. ς his passive, hic stand exacti as it is here in the manuscripthom inhien this poem is given, is undoctaedi corrupi perhaps estould reia: But Camisi ita a jaerit blae monet a fringessim . A graee,an the languam of the universit of Camiridis, means artitio sor an purris to the vice-chancellor an caput senatus. In in Baser a manuscript collections s osten cited Vol. XXIII. notriges; among ther entries hic have no regular ille, is a decree, aseo eives tegiming .it these Woriar asinuos, s78. Cum saepenumero petitiones, quas gratias nuncupamns pro gra- dibus scholastieis 3 aliis beneficiis academiae consequendis, in senatu proponuntur. 3c.


misereri on iis representation, in author' hopes of ita iuc-

c s. The hin was hi lyraeli ted Mincit, not. oes sorthe noveli and singularit os ita silie cinxit genera terti.

dene to render ainiculous a profession hic heras known

to have si tu affectes , ut also is the wit and leuiunx th


wbie it is se abundantly fmight. On the minia os the restra iis auditor it producta an essec' some a simila to thato Hudibras, writae many rear aster, and gave occasio sorallusion to it in commmmisco se, and citations fio it in he writings of the time': me sew of the praver seri, indeta,vvere sere in se me common iam an iis pro bra rendered the objects of contemptis radicule. I go. ginis e to abas mWns,' says m author cloari Wills care awarall. Besides, of est Wood, the pleiaer's barcis the worst in mae a stage of fori once in an age, ali prosessi s must be Mhiaden to thei patronage verare to that heimeen the scholars of the universit and the commonlawyerscit occasione so great a disturbance, stat the insulis of the sermer eram inisilerable and induc chelethchad these tumulis risen, acto require the interpositionis the Iordchancello in quel them; hich, b explaining the author sintention mas at lenn effected φ. Findiu his endeavo sina been attended init soareat succest, an conceiving his material not et exhausteri r. Ruer o me hing's departure rom Cambri e se himselfio revis his comedy, and in the course of this revisio made, as mare insormed considerable addition to itque ut the par

ticula passages ibis impossibi is discriminate.

ed on him, Meioth erroneous, and are corrected by in Ninda in a notae in his transsationis Rupin, in loco supra cit omine authorit of Dugdatis Baronam, Vol. II. p. z9 Arrit a nolint Cambrid , but at speihorpean orthmvis hire, that the in fir se Villiers. Rapin is alibmistinen in asserting, sae oes that Ignoramus was tWice played during the ring s sta 3 for though it was twice persormexiatore iam, it

was omino different visits.

Vol. I. p. 7 passage has been inserte atriens h in a formex note


unis appares to have made Lit, Was, o rite a m pro tome to b speciem in ri iis occasson, and whrin has usualin Jn the prime editions ac companis in comedy Molf, Ridercte illa es Praetus posterior, ad secundum Regis adoratum habitus.

his ourne' buta di not actualty arrive a Cumbriste illine Isin es 36' and on stat a me comed of Ignoramus was again performe betae iam', it the additioni suci, passages


passages achad Men inserte in ita iis author subsequentio the se representation an on his occasio the mentium ne prologue was also potan The names of the performers in his second prologue are o here dis-elosed: ut inose in the comed itself were doubiles the semeas in the forme representation andri mould stem, hom theman passages in them particulari addresse to the hin inperson stat the solio inclines, esides me besore-mentioned prologue, mere at the fame time alis spoken, Maain os introductory prologue.


DAvus DROMO in Laudem Autoris. Vides ingenium mire profundum, Adventum pariens Regis secundum. VENIsTI, Cantabrigia,

Ad gloriae fastigia. Jam jube sileat tuum propellum; Haud magnificum suum sacellum, Sed cantent Regem Martio hinc pros him,

Et Mais mense denuo revectunia Venit rex, non sicut ante, Magna turba comitante;

aut rit os hos editions and of are isto Sanere' eopy besorumentioned in inhieli stat date is putri Wit a pen, e hare also Menanissed into the iam mistae. Som authorities have fixe the sinis Morio the date of iis seeon representationa ut the fact is, it in performia for the second time, notis the 6thir et si inuti the assio Μαν and this alter date is prove by an authenti accounts the-'s seconfvisit, inserted in the appendix heret 1 and which, asin ing en Mawn, by r. abor, the then public register of Cambri si is of more aut rit than an other that canine cited.



sine pompa nunc intrabat, Rarus eques pererrabat. Non deerant tamen nobiles, Nobiliumque magna soboles εμ viri robusti et sortes, Praetorianae cohortes. Locum episcopi Cleobiensis, Procancellarii Cantatri ensen, rinio talo tunc absentis, Alteri sorte tum supplebat, Qui vices ejus bene gerebat; Fecit namque congregari, Et in uno loco stare, Scholasticorum totum gregem, Ad videndum nostrum Regem. Stabant primo loco gentes Quo Vulg. pop. vocat recentes',

Illos subsequuntur isti Qui vocantur hic phisties Et post illos alter status,

ordo baccalaureatus; Ρroximas tenebant partes Hi qui stiunt omnes artes;

Ubi illi desinebant,

Non-regentes apparebant rrine, gentium dii majorum, Turba gravis stat dociorum:


Hi, repente tum pertim Regem adesse signo dato,

Academicorum more, Clamant omnx uno ore,

Iubet te salvere, Rex, Scholasticorum totus grexa Salutat te, Britarimis rater, Acade ae alma mater. Hisce verbis compellatus, Ad collegium Trinitatis, ' P.

Suum holpitium est delatus AHic cum paulum requieverat, Famemque cibo expleverat, Occurrit ei Ignoramus, Fabula quam nunc actitamus νQuam si nos facimus malam agendo, Hanc, Rex, tu iacis bonam videndo

Among other poetices compositio , in Which, as e havebe remoticed the hing's firmjourne to Gambri e had givenoccasion, ne in Latin ad appeared, entitie Liber novus de ventu Regis ad Cantabrigiam in Which an account, not muchin favour of the universit os Gambri e Wasalven of the verat incident which happened durin his sty. his poem, ita was also termed the o desidia, ac in conceived Da wrinen by sem personis that universi , was transsatin into ver Was in author of the origines Latin)by bimo Corbetq; and producediro seme member of --MAge, ascit is supposed, amans eri vindicating thos o Cambria irom the aspersion contained in the former. The ori

a rem a manuscript in the libram o Trinit college, -- , B. 14. a. o the r intelligenc os his poem, andior the favouxo a con stom hic the bove a primed Lam oblige to the Rev. . Daries, ne or the sellow of sinit college. The transsation is insertexa his in Corbae Poems, edit. 648, p. as, and in me subsequent editions and Do some of theserit has Me reprimed in Dodem Miscellanν Vol vi p. aus ti is alis sion in the appendix hereis a


uappears that the origines Latin and the Engus miser toti .ene sit to mine an sun before the hing, a partis his

entureainment, instead os interlude music omine secon representationis Ignoramus' and further, that the translation fine sorme was contrive to e sun to the tune of Anu

the ans e to it a containing sim curious facts are, Withthe addition es lac notes s were necessar to rende them

at this um melligi liven in the appendix hereto .

. a se the lauer poem ittas, io the appendix hereto. Seerit, and particulari it titie in the appendix.

The followinglareiculars respecting the riu's second visit in Μεν