Ignoramus : comoedia

발행: 1787년

분량: 461페이지

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Dom the Franch, bouter, i po- nere, apponere impellere, pro

pellere. I signitieth in ur

used in the evit pari. C. n. Abet.

nime accordinario the nature and qualit is his istence, somelimes by action pon the eas sor nander, at the common law, and other times in theecis clesiasticat couxt. insis aman contrive any false neWs, or horribi and false lies, o pre lates, dukes, aris, c. then. ε an actio de scandalis magna

word of defamation against a private man, there the pax grieved stat have his action upo the case for the sander, and smali recove in damases accordin to the qualit of tne fauit, herein the qualit of the person ho is se de fame 1 much to e consi dered Termes de laeto. retio de intrusone. Intrusion define by bracion, ho mistemp. Hen. III. De Consuetudinibus Angliae, in the following ords, hic are insertin rom hi in Comeri Interpreter art. Intruson: Intrusio est, ubi quis, cui nullum ius com- petit in re nec scintilla uris, possessionem vacuam ingredi

turi quae ne corpore nec antis

mo possidetur, sicut haeredita tem Jacentem antequam adita fuerit ab diaerede, vel saltem a


domino capitali ratione custo diae, vel ratione eschariae, si fortes haeredes non existant, vel si post mortem alicujus p finem famam, vel per modum donationis, ubi Reeessio sibi locum vendicare non possit, Vel si post mortem alicujus qui tenuit ad vitam debeat tene mentum reverti ad proprie Marium, ponat quis se in seisi

nam antequam tenementum

illud veniat ad illum ad quem pertinere deberet ex praedictis causis eratis pro fana iuratisonamenta. .rit so called the nature a te vidi e suffciens obvious Dom the following explanatio of the evit hic it . lntended to redres False im- prisonment, falsum imprisona

mentum, is a uespas comis

ari actionis mih eafer in tio Non in case, actio super casu, is a generat actio oven sor redres of WTong done .it ut force against my man, and by lawmot specialI pro vide for For here mu have an occasionis suit, that Mither hastis ' narne nor certain formiaready rescri- bed, inere the clervs of the chancer in ancient time eon

eived a fit formi action for the in in ouestion, hic the eivilians eali Actioncm in fae-

II titi sed menti, Sectiorissa , the formis an indi ent forkeeping a ba-y- use, and using of unlawful games est is asfollo. Iuratores praesentant quod Ν. . de A. MI Taylor,&a uxor eius, e sunt communes lupinatores,in diversis diebus Qvicibus ante diem hujus inquisitionis, in domibus suis scituatis, c. manutenere hospitium lupinarium, necnon diversas personas suspectas ibidem ludentes ad luda illicita, viz. tables, catas, tam in die quam in nocte, post horas debitas degitimas, ad gravamen inhabitantium ibidem, a m tum exemplum omnium ali rum legeorum domini regis,&α' Α- in the fame minor, Sect. 336, is another indictment for various offences, mono te are the following quod A. P. de E. e. est communistiplator cervisiae, communis barrectator, iacis domini regis perturbator, custoditis manutenet quotidie, noctan*r, in domo sua πω,&c diversas personas suspectas, tam homines quam mulieres, Agabundos ibidem bibentes, juxanres, ludentes ad luda illicita, viz. pud eam an dice in noctibus post horas debitos Hegitimas, qui vigilant in noctein doririunt in die,' c. By the stat et ' Hor VIII. Chap. IX. Sestor. 6. severat


ut terrorem siem populi domini

resis These ord stem tote pax of the Latin formis an in-diement for an asDU. In mors S mbinography, Par II tit. Inaismenis, Sec 486, 187, Me two form os an indictment of this kind in the larier of hic the defendant are charyd wit the offence in these inotast insultum A magnam affiniam adtunei ibidem invicem fecerunt,

commiserunt, in magnum timorem, tremorem,ac perturbationem, tam praedictorum jus. ticiariorum dictae dominae reginae adiunc/ ibidem existentium, quam totius populi cli-georum subditorum dictae do minae reginae de comitatu .

praedicto, adiuncis ibidem confluentiun Ἀα In thesorme of these two it is thuseharsed i inter se insultum

astratam maximam tunc . ibidem fecerunt, sese invicem verberantes, Vulnerantes, in magnum terrorem tam dictorum justiciariorum tunc ibidem in curia sedentium, quam totius populi dictae dominae reginae ad dictam sessionem pacis tunc, ibidem convenientis,' c. avulsamentum. Advice. ε visare, advisamentum. Consulere, deliberare, ruminare de

re aliqua Gais Adviser, seu aviser. Vox Glamvialis fori, etiam theologorum.' Speia manni Glossarium, art. Admi re. Stensemuses the substantive ad- Haement in the solioWinglan

B. II. Cant. 9 Stangas.

aagreatum aetorvatum et contes scensum. When deed and la- proceedings ere in Latin asine formeri mere, it is morethan probable that these . Minere in frequent,se Phine notfound an instance in .hlehthenaeiaailroeeur; but in mors Θmbinography, in I. See sy I meet it the formis a Med of covenant, in hic anethea mordsi the sat parties to these present indentures bin condiscende an agroe in manne an Arm following.


ε ulmus tibi sicut alias prae- cepimus quod non omittas propter aliquam libertatem in balliva tua,quin eam ingredia- ris, capias A. B. de C. in comitatu tuo, labourer. 'tcsnetum Alnerum est ubi alni

arbores crescunt, a place here olde troes grow. C. folio edit. 727.

mahemii, is an accusing of one thaliath maimed anothers' ut that helii no felony, thes appeal thereor is ut in a sort an actio os uespasi, ecause there is nothing reeoveredaut damages. Bracton calleth his appellum de plagis, mahe- mio, and writeth of it a hole

aquatieum, i. e. olendinum aquaticum A ater mill See C. edit. 727, an mundinum. ααaeviare. I. attach. Cometthus explainscit Attache, at- tachiare, comet of the ronch attacher i figere, nectere, illi gare, defigere, alligare. Iniur common a it signifiet to tine or apprehen by com-

mandmen o writ. C. Ti. Attache.

count where the creditor is, for his appearance, at a Cer-


a Saxon mord, and almost

os muc a bearingopon the hac or about a man. Brac- tomuseth it foro sim o cir- cumstance of manifest inest, inhic ille civilians est fur- tum manifestum. For, divi- ding furtum in manifestum ' non manifestiam, he definem furtum manifestum tu his sori Furtum vero manifes- tum est, ubi latro deprehensus ε est


the gran inquest empanneled and wor bes ore the justices in Eyre, c. indorsin a bill, wherin an crime, punisha- 'le in that coure, is presented unis them, it these two wotas do signis thereis that the presenter hath furnislied his presentinent, or denunci- ation, illi probable evidence, an morth of farther consi deration and thereupq the party, presente by the same

bill, is sal to stan indicted

aeona et sellatis moneta. Vide

Bonum ac legale.

gation, as e term it, hichis, in factono ther than abond. Noverint universi ex praesentes me M. G. de R. in

comitatura generosum, tene-

firmiter obligari W α in decem libris, bonae dega lis monetae Angliae, solvendis

eidem M. B. aut suo certo at- tornato vel executoribus suis,

in festo S. Michaelis Archan- geli proxime futuro post da- tum praesentium, &c. In thesim author, arto in thesim Sect is also noster formo the like kind in hicli thephrase, bonae degalis mon se Angliae ' again occurS. Maseus Wood Boscagium, boscus. Hoc sylva, illud ali mentum quod e sylva referunt

animalia: juxta mare pascere.

eagium, oscus. In Coeine 'sisterpreter edit. 1727, Boseusis thus renderedi Boscus is an ancient mordisse in the . la.


ures A Writ. M Writ, breve, is

Iers, in Sir Go Smith's Gudment, Lib. II. De Repub. Anglorum, cap. 3. hic the Civilians eat Actionem, sive formulam. Buta am raster of his i ment that ath adde the marginal note unio his, Uing that Actio is the

mon or attach A. to ansiserto the sui os o c. aut, more largely, it is taen form precept of the ing, in .riling, unde sol, Muing out

Treve de stilata examinandi. His

inrit is uded by Cmini, ad ta inquirenda vel examinanda; an is thus define in his Interpretera Idiota inquirenda vel examinanda, is a rit thalis directed to the escheator, orthe meri of any eoun inhere the hin hath under- standina that there is an idiot, naturali bor se ea ofunderstandingahat he an tmVern or manam his inh-tance, to cal betare tam thepare suspectedo idiocy, and examine him, and ais to inquire, by the assis of twelvemen, hether Mae sustieient- witte to dispos of his ovi land wit discretio ornot, Πd to certis according-l into the hancery. Forthe in halli the protectionos his rubiects, and by his

o their land an substance, that are naturali defectine in their -n discretion.' aerebeae recta. Α - of right. Recto is a rit, called in En-



and whereis are pleiaed an . trie both in right to ther, viz. as .est os possession as property, insomuch, as i a minince lose his cause pon this inrit, isteris assiae or baltei, hecis inithout ali reme- dy, and stat be excludia per exceptionem rei judicatae.'C. art. Recto.

Stetri Erroris. Α - of error.

Comes, in his Inserpreter art. Ermur in the fir=psace explains at is deme error, and theno ceed to explain the writ bunde on that error, in the lloining otas Ermur Error comet of the Frenis Erreur, an signifieth, more specialty in ur common law, an error in pleadingi in the proces and thereum thewrit hic is rouot for re- med of this vertight is calle a writ os error, in LarisDe errore corrigendo thus define by Riκherberi, in his

math, and Math-ground Hac autem puellatione forenses vocant steriles camporum 2 litudines, licet ericam non e- dant, heath-ground. Spe--ῶ Glsarium, ari Bruartam.

writ apias, or Cape, is explain-ed infra art.Magnum Cape me present term Capias infinita, does no occur in Comet, Speiam n or anu ther dictionis orglossar .hic . have hemable is consuli it signifieatio ma ho evis e decideamith tolerable recision and ac curaey by comparin it Minthat in os daress against

a man who is obstinate in ius refusat whic is denomina- ted 1stres infinite. G-H, in his reterpreter arti et res, defines distres to eo cominpulsio in certain ea actions, wheris to bring a man toappeamne in eoure, o tos

debi or ut dentia an inart. Districtus, resumin the subject he notices, statastrea in his sense is divide into finite an infinites that finite is that hie is limite by tam ho ostencit mali e made tobring the part to tria of the

action, as Once, Wice, ut that distres infinite is mithout limitation, untii the pari come, against a jury, saysae, that refuset to appea super certifi- catione assisae, the proces is a venire facias, habeas corpora, and distrest infinite. There canbe no doub that the same sense .hic it bears, When applied in the wor distrea, is to e aiasigne to the adjective infinita, when applied to Capias, as in the


ine present instance; an illas more than probabie stat the severab inrit of parvum cape, magnum cape, alias capias, pluries capias, an capias infinita, at o whic are mentione in that page of the foregoin co- med where the capias infinit occurs, are the necessar and usua proces against an obstinate defendant, ho refuses toappear in consequence of theriinwrit. νυν uriegatum inpias ut Iagatum, is a Word frectius forsan writ, is execution or actex judment, hicli liet a- gainst im that is ouilawed is many suit, by the whichahe sherim upon the receipt thereos, apprehendet in part out- lawed, formo appearing pon the exigent, an kee in him in Ae custod unti the V o retur assignia in the writ, and then presentet him unio the ouri, there farcte tole ordered formis contempto C.

Canitas messuaahim. A capitalmessuage. These are the wotas by whic manor-houses ereformeri usualis describessi in deed when the were in Latin, an since that time the phraseis ni translate into Engli . me significatio of the word messuam a be sten infra art. Messuagium and the adjective capitale, as I conceive, addedio distinguissi hos houses, to.hie it was applied, stom com

of the fame ind, ali os inhiehwould es include unde 'hegeneraν denomination os men


precedin article me have, notoni o the authori , ut in the wotas of Dr. Comes, sussi-eienti ascertaine the meaning of the tersi chariel. The fame author in the article citati, catalla, alias Chatris besere referre is, after expou in theterm itself, meeed to observe, that Calais e ;ther personalor real. Persona ina be se called in two respem pone be- cause the belon immediatelyto the personis a man, as abow horse, c. the offer, sortha bein an way ithheld injuri si Domus, e haven means to recove them but

iliat his exposition is founded onthat definition. The fame divisionant real and personat is also, observed in the Cermes de laetus and the oni instanc there producia tocillustrate the natur os persona chatteis, is that os a

Elavis euria This is an allusion to the writ, calle Curia claudenda. Curia claudenda says Comes, in his Inter retera is a rit that liet agam tam should fence and clos up his ground is he refuse or de- fer o do it. ii the Termes de arae it is thus definede

Curia claudenda is a ritor aetion to compelonother to mata a fence o wall, hi b the defendant ouo is mine