장음표시 사용
and the Hol Spirit, in another place pronounce that mari ingeis honourabio in ali and the ud undosilud. V o Tho prohibition, hicii tho have Since dono uti Ced, of the marringe fpriesis, the Wi Sh us to considor a the rue and natura interpretationis the Scriptures, though nothin can o imaginod more repugnant to t. 1 any one dare to peti his mouili tolli contrary, hecis condemnest a n heretic, bucause ne determination of tho Church is Without apponi, an dolio truth os iis interpretationi anno bydo ut ted Without impie ty ha furthorroquires toto urged agnins suos consummate est rontern Themero exhibitionis it is a sufficient restitution Their pretension sto confirm the Scripture by the authorit of the Chiarch, II UrpOSely RS OVer. To Subjeci the oraclos of God to theauthorit of men, o as to malle their validit depondent onhuman approbation is a bla Sphem UnWorth of ein men
tion in Sotirce frona hicli ave issiae innumerabi humantraditions the mos postilent anil fatal to rete exsouis. Forthe have madem more erupte than the scribes and Phariseesto lay on Otho men' Shouideriburdens hichahey themsolves
stance; g and that o Without cause for he a What adeo mound ouldae made in thei consciences by the impositionis an necessit upon them in hos things in hichtho Lord ad est them a liberty. On the contrary, it is Scareel possibi to enumerate the constitutions, hicli thesemen have mos rigor usi ens orcod illi the denunciation feterna death, and whicli the require to e mos minutely
observe a necessar to Salvation. Among these there re
at collecte together in ono ody so immenSe is the accumulation the observance of the holocis ulteri impracticable.
HOW, then, an it e possibi for thos Who ars loaded illi suci a vast eight os dissiculty noto b perplexed and tor- ture ruitii extreme anxiet an terrori My designini re Sent, then, S, O oppos constitutions of this kind whicli tenda bindsouis inturnali busore God, and to fili them illi scruples, asis the onjoine things necessar to HVation. III. The genera ty O men, heres ore, aro embarrasse Withthis question, sor an os distinguishing illi sufficient Xact-nes between the utward judgmentis mei and the our os conscience. The dissiculi is increassed by th injunctiori os Paul that the magistrate is O be obpyed, no Ont for rath, but also sor conscience sal h whunc it folioWs that consciences re bound by politica laWs. Is his ore thecase, at that, sat in the ast haptor, an are bout tosa in his, noli subject o spiritual OVerriment, ould sal to the round To solve his dissiculty it is sirs os allueeeSSar to inderstari What is consciunce. The definitionina b derived rom the etymolog of the wOrd. Science, Orknowledge, is the apprehension hicli men have of things in thoi mind and understanding. So, heu he have an apprehensionis the udgmen os God asin Witnes that suffers themno to concea thei sitis, ut forces thoni a criminals e re the tribunal os the udge this apprehension is called consciense. For it is omething etween God an man, hicli permit not
ample o his bruthron, ut bring his conscience into a state os gulit e re God Tho casu of things, in themselves indisse
ure nece SSary t be ObSerVed are no On his account in lingon the conscienceri e cause ut the necessit of Observingiliem has reserenue to the genera objectis lams, ut oes notconsist in tho particular hings hieli are commanded. Thereis an immenso distance etween law of this description unditiose hicli rescribo an ne form for the orshipis God, and impos a necessit in thing that ero est re and indissorent. VI. Such are tho Ecclesiastica Co=ὶstitutions, ns the areno called in tho Papacy, hicli are obtrude a necessar tolli truo orshimo God an a the are innumerable theyure S many ond to entra an infriare fouis. Though,e hau touehu on them a litti in the exposition of the la , etas his is a more uitable placerio discus them a largo I shallno endenVOur O Odec a summar of tho holo, in the est orderes an And as e have alaeady nid What appeared Suseficient respecting the tyrannical power Whicli the falso isti ops arrogate to themSelves, O teachin Whatove doctrines theypleaSe PShallo present passive ali that subjeci, an confine myseis to a discussionis the poWer hicli thensa the have, to mali laws. ur salso ishops, heres oro, burdon men 'S COI1- Selen es illi ne clam undor his retexu that humor has constitute them spiritua legislators by committin to them thegovertimentis the Chureh. heres ore the contund that ali ho command und ordinance ought os necessit to b observe by
tii Church by tho mouit, of the Lord Pwonderio the have dare to usur ii, an stili dare o maintain i contrar to the
hilationis God. ΙΙ. very thin pertaining to the perfeci ille sis olytiso, tho Lor has comprehendo in his la , so that there re- maius nothin for men to ad to that sunmaary. An he has done his firSt, that Since ut rectitudo of se consist in the conformit os ullisur actions o his ill a thei Standarit, emight considor im a the sole aster an Director os urconduet anil secondiy, o ho that he requires sis nothingmore thun obedience For his reason, Iames nys, me that
ri remember, heres ore, that nil linian law are o bo eighed in his balance, is e ould have a certain an infallibi test. The sirs os these oason is urgo by Paul in his Episti to tho Colossians in opposition to the salse apostleS, Who endenVOUredi oppreS the Chiarches illi resti burdens. In a Simila urgument, in the Episti to the Galatians, he insist more Onthe secon reason. In the Episti to the ColoSStans, he contend that the doctrine of the rue orshil os God is no to e Sought rom men, ecause the Lord a. faithsuli an stillyinstructo us o We ought to OrShiplina. o prove his, in the rst hapter he states that ut the wi suom by hicli themanis God is made perfeci in Christ is containo in the gos-pel. In the egi uning of the secon chapter, he declares that in Christ ares hid ali ho rea suros of Wisdom and knowledge; stom,hichi conchides that be eversishould ie Ware est any man spoi them through philosophy an vati de eit, after the tradition os men. V A the end of the haptor, he stili more considonii condemiis ali mill Worshis re this inclaidos allthos fictiliou services hi h mori ei thor invent for thenaseives O receive rom thers, together illi ait the precept by hichthe preSume o regulate the worshimos God Thus Ne have ascertaine the impiet os ali hos constitutions in the observance of hiel the ors ipis God is pretendod lo consist Thepassage in the Episti to the Galatians, in hic me argues that nares ought notrio e imposed on consciences, hic lare subject to the overtamen os God alone, are to pluin to emistaken; speciali in the fifth haptor sm It will there- soro e sufficient to have mentione them. IX. ut a the whole os this subjeci ill e eiter lucidatod by Xamples, es reo proceo an further, it id beusefulci appinthis doctrine to ur Wn times. W amrm that the Ecclesiastica Constitutioris, With hicli the ope an his
satellites oppres the Chureli, re pernicioli an implous Our adversaries asser them O be hol and sesul. o , the areo tW classe S Some regar rite an ceremontes, thers have more relation to discipline. Is there u Si cause, then, O induceus to rejectioth There certaint is usterinus thau e oulddosire. In the firSi luce, domo the authors of them explicitly declare that the ver essene os the orship of God consist in them o fiat en do the reser thei ceremontes, ut that God may be wors hipped through them Z Anythis arisos no fromthe mere erroris the unins Ormed mulii tude, but rom the appro
bationis hos Who sustain themisce of eachers. I am not yet referring to the ros abominations by hicli the have attempte to verturn ali piet ; ut the would neve pretendinsaluti e in any one os the mos insignificant tradition to e suchan atrocloia Crime, utiles the made the worShilinos God subject to thei inventions. Wherein are e guill o any offence, then, is e cunno bear in ur a What a declare to e intolerable by Paul: na moly that the legitimate mode os
men' con Science t Observe very th in that the command . In ur opposition to this, e unite in a common cause illi Paul, ho ould by O means allo the conscience of e-
men have eguno place religion in such vain figments that perversion is immediatet fosso Ned by another execrabie Or- ruption, With hicli Christ reproache the Pharisees eliave ad the commandinent of God of non effect by our tradition. V a I Wil not combat our modern legislator Nithm o n ordS Q ill grant them the victory, is the canvindicate thomsolves si om his accusation o Christ. Butio can the Vindicate themsolves, hile honestuom it infinitelymore criminat, O RV Omitted auricular consession at a Staten
time of the ear than to hau lived a mos iniquitousis for a Whole ea together; to have insecte tho longuo illi theleas tast os animal ood on a Friday than to have polluted the wholo od by committin fornication very da to have
recommending the observatice of the commandments os God, the insist on an exae obediene to thei O n, With as uehZea and anxiety ascis the whole esse ce of piet consiste in them lien avongin the violation os the Divine laru ithslight penaltiosis satisfactions the punish the malles transgreSSion Os ne of thei decrees illi noth in tes than imprison ment, anishment sire, or Word hen es severe andineXorablo against tho do spiser of God the perSecute thedeSpi Ser of them solves illi implacabies atre evon to duath and whun tho instruct at thos whom the holi in the chainsos ignoraneo in such a manner, that the wOuid seel OS COD- Ceria ut oe in the subversion of the whol la os God thanthe violation solis mallest titile of the command of the Churet, In tho rs placo hore is a rievou error, lint naccount of things fio importanc in them selves, and est sese by God, ne an deSpi Ses, condemnS, and reject another.
NON, ascis this Nere not ad nough, the eggari elements of the worid, ' b as aut alis them, re osteemed os more force than the celestia oracles of God. 0 ho is absolvedin adultery, is condemno in meatu he horis allowe a hariot, is interdicted romin is e. his is the fruit of that prevaricatin obedience, hicli recedes rom God in proportion a itinc ne to men.