장음표시 사용
in this, ut in the annexed condition, that Christ,ill b in themidSt os a coiincit, then, and then only When it is assumbie in
his name . heres ore though ur adversarie mention counciis
os bishops a thousand times, the Nili gain butitile round nor ill the prevallipon iis to bellove fiat the preten d that Such counciis are directed by the Hol Spirit, allicit shallhave been proved that the are assembled in the nam os Christ. Forit is quali a possibi sor implous an uni ait sulbis opso conspire against Christ, a sor plou and pright bishops to assemble together in his amo. of this me have ample proos in numerous decrees hich have been issued by Such counciis os illa seen in the course of this discussion. At preSentes ni repl in one ord that the promise of Christis Xclusivel restricted to those ho are athere together in his nante. V et iis, there re de fine herein thi consistS. den that the aro assembled in the nam os Christ, lio, rejecting the command of God Whicli prohibit an diminutiono his ord, o the malles addition to t. c determine verythin accordin to their Wi plensure Who, O content illithe oracles of the Scripture, hicli constitute the ni rule os perfect isdOm, invent omethinginem ut os heir Wi hendS. Sine Christias no promisexto e prosunt in ali counciis, ut has added a particula mari to discriminate rue an legitimate coiinciis froin thers, it certaini bellove u by no mean toneglect his distinction. his a the covenant hicli odancienti made With the Levitica priosis that the shouldaeachtheir eople rom his mouth; d he alWays require the Sameos the propheis and we se that a Similar a Was imposed Upon the postles Those Wh violate his Ovenant, Odnuither dignifies With the honour of the riesthood, nor inveStS Witti an authority. et our adversaries solve his dissiculty, i thuy isti in to submit in salth to the decree of men, independenti os the ordis God. III. For thoi supposition that no truth remaliis in the Chureli, unies it e found among the paStors, und that the Church itsuis stands, no longe than it appear in genera Counciis, is ver sar rom havin bee alWays correct is the propheis have est iis an authenti record of thei times. In thedays fessa tali, there as a Chiarchis Ierusalem, hicli od ad not et forsalieri nevertheles he puniis os the riest in the folloWin manue His at limen are lind the areali ignorant they are ali dum dogs, the cannota Sleein
IV. ut it ili 0 suid, though such may have been the
iamity. I sinceret Nisi that it ere so ut homoly Spirithas denounced that the event ould e ver disserent Thelangvage of Peter is clear here ere false prophet also among the eopte even a there Italiae salse eacher amongyou Wh privit shalli ring in damnable heresies. V k Observo
os hicli ho spealis, ill ariSe rom the ery perSotis homili sit a pastor in the Chureli. An in another placo, heshows that the commen cernent of the mi Sehies a then ear
callo pastors, castin os ali obedience to the wordis God, disturi, and cons undis very thin at their Nn pleasiare; hiletho labouro persuade iis that it is impossibi sor them to edestituto of the light os truth, that tho Spirit of God perpetuat lyresides in them, und that illi thum the Churchives an dies. A though th Lordina nox no judgmenis, o inflictipon theavorid, in the present day the sanie kind of punishment, illi vhichio ne visito the ingratitude of his ancient eopte is o)
Sembled illi no ther intention than to alter that implous monarch, Satan a Sent by the Lor to se a lyin spirit in alli heir mouilis si Tliere the truthoas Hected illi noconsent Micaiah a condemne a a heretic beaten, and cast into prison. Ieremiali received the Same reaiment, undother propheis eXperienee simila injustice. VII. ut ne Xample, hicli is more memor te than thereSt mn Sustice a a Specimen os all. In tho coiincit hicli hoc hies priesis and Pharisees convene at JoruSalem against Christ, What Was there anting in potiatis externa forni For is there had thenaeonio Church a Jerusalem, Christ Would neve have unite in thoi sacrifices and ther ceremoni eS A Solemn Um- mons Was issuod themigii prius preside&; at the priosis attendem; et there Christ a condemned, and his doctrine rejected. This ac proves that the Chiarch a no containo in that corvicit But it milliemaid there is no angeris Such a circum-Stance happening o us. Who has assuredis of thii For tobe to confident in ahattoris such great importanee, is culpabie
stupidi ty. ut hilo the Spirit has expressi predicted by the
Saered, a sar a respect the articios of faith hicli the have defendod so tho contain nothing ut the pure an naturalinterpretation solio Scripture, hic 'ho oly athers, illi spiritu a pruden ce, applied to tho discom fitur os the onomios
at ready been dono by thors illi a diligerace hicli carcelyadmits of an addition.
or the thor is no legitimate. For ho shall, de torminethii The ni Way I know, is to RSCertain rom the Scriptures that iis decrees are no Orthodox so there is no Other certain ut O decision It is no abolit in hundredyears ago, that the Counci os Constantino ple, assembled under the emperor eo, decreed that ali imagus place in churchos should bo thrown down and roken in ieces. Soon ster, thes Ounci of ico, hic cilio impressorene convened in Opposition to the sortiter, decreed that the should e restored. Whieli os theso tW shall, aclinowledge a a legitimate coiin cilci his character has generali been attribute to thela iter, hicli ave imagos a place in the Chiarches. ut Augustine declares that this cannot e done Without imminentdange os idolatry. Epiphanius, a more ancient riter, X- presses himself in ternis os much greator severity h says thatat is abominable Wi ked nos sor mage to e seen in the tern-plosis Christians. Would tho sat hors ho sponti in his manne approve Os that councit, is the wer no vini Hut fili accounts of historians' truo, an credit o iven to the aut theriiselves that counci no oni admitte os imagos, ut determine that they were to e morshippod. oW, it is vident that suci a decree mus have Originate from Satan. What hall, say to thei perversion and mutilatioris of the Scripturo, hicli demonstrato that tho held it ali in contemptias Phavo Hready prouod halli everte abieri discriminate et een the numero us counciis, hieli dissent rom and contradici acti Other, utiles me Xamine them nil by the ordo God, hicli is the universa standar sor men an longeis. On his round we Hoc the second Counei Os Ephesus, and receive the Councit os Chalcedon, ecuus the attor Ouncilcondemne tho impiet of Eutychos, hich the forme had sanctioned. his udgmen os tho ounci os Chalcedon assormed rom the Scriptures by holy mon, hom e imitate informin Our judgment, a the wor of God Whicli ontightoii od
os ali, there is a re mari able examplo in the Counci os Nico the dignit of hicli has been univorsali nn justi holi in
the highest veneration. For though the principat artiole of oursaith was endangered, and the had to contend withorius, theenem oscit, ho Wa there in readines.so the contost, thoughit as Os the reatos importance that harmony should emaintainei amori thOS Who carne illi a designo confute the erroris Arius, not illistandin that caretes os uel great dangerS, Orgeti ut O gravit V, modesty, and very thin like good manners, dropping the controvers belWeen them, as is the had assemblud illi an expros vie to the gratificationos Arius, the began to counieraci thonis lues illi intestine dissensioris, an to direct against acti ther the en hicliought o have been employed against Arius. The oules accusations ero eard des amatory libet were circulated undthere ould have been no end of the contentions ill tho hadmurdere one anothor, scit hadiso been or the intorserunce of the empero Constantine, fio protested that a Scrutin intothei lives as a thin beyon his cogniZance, and repreSSed this intemperate conduci With prais rather than illi cenSure. In horu many instances is it probabi that error mere committed by the succeud in coiincit. Nor does his require an longproos for hoeve peruses thei acis, ill disco ver man in
XI. Aiad Leo the Roman pontiis, hesitates noto bring acharge os ambition and inconsiderate temerit against the Counci os Chalcedon, hichine at the fame time nolino ted gesto have been orthodox in poliat os doctrine. e oes notden it to have been a legitimat councit but he nequivocallyasseris that it a possibi sor ito err. I may be thought,perhaps that Ubetra a Want of udgmen in talitri patris to
ciis might 0r in hings no essentiat o salvation. his labour, hoWeVer, S O unnecessary. For though the find them-selves obtiged to conseS this in ords, ut hen the obtrudeupon iis the decisionis every councit On ver subjeci, Without an discrimination, n an rael os themoly Spirit, the require os US, in faet, more than the had firs assumed. What is the language of such conduci, ut that councii cannot err Orthat, is hendo err it is unia rusti sor iis to discove the truth, Orto resus assent to errori Ando intendo dra n other
kiud os pastor are eard, and that the aromo ait entillud to
nam it a b concealed For is the answer os Christ botrue, ali linil uides, hether the are denominatui priosis, prelateS, O pontiisS, an do nothing ut precipitato thoi folio Ner into the fame uin Vith themsetve S. Impre Ssed there- fore, by these Warnings both os recepi and of Xample S, noname Os pnStors, bishops, or eounciis, hici, ure a capable os belli salsely claimo as rightly assumed, ought Ver o re Ventus rom examining ut the spirits by the ulu of tho Divino Word, in orde to tr Whotho the are os God. V XΙΙΙ. avin proved that the Churchias received nolo Nerto frame an ne doctrine, et u no Speuk of the power Whicli ur opponent attributo loci in the interpretation solio Scripture. IV have no the luas objection to admit, that is
controverS ariSe respectin an doctrine, there is no ettero more certain remed than to assemble a colitici os ruebis ops, in hiel tho controvertest doctrine a b diScussed. For uehis decision formed by the common consent of the pastor of the Churches, after an invocation solio Spirit os Christ, ill have ararentur eight than is every one of them Separatet mereri maintaincit in proachin to his eos tu, or fit ere the result os a privato conserenoe et vovi a se individianis. Besides, when isti ops are collecte in ne assembly, tho deliberate togethor illi greator ad vaning on ha theyought to each, and the anno in hiel thei instructions Shouldae conveyed, o as o uarii against illance rising rom diversity. In the hird place, Paul prescribes this method os determining respectini loctrinos. For,hilete attributo to very distinc Chiarch a poWor to ullgo, V b ho hoWS What ought toto the ordoris proce din in more important caSe amely, that the Churchus should undorta ke the common Ogni ZInce Ofthoni. And so the dictato filoty iself eaches iis, that is any one disturi, tho Church ith aio doctrine, and the niter e carriedis saris to cause ange os a more grievous diSSension, tho Chiarches houldirs assemble, should eXamine the question propoSexto them, und uster a sussicient discussion oscit, hould anno unc a decision talion froni the Scriptures, hicli ould piat an endri ut doub among the eople, and shut the mouiliso refractory and ambitious persons, soras to checli thoi furtherpreSUmptiora. Thus, honorius rose, the Counci os Nice Was SSembled, and by iis authorit des eate the pernici0us
attempis os that impioris an restored eae t tho Chiirches which he had disturbed, and asserto the terna deit os Christin opposition to his sacrilegiori dogma Some time aster. When Eunomius an Macedonius ni sed ne contentions thei frongyWas opposuit illi a Simila remed by the Councilis Constantinoplo. The implet Os Nestorius a condemne in the rst Councilis Ephesus. In shori, this has been tho ordinary methodos tho Church srom the boginning so the preservationis Unity,
champions of the triae doctrino, a the Lord aisedis at those periods. Lot it also e recollected hat appone at theseconi Colanci os Ephesus in hiel the heres of Eutyches
and ill-disposod man, and notatio Spiritis the Lord that prosidod in that councit. Hut that councit, it ill e Sald, a no the Chureli. Padmi it sor Pam firmi porsuade of this that thetruth is no extinc in the Chureli, though it may be oppressed by one coiincit, but that it is onderfuit preserve by the Lord, to aris an triumph again in his oWn timo. Butes duit it to boan invariablo rute, that ver interpretation hich may havo been approve by a councit S the true und certain ense filio Scripture. XIV. ut tho Romanislsime a surtho desigi in maintaining that counciis posses the pomer os interpreting the Scripture, and that without apponi. O it is a salse pretence, hen everything that has beon determino in eo unctis is callo an interpretationis the Scripture. Os purgatory the intercession ofSaintS, Ruricular consession an similar solertes, the Scriptures contain no a Single Syllabie. But, ecause nil thus things havo been sanctione by the authorit os counciis, or, o Spentimore correctly have been admittod into tho genera bellos and practice, heros oro very one of them is to e alien or an interpretation Os Scripture Andiso oni so ut is a Councildetermino in direct opposition to tho Scripturo it ili stili bocalled an interpretationis it Christ command ali orarint of the u Whicli ho present to them in the acred Supper sc)Tho Counci of Constanc prohibito 1 it to e iven to tholaity, and determinod that nono ut tho priust should rink of it. et his, hicli is o diametriculi ropugnant to the institutionis Christ the Wishis to receiveos an interpretation os t.