장음표시 사용
to avoid confirming this solution by thei Own consession letthem et mo by What right the have dured to abrogate that decree. They an otii reply Hecnu Se there asio more dangersrom hos offences an dissensioris hic si the apostles intendedio guar against and tho line that a laru as o b judgodo by th en for hic licit a made A this laW, heres ore, is admitte to have been ad Domin considerationis charity, there is noth in proscribe in it an surther than charit is concerned. When the conses that the transgression os thisia i tio the than a violation os chari ty, do the no therebyacknowledge that it is no a nove addition to the la os God,
but a genuino an simple application oscit to tho times and manner sor hicli it a designod XXIII. ut it is contended that though the ecclesiasticatlaws nould in a hundrei instances e unjus an injurious totas, et the ought ali orae obeye Withou any Xception for
vellous orti an a Wonder for the wisdom of thei Nisu men Shad peristi, and the understanding of their prudent monis allio hid. V sis Again In va in do the worshirime teuchinisor doctrines the commandinent of men. V m When the childronos Israo pollute thenaselves by various idolatri es the cause fallo e vi is attributo to the impure mixture hic si theymade by devisin ne modes of orshi in violation of the command of God Theres ore the acre histor relates that the Stranger Who ad been transplanted by the kin os Assyria froni Babylon to inhabit Samaria, ore Orn in ieces an de-voured by il boasis, te auso the lino no the Statutes Or ordinances of the God os the laud. V Though the had committe no aut in the eremontes, et uin pom p Ouid
seare tho ord, ' and a th sam time, that the seared notth Loi d. V ν Whenue e conchide, that par os the revere nee laici, is uid to hin consist in ur ors hippin him in Simple adliere nee o his Ommand S, Without the admiXtureos an inventions of Our o n. Hene the frequent commendations os totis ings that tho aiked in ali his command-menis, and turnei no usi de to the rightiani o to tho lusi. ' Σ) go stili further: though in o me services os humara in Vontionthere appear no manis Si impie ty, et S Soon S Ver meuhave do partod rom the command of God i is severet con-
domned by the Hol Spirit. The altaris Ahag the modet os
Wilichoas rought rom Damascus, might Soem to e an addition to tho ornaments of the templo, ecause his designWas to osse sacrifices pon it to Od alone, illi a Vie to persorin these service in a more splendist anne than pon thoancient an origina auar; et e se hol thumoly Spiritdetest Such audacity sor no ther renson than ecause at the inventions of men in the orShi os Godore impure corruptions sa And the more clearly the wil os God is uvealo tous, the more inexeu Sable S ur presumption in mal in any Such attempl. heres ore the uili os Manassoli is ustly aggravate by the circumstance of his havin bulli' noru initar in the ous of the Lord, os hic holi Lord aid In Ierusalem illo ut m nam b bucauso such conduct
prescribe the a me in f hicli the observe thomsolves Thisis the reason si Paul require u tolera particulari cautious
against uini doceived by th, tradition is mon, and ill-
iatur in OppoSition to ne ali 'eady erected an appotnted by the Divine Command o SuperSede very ther ut a thereiad yetbeen no fixod place assigne so the arti of the coVenant, he ap- potnted thurio Nn which hu inhabited so the oblationis sacrifices, a the most convenient place. It certainly was no the intentionos tho hol prophetuo mali an innovation in religi ou WorShip, in Whicli odiadiso stricti sorbidden any th in t be addod ordiministi ed. The Xample o Manoah conside a Ru Xtr Ordinar an singulariaSe Though a private man, he Ossered a sacrifice to God, et o Without tho Divine approbation e- causo hesdid it no si oui the hast impulse of his own mind, hut in consequone Os the Secret inspiration os Heavon. o Hut ostho Lordys ulter abominationi ut the contrivances of mortat in
no inferior to Manoah mean Gideon, hos ephod producedsuta consequences, no on lyrio himself and his family, ut toad the eople. y In hori, ver additionat invention bywhicli men preten to serve God is nothing ut a pollution Of
XXVI. Why, thon, it is inquirod, ascit the wid os Christilia men hould submit to thos intolorabio burdens whicli,ere impOSexupon them by the scribus and Pharisees ask,on thoitheriand Wh did Christ, in another place direct mento leware of the leaven of th Phariseus and of the addu-
Word S, that no ne a be miSled by the resonablanco. In thesrs place, et tis conside that is in Vor societ os men, ese the necessit os Some polit in ordor o preserve the com-
mola eaee, an to maintain concord is in the transaction os bHSines there is always Some ordor, hicli the interest os public viriue, an even O humanit it seis sorbid to e rejected; the Same ought particulari to e observe in Chiarches, hic liare est Supporte by a Woll-ordere regulation os ali heirassati s and whicli ithout concordor no Chiarche ut all. heres re is, would mali a prope provision or the Sase tyos the Church, e ought o pay the Strictes attention to the injunction os aut that at things e done decenti and in ordor. V i But a thoro is uel great diversit in the mann ei Sof men, o great a variet in their indS, and o much contrariet in thoi judgmonis and inclinations, o polit Will e Sumcienti stuad utiles it mestablis edi certain laWς nor
by a di Sruptionis the and os union, and the tota di Sorgani-Zation an dispersion of tho Churches. For it is impossibi toattatu hat aut sequirus that ali hings e dono decently
an in Ordor, V unlos ordor and decorum e Supporte by additiona regulations. ut in regardo such regulatiora S, caremus alWays e alien that the be no considere necessaryto Salvation, undis imposita a religi ou Obligation On the con- Science, O applied to the worshi os God, and o representedas essentia to piet y.
XXVIII. 0 hau an excellent an mos certain mari , there fore, hicli distinguishos hos implous constitutions bywhicli it has been state that true religion is Obscure and men' conSciences subverted, and the legitimate regulations os the Church, hicli are always directed to ne of thieSe NoendS, O t both together that in the hol assem binos e everS, ad things may be conducted illi uitable decorum and dignity that the communit ma be kept in orde by the sirin bond of courtes an moderation. O When it is nee understood that a la is ad for the alio os public ordor, his remove the Superstition embraced by them ho place theworshimos God in human inventions. Moreover, hen it is
knoWn that it ni refers to matter os common praetice, thi SoVerturn ad that salse notion os obtigation and necessi ty, hichsilled men's consciences illi great terror, hen tradition Were thought necessar to salvation. For hore nothin is requirodb ut ille maint enunc os charit amon us by the common intercoiars os friendi ossicos. ut it is prope to describe more sully What is comprehondod undo tho decorum and tho Orderwhicli aut recommentis Tho en os decorum S partly that
ut Virtuo us actions may be most os ali conspicuous in the Chureli. In order, the rst oin is that thOS Who resides ould 0 acquainte With the rule and la O good overn-ment, and that the eople ho are go verne Should e accustomed to an obediencerio God an to jus discipline olio secondis that hen the Church is in a Nel regulatest State, caroeshouldbe alien to preserve iis eae an tranquilli ty. XXIX. 0 halliso cal that decorum, there re, Whicli is meret a rivolou Spectacle, iel din an Un profitable gratis cation Such a me See Xemplisie in the theatrical apparatus employed by the Papist in thei Services, here nothiniis o
orde in tho buria of the de ad and ther hings of a similarnature of the secondisor are the our appoin tu sor public
de Sermons the in ging o hymias the places appo into forthes services, and the nys fixe so the celebration of the Lord 's supper; si the prohibition os aut that omen hould not tuach in the Church, and the like; ut spociali tho
regulations so the preservation o discipline, a catechi ging, ecclesiastica censure S, XCommunication, saStingS, and verythin eis that an e referre to the fame class. Thus nil tho
dition, hic si vory one is a liberty t rejec O neglect. Ians e that it sint nee both hum n and Divine. It is os God, ascit fornis a branch of that decorum hicli is recommende to Our attention and observance by the apostle mi is of men a it particularly designates that hic si ad in genera been rather inte than clearly Ypressed From his ingle Xample, it is eas to Udge hat opinion ought o bo entertui nod os ut therest. Becnus the Lord, in his hol oracles, has ait sully comprehende and laini declaro to iis the hole natur of truerighteolis ness, and ad the paris of Divine orship With What
tion, and ought to se applied to the edification os tho Chureli, With a variet suilabi to the niiners of ench age and nation, theres oro, a the bene fit of the Church had require, it tu uright to change and ubo si formo regulations andri institute
observe, With a re con Science, in deed, and Without an Superstition, et illi a plous and ready inclination the must not
to prevent the intrusion os an error hicli a corrupi robscure this puro se of ecclesiastica regulations This end in il bo securod is ad the fornis, hateve the may be, Carrythe appearance of manis est uti ty, is ver se are admittud, and principali i thonare ac companio With the instructionsos a faithsul pastor, to hut thesdoo against ali corrupi opinionS. The consequence of this knowledgesis, lint every person id re-tain hii buri in ali hos things, and yot mill voluntarii impose Some restraint pon his liberty, o sar a the decorum o have mentioned, O the dictates of charity, hali require. In theneX place, it ill be necessary that, ithout an SuperStition, we hould attond to the observance of theSe thing ourSelVeS, and notoo rigidi exae it rom thors ohat e liould notesteem the orshi os God o b improve by the multitudo of eremonios and that ne Chiarch hould no despis an-Other On account os a varie ty f Xternat discipline. Lastly, establishin no perpetua la os his in sor ursetires, eought to reser the iis and en os ali suci observan os totho dification os the Church, accordin to the Xigene ofwhich, shouldae contentio ont With the change of Some particular ObServarice, ut illi the abolitionis an that avehitherio been in usu amon us. O that the abrogation os Some ceremonieS, O Other is inconsistent illi tot ordecorum, may beeome Xpedient rom the circumstances sparticular periodS, the present age Xhibit an uetua proos. For such has beon the lindnos and ignorane os forme times, Chiarches have heretosor adheredo ceremontes illi such corrupi Sentiments and Such Obstinate eat, that it is carcolypossibi for them to e sufficienti purified rom monstrous superstitions ithout the abolitionis many ceremonios for theoriginal institution os Whicli, perhapS, there a Some CRUSe,und whicli stremo in theniselves remarii te or an impiety.
W como no to the hird branch of tho poW0r os tho Church, and that hicli is the principat ne in re et regulatodstate, hicli, have sat consist in jurisdictio . The wholo jurisdiction of tho Church relatus to the discipline os manners, of hicli e re bout to reat. For a no cit Or OWn can