장음표시 사용
tander thei yOke, the appear oli adapte duo promqte humility. LaStly the are rogardestos the Xpedioiit os prude nee froni thei supposed tondeue t reStrain corporea indulgenee, undio Subdue sensualit by the rigour os abstinence. ut haldous Paulia toralius thingi Dousio tripiss such disguisus, that the simple ma not e dolii ted by salse protorice. Satis- fiod that ho ad suid nough to ros ut thoni, hon he had callod illum the commandinent alid doctrines of men, V d)he passes Verint theSe things a Undeservin o an particillarrefutation. Andanowing that ali services of human inventionare condemned in the Chure , and ought to XCito the suspicionos bH ovors in proportion to the lea Sure tho afford to themiud of men; nowing that sal SQ uppea runco Os Xternalhumilit to erat suci an immense distance rom tria humili ty,
StrateS that numerous cere montes have no ther Se hau to
Stupes the ooplo, instead os instruct in them. So hypocrites attach great importane to thOSe novel canons, hicli Verturn
disciplino milior than proserve it sor On a more Reel rate investigation the will se olim a mere hado o discipline, without an reali ty. XIII. O , o procoe to tho Otho sauit hic ho avomentioned Wh doe no sue that traditions by the continuatuccumulation Os ne pon another, have ro Wn to uel animmense Umber, that thoy are altogethor intolerable to the Christian Church Θ Hene it is that the ceromontes diseOVera kind of Iudaism, and the obsorvances inflictagrievola tortureSon plou SOuis. Augustine complaino that in his time, thecommand of God oro neglected, and very thin Was o sudos preSumption that a person a more severet cenSured forhaving ouchodolio round with his bare sese With in ight Jays of his baptism, than for avin drowne his enses in intoXication He complaino that the Church, Whicli thomero os God intendodo placo in a state Os liberty, us OgrievouSi oppressed that the condition Of the JeWS a more tolerable . f that holy man ad lived in ur day, With What lamentations ould he have deplorod the present State os bondages For the number os ordinances is en time greater, and ovor titile is onsor ed With a hundred times more rigoiar, than in his time. Such is tho genera consequenee, When theSocorrupi legislator have se iged the dominion, the mali noen os command an prohibitions, ill the arrive at Such aneXtrem that ob dienc is carcet is at ali praeticabie Thisi finely expresso by Paul, whenino says, df, b dead froni the rudiment of the worid, hy, a though iving in the Orid, areae subjectu ordinancesse ut not, ast not, handi not. V e)The ord α νη, signis yin both t eat undo handie, requires here to e understood in the forme sense, to RVOid nn UnneCOS-Sar repetition. Here, then, he mos beautis ussy doscribes the progres of the falso postles They 0gin illi superstition, sorbiduin to ea not ni a large quantity, ut even altile When they have carrie this poliat, the n X sorbid o aste and astor his is submitte to them, the pronounc it unia suleven toriouch with a fingor. XIV. In the present age, o justi censuro his tyrann inhuman constitutions, hic hostonishingi torment miSerable consciences illi innumerable dicis, and the Xtrem rigo urWith hicli thoy are iis orcod. The canon relat in to discipline have been ali os o considerod. What hali I say of theceremonios, hic lave hali buried Christ, and caused iis to returnio Jowisti figuros V Christ ur ord, V says Augustine, ius connected together the Societ Os the ne peopte illi SacrumentS, Ver se in number, moSt Xcellent in Signification,
and Ver eas to observe . V The immense distanc of this simplicit froni the multitude and variet os rite in hicli use the Church no involvod, an hardly be stated in tertiis sufficiently strong. I know With hat artifice Some ingenio hismen apologige so this corruption They say that here regrent number among Sin ignorant a there ere mong the
Say, no a to his poWer, ut illi respecto the anne os represent in him. Theres ore, to obServe prope bound s, it is nece Ssar to retain that paucit in number, that facilit in Observanco that dignit in signification, hicli consist in simplicity. That this has no been done it is careel necessaryto mention The fac is visibi to ali. XV. Here Psorbear o remari the pernicion opinions illi Whicli the mind of men aro impressed that the Se eremonieSOs human invention re sacrifices by hicli God is justi appea sed by hicli in are Xpiated by hiel right eousnessan Salvation pro procured. I Will e donised that things intrinSicassy good aro corrupte by Such adVentitioia errors, sine equat uiuis his Lindisant, incurred in the persormaticeos,ortis commandod by God But it is more intolerable tout tribute o much honou to Ortis presumptuoiast devised by the will of men, a to e eve them to e meritorious feternat se For ortis commande by God obtain a reWard, because tho Legislator himself accopis them a net os obedience. They derive their auio, there fore, o from heir Wn dignityo intrinsic merit, ut rom God' estimationis ur obedienceto him. Uspuat hor of that porsection os ortis hicli God Command S, ut hicli men neve attain. For the ortis of the a Whicli e perform, re ni accepte through thegratuitou goodnes of God Our obedience in them ein weali an imperfeci. ut as se are notinere discussin the vadite os Works independent of Christ, et iis dromthis question. Withregard to the present argument, Pagain repent, that linteuerVulite is attributed o mortis, the derive rom the consideration
precept O men. V k Our adversarieS, heres re cun neVereXoVS themsolve so sussering the nhappy eopte to Seel in thos e Xternat 1 oleries a righteousnesso present e re God, and to Suppor them ut the heavent tribunal Hesides, is it nota fauit deservin os fovere reprehension that the eXhibit cere- montes no understood like the cener os a Stagei a magical incantationse For it is cortain that ali ceremonte are Corruptan pernicious, utiles the direct men to Christ. O , theceremontes practiso in the Papae have no connection illi doctrine : the confine men to mere signs, destitute os ali
Signification I astly so ingeniolis is cupidity, it is evident
that many of them have been invente by maricioli priesis,
e ver e thei origin the are alliso prostituted to the acquisitionos ain that it is necessar to abolisti the principaliartis them, is o isti to prevent a profane an sacrilogious tram frombo in carriod on in the Church. XVI. Though I may be considero fas not dolivering a doctrineos perpetua application respectin human constitutions hecata Seth precedin Observation have been holly directe to tho present age, et nothin has been advunce Whicli ould notbe usos ut in ali ages. For hereVer his Superstition in trudes, that men are determined to orship God With thoiriwn inventions, at the in s made so this purpOSe presenti degenerate into Such gros abuses a We have described. It is a cursu hicli Goddenounces, no againSt an particular age, Ut against ad ages, thali Nili strili Nithi nilnes and stupidit nil hos Who Wor-
ought to e rejected and reproba ted by tho Church and allii us
Chureli is dirocte by the oly Spirit so that it cannot err; and that the are in possession of his aut hority. Whon hispoin is gained, it immediatet fosso s that thei tradition aretho revelations os themoly Spirit, hicli anno b despised without impiet an contempt of God That the ma notappea to attemptinny thin Withou high authorities, tho Wishit tot belloved that the greatus partis thei Observances have
Sume time assert, that these ere accompliShments f the luxv,
addition to tho in the propheis, the psalms, and the goSpell
sert. e ullo it the ruis of obedienco, than hicli nonigher prais cari beatven. On the contrary the are them-Selves the most utrageous violator of tho Church, hic si theyrepresent as uili os rebellion against the Lord, hei theypretund that it has one boyon What was permitte by the wor of God to a nothing of tho combination os impudenceand wickodnus disco vere in thei incessant vociferation respecting the authorit os tho Church, hile the talio nomotice of the command of the Lord, or of the obedience due froni the Chiarcho that command Hut is me destre, as e Ught toagreu illi the Chureli, it ill bo est for iis to observe undre member hat command are ivon by the Lord, quali totis an to the whole Chiarch, that e ma ali obo hi in illione con Sent. For there is no doub that e hal fuit agruuwith the Chureli, is e ho oursolves in ali hings obedientio the Lord NON, to attribute to the apostles the originis the traditioris hic limave hit horto Oppresse the Church, i a mere imposture so the whole tendori y of the doctrino of the apoSile WaS that men' consciences hould not e burdoned
Willi ne observaneus, o the orshi o God contaminat odwith human inventions. Besides, i there e any ci edit due to ancient historie an records, the apOSiles no OnlyneVerane N, ut neve eveni ear of that hicli is ascrib0d tot hem. o let it e retended that the greatos par of thoir Constitutions ere received in se an Commoni practiSed, Whicli,ere neve committe to ritin namely thOSe thingsWhicli, during the lis os Christ the were not able to under- stand, ut hic hoster his ascension the learne froni therevelation soli Hol Spirit. The meaning of that passage We have ali eady eXamin ed. illi respecto the present Subjeci, e ma observe, the malle themSelve trui ridiculous by maintaining that hos great mysteries, hicli,ere so longuntinown to the pOSties, eo Si Sted parti of Jewish or heathen cere montes, of hicli the forme had long efore been promulgate among the Jews, and the alter among the heathen, and parti of Oolisti gesticulations and unmea in rites, hic hstupid priosis, lio carcet know o to alii or Spenti, persorin illi the greates exactness, and hicli even insanis and 1 OOls counterfuit so eli, that it might e thought thero ereno more uitable minister os Such solemnities. Is there ereno historie S, et men O sound judgment ould concludo romthe hin iiself that such a vast multitude of rites an Observarices di no bruali into tho Churchlal on a sudden, ut that the mus have been introduced by degroes. For hei those hol bishops, ho ere the immediate SucceSSors of the poSiles lia made Some appotntinent relatin to Orde and di Scipline, the were sollowed by a series of thers, WhO ad Ooli tilo consideration, and to much curiosit an cupidi ty, of vhom very one in Succession vied With his predecessors, si oma oolisti emulation to excet them in the invention Os ne Nobservances Andaecause there a clange that thei involitions by hicli the destre to obtain the pratSe of OSteri ty, might in a hori time o disitsed the were the more rigid in ensore in the observance of them This Dolisti an perverso imitation has oen the ource of mos of thos ritus hicli tho
Romani Si large pon usin apostolic And this is uiso attestudi, various historieS. XIX. To auoi to much prolixit in composita a catalogueos them ali, Ne hali content urselves illi ne Xample In the administration os the Lordys Supper the apoSiles Sed great Simplici ty. Their immediate SuccesSors to adorn the dignit of the mystery, added ome ornas hicli Nero Ot ob altogether condemne l. Aster Nard solio Nud hos 1 o fh imitators, ho by addin Variola fragmentis rom time to time, ut longili formed hos vestinent of the rieStS, thoS Ornninent Sosalie altar, hos gesticulations and ali that apparatu OsisSe-
les things, hicli, se in tho mass. ut the objec thatit a an ancient Opinion, iliat nate ver a done illi thecommon consent of the universa Churuli ha originaled fromthe apost les. In proos of this, the cite the est ii non of Augustine. 4hal give them no the answer thau in the Ordsof Augustino im soli hos thingsolii chore Observed througho ut the orid, ' says ne, , may understando have been ordat ned ei the by the apoSile them Selves, o by generalco unctis, hoSe aut horit is very uses ut in the Chureli astha the SufferingS re Surrection, an ascension siti Lord, and th descent of themoly Spirit, are celebrate by Solemn anni-Versaries alid is there e any thin eis os a similar indobserve by the universa Church vhere ver it has extendeditself. V lienis enumerates o se examples, ho doe notse that he intende to attributo to authors orth os credit an reverene the Observaraces hicli ere then in Se andrione ut hos Simple, rare, and Ober Ones, hieli are Sestilin preServui the ordor of the Chiarch Θ ut o distant isthi passage rom the conclusion the Roman doctor Would extor 1 rom it, that here is no the mos insignificant cerem onyamon them hici ought notrio e considere a reSting onthe authorit of the post lest XX. Notato berio tediolis I Wil produce ni One Xample . Ι any one inquire hunc the have thei holy ater, theyimmediat et ansiuer, rom the postles. As f the histories didiso attribute his invention to a bis op os Ronie, ho, is he had alien ouuse of tho postles, ould certaint neverhave contaminate baptism by a strange and nseasonablesymbol. Though it oes no appea to me probable that the Origin os that consecration a s ancient a thos histories State. For the Ob Servationis Augustine, that Some Chiarchesin his time rejected the custom os Washing the eo as a Solemnimitation os Christ, est that certiliony might e SuppoSed toliave an reserene to baptism, implies that there a no therkin os Washing thon practi sud hic si ore an reSemblane to baptism. Be his as it may I shali neve admit it o liave been a dictate of the spirit of the apostlos that baptism houldbe recalle to the memor by a dati ab talion, hich ouldbe litti eis than a repetition os t. t i os o consequencethat Augustine else Where ascribus other hings also to the apostlos foris he has nothing ut conjectureS, o ConchiSion ought to e drawn froni them on suchon important subjeci. LaStly though e liould even grant, that illos things hic li
have contradicte his own opinion, is he had aster ard consente to the impositionis any oke. et there asin Olie imposed is the postles decreed, rom heir Wn authori ty, that the Gentiles hould e prohibited frona meat offere toidois, and frona lood, and rom hings strangled. V There Stili remalii Some dissiculty that nevertheles the Seem to prohibitthem. ut his ill e easti solved is e more closely Xamine the meati in Of the decree iseis of hicli the rstpoint in orde and principat in importarice is that the Gentiles were to e est in possession os thei liberi y, and notrio e disturbe or troubled abolit the observance of the law. o farciti completet iniur favo ur. The exception hicli immediatelysollows is no a ne la made by the postles, ut ille Divine and terna command so th preservulion Os charit inviolate no doescit diministi a titile of that liberty it otii admotii Shesthe Gentiles o the ought to accommodate thenaseive tothei bre thren, o void ostendin them by an abiis of their liberty. The second potui, therei ore, S, that the Gentiles ereto se a harmi es liberi y, and without offenceri thei brethren . Is it e stili objectod that the proscribe a certain direction, Ireply that a sar a Was expedient O that period the poliat out und Specis the things in hich the Gentiles e re table togive offence to thei brethren that the might refrain froni them; et the ad nothin ne of thei Own to the eternalla os God by hicli offences against Our rethren are prohibited.