장음표시 사용
ontiroi disserent stom the processus os civit colaris, thei succes- sors have rected an ordinar jurisdiction. I a SubSequent period When cities and countries ero oppresse With various dis- treSSe S the had reco urse to the patronage of thei bishops, that the mighti protected by thei influenceri Succeedinibishops, by Wondorsu artifice, o protector have made themselves loros. Nor an it e donlud that the principat acquisition the have made, have been effected by saetion and Violeneo. The princes, Who ouintarii investe the bis ops illi jurisdiction, ereactuato to this by various motives. ut though thei indulgetice may have X hibite Some appearance of piety, et their preposterous liberality as by no means adapte to promote thebenus of tho Chureli, the ancient und genuino disciplino ofwhichahe theret, corrupted or ather, o Santhe truth, ulteri yannihilalud. ut hos bis ops vlio have abused sueti kindnessos princes to their Nn prosit, have sufficienti ovinced by thisone specimen that the were in realit no bis ops at all. Fori tho had possesso a particle of the apostolio Spirit, theyWould unquestionabi have ansWered, in the language of aut, that the weaporis os ur Warsare a re not carnal, ut V a)spiritual. Instea of this, hurrie a Way ith a b rid cupidity,
Without an thing oin said, et the Roman pontiis a notashamed ut the Councilis Arios, o decree, that the Supreme poWer os both swordibolonged o him by Divino right. XII With osp et to the donation o Constantino, perSonSWh haVe Ont a moderate acquaintance illi the histories of thos times, nee no information o sabulous, and even ridiculoris, his s. ut toloave the histori es, Gregory, holived ove soli hundred ear after is lone a competent and erysiissicient Witnes of this fact. For, heroueri Speak of theemperor, he ives him the illo of Most Serene Lord, and calis himself his uti Nortii servant. In ne placeae nys, et notour lord, rom his earthi power, o to ready to reat prie Sis With disdain ut mitti excellent consideration, o the alie sitim hos Servant tho are, et im ille Ver them in Such amanner, Sint the a me time tota them due reveretice. V e Se hoW, in the common subjection, he wishod to e consideredas ne of the ooplo for e is there leading not another perSon' CRUSe, ut his Own. In another place he says, d rust
lOrdS, and will overti us undor our an accordin to his mercy. V inve O quoted hos passages illi an desigia todiscus at largo his quoslion of the donationis Constantine, but meret to ho In readers by the Way, What a puerile salsuhoo it is of the Romani sis, o attemptri etaim a temporalSoverei gnt for thoi pontiis Andis much the more contempti-ble is the impudorice of Augustino teuchus, the pope' librarian, Who has ad the offrontor to prostitute his labours o serve his muSter in sueti a desperato causo Laurentius Valla had amplyros ut d that subis, hich was no dissiculi to a manis learn inganti an acute rea soner; et, like a mni littio conversant insecolosiastica assairs, he had not suid ali that would have corroborate the argument. Si euchus allios sortii, and catters themost disgustin trasti to obscuro the cloaright. ut in laci, hoplead the cause of his master With no more foro than is somo
vigorOu and legitimate exortion to repres the cupidit os the pontiffs Thias e se With What plausibilit the have represente this admirabio donation o Constantino by hicli thepope preterid himself to have been investe mitti the fove
ssor the had 0gur bosor the usurpen the go verriment of thecity, so disturbet an distracte the Christian orld that they
havo rought it to the rint of ruiti. In the time os Gregorythe First, heri tho uardians os the ecclesiaStica propertyseigod sor themselves tho land whicli elonge to the Church, und accordin to the UStom Of princes, et up thei tities aridarmoria bearing on them in tollen O thei cluim, Gregoryassembled a provincia colitici os bis ops, in hic me severolyinve ighed against that prosane custom, and asked Whether theyWould not Xcommunicato an ecclesiastic ho hould attemptthe eigurem propert by the in Scription os a litte, O eveninybisho who hould direct suci a th in to e done or ii dono Without his direction, Shouldio punish t. The ut pronounco that ver such os ender hould e excommuniented Butis laimin a fiold by the inscription os a titio, e a crime de- Servin Os Xcommunication in uarie St,- When o tWo holecenturies the pontiis have been meditatin nothinibu Nars es- fusion Osilood, Staia gliter os armies, Stormin and pilla gin cities, the destructionis nations the devastation Osaingdouis for the Sole purpos os et Zing the dominion Os Others, WhateXCommunications cani sufficient for the punishmentis such examplos Θ
tho Roman ecclesiastic arrogate O thenaseives. O theyconside it a degradation sor them to appear ei ore a civiljudge in persona causes, and the imagine the liberi and dignity of tho Church to consist in thei exemption rom the
this is the language of Constantine, in his episti to the bishopso Nicomostia: cis an bisho excite an disturbano by his
indiscretion, his presumption hali e restruine by the aut horit os hominister of God that is by mine. V An Valentiniansays, Mood bis Ops neve traduce the OWer of the emperor, but sinceret observe the command of God the foveret gum in g, an obe ou la s. ' At that time this principie a universallyadmitted Without an controverSy. EccleSiastica causes ere
ecclesiastic had committe no crime agnins the laWs, ut asorii chargon illi offenditi agnin St the canons, he a notSummone to the common tribunal, ut a judged by thebishop. In like manner, is a question as agitato 1 respectingan urticle os salth, or an other subjec properi bolon ging to the Chureli, to the Clitarcii the cogniZance of it a committed. In his sense is to e understood What Ambroso rite to theemperor Valentinian oursathor os august memory, nolinlyanswere verbally, ut also ordat ned by edicis, that in a cause
sence of the eople. V e contende that a spiritua cause that is a cause affect in religion- oughtio tot carrie into a civiliouri Where secular controversies are agitatex undiis constanc in this respectias been universali and justi applauded. Yet, omithstanding the goodnes of hi cause, he went nosurther than to declare, that is the em peror proceeded to employsoree, he ould submit. Η says, d Willio voluntarii desert
mith magnanimit an confide ne in his oly man. Iustina, the mollieris the emperor beenus si, could no induce himio oin the Arians endeavoured totas prive himis his bishopric. An she would have succoede inter attempis, is in compliance With the summons, he had gone to the palace of the emperor Oplea his cause There re e dente the emperor to e competent judge sis important a Controvers ; and this asnecessar both Dom the circumStances of that time, and romtho invariable natur os the Subjec it seis. For he was of opinion, that it was his diat to suffer duath athur than, b his conSent, to permit Such an Xample tot transmitteda posteri ty; and et in casse of violence e in employed he choris ediso athought os resistance Foris doniexit to e compatibio iththe character os a bisho to essend th saith an privileges of the Chiarch by arms; ut in ther cases e ho Nod hi inseis ready to O hateve the em peror ould command Is hedemand tribute, ' says Q. , do not rosus it tho land so the Chureli pa tributo. he demund illo lands, he has We to tali them non os, Wil oppos him. V Gregory
also spontis in a simila manner. Pammo ignorant, ' he says, of the minii os ori mos serene lord that heris no in tho habitos intersering in sacerdotal causeS, est he houid in an respectb burdone With ur ins. V e doe no entiret Exchide theemperor rom udgin prieStS,aut ob Serve that thermare certain causes hicli ho ought to leave to the decision os the Chiarch. XVI. An even in his exception the sole Objectis thesehol men us to prevent the tyrannicul violene and caprice os prince les lavourable to religion froni Obstruct in the Church
the occasiona interposition os princes in ecclesiastica uisairs, provide they ould Xer thei authorit so the preservationos the ordor of the Church, and not so the disturbane oscit sorthe stablishmentis discipline, an no sor it relaXation. Foras the Churchielther poSSeSSeS, nor ought O de Sire, the pomer tocon Strain, - Speuk of civi coercion, it is the par os pious kings and prince to Suppor religioni laws, edicis, and judicial
manded certain bishops to receive thei neighbourin colleagues, who had eun expelled rom thei Seps by the barbarians, regor confirmed hi command and exhorte them to benit. An when he himself,as admoni Shed by the Same emperor Obo reconcile to Johia, the istio Os Constantinople, ne id, indeed, assignin reason hyae Ought notrio e lamed, et heboastedio immunit exemptinihi in stoin the imperiat authority, but on the contrar promise complianc a sar a Stiouldae consistent With a good eo Scienceri undis the Same time ac-knowledged that Mauritius acte in a muniter ecomin a religious prince in giving Such command to the bishops.
Tu discipline os the Chiarch, the discussionis,hich Phave
proceo to the elergy, who be Side thi common diScipline, havua discipline peculia to thenaseives. ut a Some have Such ahatro os disciplino, a to abhor the ver name, the Should atten to the followin consideration That fis Societ y, and even no hola Se though containing oni a mali family, an bepreserve in a prope State ithout discipline, his is far more necessar in the Chureli, tho stat of hicli ought to se homost orderi os ali. A the savini locii in os Christ is tho oulos the Church, o disciplino fornis the ligamenis hicli connectili member together, and keep ach in it proper luce. Whoe ver, heres ore either desii e thurabo tionis ali discipline. or obStruet iis resto ration, hether the ac fron design orinadvertency the certaini promote the sentire disso uition ostii Church. For, at ill bu the conseque iace, is every nu
be the case, unies the reachin os the doctrine ere accom- pante With private admonitions reproosse, and ther mean toensore the doctrino, an prevent ii rom ein auogether inessectuaL Discipline, there fore, serves RS a ridie to curband reStrain the refractory, ho resis the doctrine os Christ O a re puro Stimulate the inactive and Ome times as usather' rod, illi hicli those ho have grievousi fallen maybe hastised in murcy, and with the gentienes of the Spirit os Christ. NoW, When e so the approach os certain o ginningsos a druadsul desolation in tho Church, sine there is O so eitudo or means to koep the eopte in Obedieno to uriord, necessit it seis proclaim the want os a romody and this is theoni remed Whichinas been commando by Christ, or hic has ver been adopted among e e VerS. II. The sirs solandation o disciplino consist in the se of private admonition that is o ny that is an ono e ui yos a voluntar omission os diaty, o conduci iniself in an in Solent maniter, O discove a Want of Virtuo in his se orcommit an ac deservin os reprehension, hQ hould suffer himself to' admonished and that very one hould stud toadmonisti his rother, hone ver occasion Shali require ut that pastor an dire Sbyters beyon allithors, should bo vigilant in the dis harge of this duty. 0 in cassed by thei ossice, notoni to reach to the congregation, ut also to admonisti and exhor in private ouses, is in an instances thoi public in- Structions maymo have been sufficienti essicacious os Paul inculcateS, Wheni sayS that he 'aught publici and frona houso totouse, ' and protest himself to puro rom the lood fallien,' havin ceased notri Waria every one night an day
illi tears. V c For the doctrine then obtainscit suli authority, and producos iis due fleet, heu the mini Ster notini declaresto at the eopte together halcis thei dat to Christ, ut hastho right an means os en forcing it pota them hom hoobserves to e natientive, o no Obedient to the doctrine. Ιs annone uitlier obstinatet rejec Stich admonition S, O manisost his contempt of them y persistin in his misconduci; aftur u hali have been admonishod a secon time in thepresene os ituesses, Christ direct him to e summonedbosor the tribunal os the Chureli, that is, th assembl os theelders, and there to e more Severet admonished by the publicata thori ty, ilia iste revereno the Churuli ho ma submit undobo ; ut is his domo overconi him, andi stili persevere in his iniqui ty, ou Lord then command him, as a despiser of the Chiarch, o be excluded rom the societ os belle vers. d)III. ut a Jesus Christ in his passage is Speaking oni os
private aulis, it is necessar to malae his distinetion - that Some in are private, and ther publie Or notorious WittireSpecto the former, Christ say to evor private individual,
directionalven by the postle o Timothy, to rebul e publiclythΟSe hos trunSgression mere public he himself exempli sed in his conduet to Peter For hun eter committe a publicost unco h did not admonish him in privato, ut rought imsorruardius ore ali the Church. g The legitimate colarSe then, Will e in correctin secret aulis, o adopi the disserent stupidirected by Christ and in the case of thos Whicli arenotorio US, O proceo ut ne to the Solemn correction of the
IV. It is also necessar to malle another distinctioniet Neendisserent in Some re malle delinquencies, ther are flagitiou Or enormous crimes. O the correction Os atroclous crimes, it is no Susticiunt to emplo admonition or reproos recolars muSt be ad O a Severe remedy a Paul ho S. Wheri ho does no conten himself illi censuring the incestu-ous Corinthian, ut pronounce Sentence Os Xcommunication
immediatui on uiri certised of his crime. O , then, ebegin t have a cluarer perception hox the Spiritual jurisdiction
aut hori ty, ut ni exercisos the jurisdietion hic limo hasgi ven it. An that omne ma despis this udgniunt of the Chureli, o conside itis os ille importano that ho is condemne by the voice of th faithsul God has tosti fiod that it isno Otho than a declaration os his sentence, and that hut theydo on artii hali e ratisiod in heaven. For tho have themori of the Lord, to condemn the perverse the have the Word to receive the penitent into favo r. Persons holo evethat he Chiarch could no subsist ithout his boni os discipline, re mi Staken in thoi opinion, utiles we could aselydispense illi that rem sed whicli tho Lord oresa mouid bo
Will e partallor os this pollution. V o uarii his mos Sacre mystery theres ore, rom ein reproached there is needos great discrotion in tho administration Oscit, ala doliis requiros the jurisdiction os the Chiarch. The seconi en is that thegood ma not e corrupted a is osten the RSe by OnStant association illi the Wie ked For, Sueli S ur propensit toerror, nothinii more eas than foris vi example to educe Ssrom rectitude os conduci. This se os discipline a re-marhed by tho postle, hen e directo the Corinthians toe Xpe froni thei societ a person ho ad beon uili os incest illo leaven ' says e, clemeneth the holetum p. V h An tho postle perceived such great angor from his quarter, that he evon interdicto belie vors rom ali socia intercourse illi the wiel ed. I have ritten tanto Ou, no to keep company is an mari that is callex brotho b a
Pundorstandrit, that he had consigne him to a tempora condemnation that the spirit might e ternali Smed. e there- fore calis it dolivering to Satan, ecause the devit is ithout the Church, as Christ is in the Chureli. O the opinion os Some perSonS that it relates to a certain torment of tho Odyin the prosunt Ese, inflicted by the age ne of Satan appear tome Xtremel doubisul. VI. Havin State thos ends, it remain sor us to examinelio tho Church exorcisos his branch os discipline, hicli consist in jurisdiction. In therars place, et usaee in te
tho distinctiori bos ore mentioned that Some in are publie, and ther private, o more conoealed. Publi Silas are those Whicli are no Oni known to ne O tW Witnesse S, ut recommitte Openly, and to the scanda of the whole Chiarch. B private inS, mean, o sueti as are entiret unknown Omen, like hos o hypocrites, so the Se neve come Unde thecogniZance of the Church, - ut those Dan intermediate elaSS,