장음표시 사용
sulfillud, ou sola must e reviousi divested os very ther perception and thought ou heur musti fruod from ali destres, and ovi might musti collected und contracted O thi One potnt. Those lio, compared illi thers have made a Ver considerable progress in the Way of the Lord are et at an immense
distanc from his persection. For though the lovo o withthei solii and with sincere assectionis heari, et tho have stillmuch os thei hear an solii occupied by carnal destres, hic retard thei progress toWard God Thuy do indeed presssorWard illi Stron exortions, ut the est parti debilitatesthei Strength, and parti attracis tuo it sulf hut cui thendo in his case, hon the perceive that they ure S sar rom observin the la- They WiSh the aspire, the endenVour, butthe do nothin With the persection that is sequired. Is thuyadverto the iam the See that very Work the attempt Ormeditatu is accursed Nor is there the east reaSon sor nyperson to deceive himself, by conclaidin that an action is notnecessarii altogether ovit, ecaus it is imperfeci, und that theres ore the good part oscit is accepto by God For the la , requirin perfect love condemn ali impersection, unies iis rigour o mitigatod. et im conside his orti, heres ore,
ilia very orti orae a transgression of tho law, ecnus it is imperfeci. V. Se ho ali ur ortis, is estimate accordin to thorigour of the la , ure subjecto iis curSe. ON, then, couldun happy out appi thenaseive With alacrit to any orti sorwhicli the could Oxpocto receive nothing ut a curses Onthe contrary, is the are liberate from the Severe exaction Osth la , or ather rom the whole oscit rigour, an hea God calling them illi paterna gent leness, then illi cheersu messan promptinlacrit the wil ans ver o his cali and solio vinis guidanee. In hori, the Who re bound by the ok of thola , ure like lave who RV certain dat lyriasiis appotnted by thoi mastors. They thini the have done nothing, and presume O to enter in to the presene Os thoi mastur Without havin finishud the work proscribe to them Eut children, Who are reatu by thei parent in a more libera mannor, hesitate noto presen to them their imperseet, an in omerespecis nuti mortis, in confidunco that thoi obediene and
promptitude os in mill e accepto by them, though thuyliave no performe ali that tho Wishod. Such childroniugiit
me tole, seu in a certain confidelice that ou service S, ho ever
VI. This is the reason hy the author of the Episti to tho Hebrews reser i faith, an estimates ni by faith, at thegood mortis hicli are recorde of the oly patriarch s. si Onthi liberi thero is a remari ablo passage in the Episti to the
though ou do not et Xperiene Sin to e deStroyed, and righteousnes living in Ou in persection, et ou have nocuus sor terror an dejection os indoniis God ere perpetuali offende on account os ou remaining in ecauSe bygrace ou are emancipaled from theciam that our ortis mayno b judgo accordin to that ille. ut those, ho insertha me a commit in ecause e remo unde the a N, may be assured that he have no concern illi his liberty, th 0nd of Whichris to animatem to Virtue. VII. Tho hird par os Christian liberi teache iis that ear bound by no obligation es ore God respecting Xternalthings, hieti in thomsolves are indifferent; ut that e may indifferenti sonte times se, an at ther time omit them. An the nowlonge of this libert also is ver nece SSar soriis sor ithout it me hal have no tranquillit os conscience, nor ill there e any en os superStitioris. Man in the present age hin k it a follyrio ruise any dispule Coneerning the free se os mouis Ofinys, and of hab iis, and simila Subjecis, considering these things a frivolous an nugatory but they
In hori, he Wil come to thini it criminal to temove a Nigiliat lies acros his path. For his is the commen cementis notrivia controversyri ut the dispute is hether the se os certain thingit, agrueable o God. hos mill ought to uide all
tion o whicli is est reo that the conscience ma nota bound by an obligation to observe them, ut ma remember that by the goodnes os God i may use them, O abStain from them, Sshali 0 mos conducive to edification. IX. Now, it mustae carosuli observed that Christian liburtyis in ali iis branchus a spirituat thinga ad the virtve of hicli consist in appensin terrised conscietices bes ore God, hether tho are disquiete an solicito us concerning the remi SSion ostheir in S, O are anXious o lino is heir ortis, hicli are imperseet und contaminate by the de filements of the osti, uacceptable o God are tormente concerning the Se osthing that ar indisserent. Where re the are uili Os pervertin iis meaning, ho et ther mali it the preteX of their irregula appetites that the may abus the Divine lessing to the purpo Ses of SenSuality, O Who SuppoSe that there is noti borty ut fiat is sed bes ore men, and theres ore in the Xercis oscit totali disregar their eali re thren The formeros these in is the more common in the present age Thereis carcet an one, hominis eatili permit to e Sumptuous, who is no de glited illi 1Xurious splendour in his entertain ments in his ress and in his uilding Who oes notdeSire a re eminence in very Species os luXury who ous notStranget statior himself On his elegarice. An ad thes thingsare defended unde tho preteXtis Christian liberty. The adegethat tho are things indisserent; his Padmit, provided tho bu
r plenStare are chargeable illi Xcess. Orcit is trul ob- Served that a proud ear frequently dwelis unde coars andragge garmonis, and that implicit an humilit are ome- times concente unde purpi and fine non Lot ali men, in thei respective stations Whetheris poUerly Os Competence, or of Splendour, live in the remembrance filiis truth, that God consors
conscienco, o hicli ho bonos of this liberi Was duo is nowemancipatod Theres oro, though the abstain rom flesti, and Wear ut ne color, durin ad the restis thoi lives, his is nodiminution of thoi freedom. Fay because the are 1 ree, theytheres ore abstain With a free conscience. ut thensali into a very perniciolis error in disregarding the infirmit os thoi brethron, Whicli it ocomes us O bear, o a no rasillyri d any thingwhicli ouid iv thum tho leas offence. ut it ill e Sald,
plaint countena nee by Scripture, and is likewis sufficiently significant of the hin intondod o bo Xpressed Is ou do
thenaseives the eader in a thousand Specie os impiety, pretendthat tho are ob geda ac in Such a manner, that the may giveno ossonco to thoi neighbours a though the a re nolint thusam time sortis ying the consciences of thoi neighbour in sin eSpeciali sine the a re alWays Stiel in in the fame miro Without any hopo os de verance. And whethor thei noighbouris to bo instructed by doctrine or by Xample the maintain that ho ought to bo sed illi milic, though the are insectinghim illi the mors and mos pernicious notions Paul telistho Corinthians, cliave sed oti illi milli V I but is hoΡopisti massia boen then introducod amori them, ould heliave unito 1 in that reton de sacrifice in ordo to eo thom
secondiy, havin done his ut large in particular reatisos, PamunWil in to trave the Same ground ver again. ni tot therendor remember, that illa hateve offences Satan and thou ori may endeavou to diveri us rom the ordinan es of God,
need a more dis S and perspicuous eXplanation. FO a Soonas a Wor i mentione concorning the abrogation os humanestat, shmenis, rent tumuli are excited parti by seditious personS, parti by cavillor a though ad obediunge of menWere at nee Subverted und destroyod. XV. To preventinny one rom sal in into his error, et usthere re consider, in therars place that man is unde two hindsos OVerninent ne spiritual by hicli the conscienc is
formexto piet and the service os God the ther political by
Whicli a mancis instri te ted in tho utius os humanit anil civi- lily, hieli are to e observe in an intercourse illi manliind. The are generally, and no improperly denominatost hospiritualis dolio tempora jurisdiction indicat in that theforme Species of OVertament pertain to the lis of the soni, and that the latior relates to the concerti os the pre Sent State ; Otoni to the provisionis 1 od andilothing, but to the onactinentos iam to regulate a man's lis amon his uighbours by thortales os holiness, integrity, and sobrioty. For the forme has iis sunt in the interior of the mind whils the alter Ont dirocis the Xtertia conduci: ne a be termed a spiritual kingdom, and the Otho a politica one. ut the Se two a me have distinguis sed them, alWays require t be conSidere Separately und while the ne is unde discussion the in must be abstractod rom ali considerationis the ther. For man contains, ascit ere, No OHds, capa te os eing oVerne by Vario usrulor unu Various laws. his distinction ill provent halthe Ospe inculcates concern in spiritual liberi from pingulisapplied to politica regulations a though Christians ereius subjectri the aeterna goVernmentis human laWS becausethei consciences have been et a liberi bes ore God asthough their roedom os spirit necessarii exempted them romad carnal Servitude. Agnita, eonus even in thos constitutions Which seem to perta in to tho spiritual ingdom, there may possibiy e Some deception it is necessar to discriminatebet Neen thes also; hicli are to e accounted legitimate, Saccordin With the Divine ord, and Whicli, On the contrary, ought O to e received among o evers. O civit overn-mento halloreat in another place. Os ecclesiastica laavsalso Psorben to Speali a present; bocause a sus discussion os them id bo prope in tho ourth Book, here e hali rent of the pomeris the Church. ut erat, ad conclude the presentargument in the fosso in manner The question, hicli, a Ili avo observest, is in iiselfio ver obscure Or intricate, greatly perpleXe many beenus the domo distinguisti illi sufficiunt precision et Neen the Xternat jurisdiction and the our os conscienco. The dissiculi is increassed by au Ps injunction toobe magistrates tot ni for rath, ut uis for conscience' salis q) rom,hicli it should fossow that the conscience also is bound by politica in s. ut is his oro truo, it ould supersede ad that Ne me ineady aid, or a re no about o Say, QS pectin Spiritual overtiment. For the fouition os this dissiculay, it id se of Se firSt, o no What OnScienCe S. Anytho do finitionis it must o derivod rom the etymolog of the Ord FO as, heu men apprehend the nowledge os