Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


a man without relation to thor en, o any Consideration Ofthem, is sal to in the conscience For example, God notoni et oin the preservationis humi d chuste and pure si Omever libidinous destre, ut prohibit ali obscenity of langua ge


and Xternat lasciviousnoss. The observance of this a is incumbent on m conscienco though there eremo another manoXistin in the worid. . Thus he ho transgresse the limit os temperance, not ni Sin by ivin a ad Xamplo to his bre thron, ut contracis uili on his conscience besore God.

Things in thoniselves indisserunt areo bo uide by ther considerations It is ou duty to absta in rom them is thoyten to the east offence, et ithout violatili ou liberi os

ho this laW, though it indes the externa action, leave the

Uno the subjecis atready discussed, e Clearly perceiveho ulteri destituto mancis of e very good, and in antis allthe means os salvation. Wheres ore, iste ook or olius in his necessities, he must go ut Os himself, and obtain it from sonio Other quarter. It has been Subse liuently stated that the ordvoluntarii an liberali manifest himself in his Christ, in whom h offers iis ali felicit instea os ur misery, and opulenco insteadis oti poVert in homine pen to Ou vie thotreaSures of heaven that our aith may be holi en gage intho contomplation os his bolove Son that ali ur Xpectationma dependis pon him, and that in him ali ou hopo ma restand e sud satis fiod. his, indoeil, is that secret anil recondito philosophy, hicli cannot e Xtnae ted rom syllogisms; butis et understood by thos WhOSe ye God has ope ned that in his glit the ma seu ght. ut since e have beentaught y aithoo acknowledge, that haleve me an forthe Suppi os ur necessities is in God nil ur ord usus

Christ, in hom it has pluased the ather at the sultius os his

y I Cor. X. 28, 29.


un prostable, as Or a man to neglecto troaSure disco vered tollim buriud in the arth. Where fore the postle, o ho that

gospe in ur euris enco urage Our SpiritS, O that the Venture to our ut thei destres es ore Od excite viroaningsthat cannot be ut tered, ' an cry ith confidunco Abba, Father. V a This ast subjeci, theres ore, havin been es reoni cursorii mentione and Stightly Ouched requires no tob troate more ut large. II. B means os prayer then, e penetrat eo tho Se riches Whicli are reserve With ur heavent Father for ur Se . For etw00n Od and men there S a certain communication; by hicli thenenter into the sanctuar of heaven, and in his immediate presenco reminum in Os his promi Ses in Orde thathis declaratioris, hicli the have impliciti belle ved ma in

et Rom. x. 13, 14, 17. a Rom. viii. 15, 26


thei acknowledgments of this in thei prayers. But the utilit of this sacrifice, by hicla hecis Orshipped re turn to S. The greater the confidelice, heres oro, illi hicli the ancient satiat glorie in the Divine bene fit to themselve and thers, Withis much the more earnesiness,ere the incite to pray.


men rom prayin to God preten that it is solus D us byour interruption to ear the Divine Providelice, ilicii sera gage in the conservationis ali hings hereas the Lord declares, on the contrary that he nigh to ad that ali ponhim in truth. V c An equali nugator is the objectionis others that it is Superfluous to petition sor hos things hichthu Lor is ready voluntarii to esto herea even hoSevery things, hicli sto to Scironi hi Spontaneo u liberality,


and attention to it, and not be distracted a is commoni thecase, With wandering thought nothin belli more contraryto a reveretice formo than such levity, hicli indicatos alicentiolis spirit, holi uiarestraine by ear. In his case orireXertioris must e rent in proportion to the dissicult w0eXperience. O no an an e so intent On praying, but hema perceive many irregula thought intrudin on him, an deither interrupting ora Some Oblique digreSSion retarding theco urso os his devotions. ut here et ias consider hat an indignit it is, heia God admit iis to familia intercourse illi him, O ubus Such great Condescension Da mi Xtur of things Sacred an prosane, hil Our thoughis remo confine to hi mi, reverentiat awe ut alii , Nere conversing ith a mean mortat, e qui him in the idst of Our prayer, an mal e

t Such an eXtrem os indulgerico, a to subjec himself to thoircaprice. But offences against both these rule are common


ricious, Mercur the lover of earning Apollo and Minerva; the War ke, Mars and tho libidinous, Venus justos in thepresent age as have latet hiniud men indulge a reater licens to their unlawsul destros in thoi prayers, than is thuy

reali prays o groan ; ut he Xcite Within us confidelice, deSires, and Sighs, to the conception of hicli ur native pomer Were alio ge ther inade quate. or is it Without ea sonthat Paul ternis tho se groanings, ,hicli aris froni belloversunde the influunce of the Spirit, inulterable V ecause the Who are trul en gage in prayers, remo ignorant that the are so perplexod illi dubious anxietios that the cansearcet decide ha it is expedient to ut ter and evenWhilo the are attemptin tocii sp, the stamine an hesitate Whunc it sol lows that the ab ilit os pray in rightly is a peculia gist Theso hings are notisai in orde that e may indulge uriwn indolence, resigning the ossico os praye to the

Spiritis God, and roWin torpid in that negligunce to hich


VI. Lot his e the secon rule That in ur supplications me liould have a reat an permanent ense of ur iudi genue, an Serio usi considering our necessit os ali that e Sti, should oin illi the petition themselves a serious and ardentdusire os obtaining them. For multitudes careteSSi recite asorin os prayer, a though the were discliargin auasi imposedon thum by God and though tho conses that this is a remed necesSar so thei calamities, sincerit Wouldae curtain destruction to e destitute of the Divino id hicholio implore, et that the persorin his ut meret in compliance With custom, is evident froni the oldnes of thei hearis, and thoi inattention to the natur of thei petitions. The arelud to this by somo genera an confuse Sense Os thei necessity, hicli nevertheles dous no excite them to implore arolius for their great neexas a case os preSent Urgency. OW, What an e imagine more odious o execrable o God hanthis hypocrisy, When an man pray so the pardon o Siris, who a the fame time thinlisi is notin Sinner, or at eas does no thinii that he is a sinitor λ hicli is an Open Ocher os God himself. ut suci depravity, a Phave es re observed, pervade the hole humata race, that a a matteris serm thuyfrequently implore of God many things hich the ei ther X-

tolerated Who, having oni imbibe this principio that God


condition. An this David calis in imo hun God a bufound , V m bucatis sa liuolaches in many ther places the


himself, iving, by this humiliation of himself, at the loryentiret to God; est, arrogatin an thing though Ver Soliti te, O urseives, e peristi rom his re Sene in Consequen Ceos our vanity of this submission, hicli prostrates ver highthought, e have frequent Xamplos in the servant of God os,hom the mos eminent for holines seel the rente Si con- Sternation on entei in into the resono of the Lord Thus Daniel, hom the Lor himselfinus o ighi commendod, Sald, Me domo present ii Supplications e fore the formur