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that, at least, it purit uiight not be preservo in the Church. But the persection of the readsul abomination as his stablis montis a sigia by hicli it might be not ni obscure dand perverted but auogether ob terate an abo Shed, o a todisappear rom the viein, and to depari rom the re membrance of men. Preser to that mos postilent error illi hichra hasb nde almost tho hole orid, persundiniit to e eve that the mas is a sacrifice and oblation to procure the remission Offitis How his dogma as ut firSt underStoo by the sotander schoolmen, Who id not sal into ali ho absurditius of th0ir successors, I shali not sta to inquiro, ut hali tali leavo osthum and thei thoria subiteties hicli, hoWeVer the may b defended by subterfuges an cavils, ought to e rejected byal good men, beenus the meret Serve to obscure the luStreos the aere supper LeaVin them, heres ore, I isti therea der to Understand that Pam nox combat in that opinionWith, hi h li Roman antichris an his agent have insected the whole orix; namely that the mas is an ac by hichtho prie si ho offers Christ, and thers ho participat in the oblation, merit the avo ur of God that it is an expiat oryvictim by hicli the reconcito God to thom Nor has hisbeen meret an opinion generali received by the uultude; but the ac itseli is o ordered, a to e nain os expiation, to mali satisfaction to God sor the sitis of the vin and thedead. his is fuli expressost uiso in the word Whicli theyuseri nor an any thin et se e conchide froni iis ait obsor-vance. I lino ho deepi thi pes has triclien it roois, what a plauSibi appenrance of goodnes it assumes, o itshelter itfel unde the nam os Christ, an ho multitudes bH eve the whole substanc os imith to se comprehended under the ingle or mass. But heri it hal have been most cleari demonstrate by the wor of God that his mass, hoWeve it a b varnished an adorned offers the grentes insultio Christ, SuppreSSe and concent his ross, consigra his deathio oblivion, de privus iis of the bone fit resulting rom it, and invalidates an destroy the sacrament hicli as est a umemoria os that death, - Nil there e any oot to dee ser
ΙΙ. et iis proceed, heres ore, to establisti ha we avo assertod in therars place that the mas offers an intolerable blasphum an insulto Christ. For se a constitute byliis ather a prius an umigh-pri est, no fora mited time tit ethos Who are recorded' have been conSocrate prieSt undertho id estament, ho ha Viri a mortalis e couldio have animmorta prioSthood heres ore there a need of SUCCOSSors, froni timorio time, to fili ho placosis thos Who diud ; ut Christ, Whocis immortali requires no vicar tot substitute in his placo. Thorosor humas dosigna ted by the atheris in pries sor ever, astor tho oritur os Melchisedec that he might sorive e Xecutea permanent prioSthood This mystery ad long efore boon prefigured in Molchisedec, homo he Scripture has introducedone as ah prius os the Mostmigh God, ' ut neve mentions him after vards, ascis there had uenio en to his life Fromthis resemblanco Christ is casse a pries after his order st)
B this substitution tho no oni despoli Chris of his duo
batile. What has his to do illi a sacrifice t Moses praises the humanit an libera ty of the pious ing thos menpresumptuoiast fabricate a mystery, os hicli the Scripturomat e no mention . et the varia isti thei error ith anotherpretexi, ecatis the historian immediate ly aster Ward Says,
diction, hocios is tesse of the bellor. V m But is the offering os Melchisedoc ad eun a figure of the sacrifice of themass, is it credibi that the postle, ho discusse ali he
SOphiStry, to attempto overturn the argument hicli theaposite inisel adduces that the right an dignit y of prie st-hood ea Ses amon morta men, ecause Christ, hocis immortat, is the loli anil perpetua priest. III. A secon properi os the masso have State to be, that i suppresses an conuenis the ros an passion o Christ. It is Hyond ut contradiction, that the cros o Christ is Sub-Verte a Soon as ver an alia is erecten forci Christ offerodii himself a sacrifieo on the croSS, to Sancti sym for Uer, and to obtain eterna redemption oris, the Virtu an efficac of that sacrifice muSt certainly continue Without an end. ν)OtherWise, e liould avem more honourable deas of Christ, than os the animal victi uis hicli ere sacrifice unde thelaru the oblations of hicli are proved to have been eat audines cacio us by the circumstance of thei frequent repetition. Wheres ore, it must be aclinowledged, ither that the Sacrifice Whicli Christ accomptished on the ros Wante the virtuo feterna purification, o that Christ has si eredis one perfectSacrifice, ne for nil ages Thi is hal the post te sayS, that his great high-priost, even lirist, io Once, in the end
conside the last vortis of dyin person a Oracular Christ, at tho moment os hi de ath, declare that by his own sacrifico every thin neceSSur to ur Salvation ha been accomplis sed an finished. o uel a sacrifico, the persection of hicli es expliciti declaros, lini it e lawsul sor iis to mali innumerable addition evor lay, a thouglicit ore impers seco Whilo God' mos holy or no Only ussirms, ut proclaim and proteStS that this sacrifice a onc perseet, and that iis virtuo is ternat, do no the who require another Sacrifice chargethis illi imperfection and ines ea n But halcis the tenderic of tho mass, hici admits of hundred thousano sacrifices em offere every ay, XCept it eo ObSeu re ni Suppres the passion o Christ by hicli ho ossere himsel a thoatone sacrifice to the ather Who that is no b nil, oesno se that suci an Opposition to the olea arid manifes truthmus have arisen rom the audacit os Satan am amare filio allacios illi, hicli that sat hor os salsehood is a customedio varii isti Ver thi si nud; S, that theSe re o Various Ordisserent sacrifices, ut ni a repetition Os that ne Sacrifice. But such ilhision are asil dissipated. For through the Whole argument, the apost te i contending, no only that hereare O ther sacrifices, ut that that ne Sacrifice a oneredonee, an is neve tot repeated. The more risu sophistors have reco urseo a dee per subterfuge that the mas is no a
repetitionis that sacrifico, ut an application os t. his sophistr als may be consuted, ithout an more dissicula thun the sortiter. For Christ orice isere ut himself, no that his sacrifico might be ait ratisied by ne oblations, ut that thebone sit os it might e communicate to us by the reachingo the ospol und the administration Of the aere Supper. Thus Paul says that Christisii passovo i Sacrifice sor iis, an command iis to east on him. b This I say, is the wayin hicli the sacrifice of the cros os urior Iesus Christ is righil applied to us, hen it is communicate to u sor urenjoyment, and wo receive it illi triae aith. IV. ut it is orth whil to hear On What ther oundationthe res the sacrifice of the mass. The appl to this purpOSe the prophec Os Malachi, in hich the Lor promisses, that drom the risin os the sun even uni the goi nido 1 os the fame, incenso hali 0 offere uiator his name, and a pure offering. V sc A though it ere a ne or unusual thin sortite propheis, heia the speuk of the cal in os the Gentiles,to designato tho spiritual orshimos God, o hicli the exhortthem, by the externa ceromontes os the lam in Orde to hoW, in a more familia manner, O the men os their Nn times that
th Gentiles ero tora introducedo a participation of thotria religion ascit is thei invariabie practice, nil ocea Sions, to describo the realities hi h have been Oxhibitost in thogoSpei, Unde the type and figures of the disponsation underwhicli tho liuod Thus, conversion to the I ord the eXpressby gotii up to Jerusalem adoration os God by oblations os Vario his gist the more e XtenSive lino lud ge to e bestomedonio evors in the kingdoniis Christi by dream and visio s. d)The prophec Whicli the adduce, herofore, is Simila to another predictionis Isaiah, heremo ore teli the erectionis three uuars, in Assyria, gypt and Judea se I ast the Romanisls sirsi, whethor the domo admit his prediction to have been accomptishod in the ingdom of Christ secondiy, here re thesealtars, or hen ere they Ver erected Ohirdly, huther theythinti that hos t o ingdonas ore destine loci avo the irrespective temples, like that a Jerusalem. A due considerationos hos things, Icili inli, ill induce them to acknowledge, that the prophet, unde type adapte do hi OWn time, a predicting the spiritual Worshil of GOd Whicli a to e propa gato 1 ali ver the orid. his S ur solution of the passagewhicli the adduco roni Malachi; ut as examplos of this
mode of Xpression a re of Sueli requent occurrenue I shali notemplo myseis in a further enumeration of them. Here, alSO, the are in iserabi deceived in acknowledgin no sacrifice ut that of the mas inhereas, e eversio in realit no Sacrificeto the Lord, an osse a pure oblation, of hich e hali presenti trent. V. I no v procee to the thir vie os the mass, underwhich Pam to how ho it oblite rates and Xpunges rom thememor os mani in the rue undisione death of Josus Christ. Foros amon men the confirmation os a te Stument ope nil onthe eath of the testator, o also ou Lord, b his death has confirmed thu testamen in hich he has iven us remissionos ins and Vertast in righteolisne Ss Thoseolio dare Oattemptinia Variationis innovation in his testament, herebyden his de ath, and represent i as fio alve. O , What Sthe mass, ut a ne and totali disserunt tostameno Fordoe not Ver Separate maS promiSe a ne remiSSion os SinS,an a ne acquisition os righteousness so that there are noWas an testament a masses et ChriSt, heres ore, come again, and by another denti, ratis this neW testament, or Rther, by innumerable dentiis, confirm these innumerabi te Sinnient Sos masses. Have Uno trui Salii thon, at the eginning that the rue undisione death of Christ is obliterate and consignedio oblivion by the masses And is no the direct tendency
change thei nature, at the reprie of men so thus the sacredan inviolabi institution os God ould sal to the round . Henc it follows that this principi of the postle an ne Verbe Shalion that Mithout shod lingis biood is no remission. ' h VI. se are no to troat of the ourtii property of the maSS, Whicli is, o prevent iis roni perceivin und resecting on thedeath of Christ, and thoreb to deprivo us of the bene fit result-ing rom it For lio an conside hiinsulsis redeonio by the denti, o Christ, heia te eos a ne redemption in the
i has been ab ead procured by the dualli os Christ. For his
i no ther than protending that Christ has redeo med iis in Orde that e ma redeo in ursolves For his is the doctrine whicli has boon dissuminato by the mini Ster os Satan undwhicli ino no deson by clamo tars, an sire, an Sword that when e isse ut Christo his ather, in the sacrifice of themaSS, e by that ne os oblation obta in remission os Sins, and bocome parta ers of the passionis Christ. What rema in S, then, to the passion os Christ, ut O be an Xample os redemption, by hiuli e may learn to bo ou own redeo mers Christhimself, hen e senis the assurance Os pardon in the aered Supper doe no command his discipies to est in his aut, ut reser them to the sacrifice of his eat ignis ying that the
Supper i a monument, or memorial appotiate to ea ch us
Sacrament promised that by the do th of Christ , are noton ly restore to lisse, ut are porpetuali vivified, e cause Very par ostii salvation a thon necomplis ud sacrifico fili mas proclaim a very disserunt doctrine ollat i is necessar for Christ ora sacrifice evor duy, in orde to e of anyadVantage O us The suppe ought o b distributo in the public congregation os the Chureli, o instruet his in the communion by hicli , inro nil connoctod tog0thor in ChristJesus The sacrifice of the mas dissolves and destroys his communion Forolio reception of this error unde rei it necessar that thure ho ut be pri est to sacrifico so the eopte and tho suppor, as is it ad oen resignod to thom censed Obe administerod to tho Church os bolievers, necordin to the commandinent os the Lord A Way as ponod so tho admis- Sion os private masses, Whicli represented a in I of Xcommunication, ather than that communion hich ad 001 instituted by ur ord, hon the muss-prius separatos himselffrom the whole congregation os belle vors, o devorariis Sacri- se alone. Thatio person a b deceived Ucal it a private maSS, hereVer there is no participation of the ordis suppornmon belleVers, linte ver Umber os persons may be preSentu Spectator os t.
VIII. illi respuet to the ordonas it sol es haVe neverbeen ubi certaint to dolorinino hunc it originate M oni Ithini it a probabi hau boon derivod rom tho oblations Whichised to se maderat tho sacrament Heneo the ancient fallier genorally usu it in tho plura numbor. ut o sorbearali controvers respecting tho term I say thnt private maSSeSare diametricali repugnant to the institution o Christ, an areconSequently an implous profanation of the sacred suppur For
one an alie it, lieres oro, Without an distribution, hat resemblanco does this en to the command 8 ut it is alleged, that this ne mari uous it in the time of the wholo Church. ask by hat authori ty not his an pen octier os God, When ne perSonioe Separalely by himself, that hicli ought noto have boon done ut among many Tho ord os Christ, and os Paul, are sufficienti cloar to authorige the conculSion, that herove thoro is no rout in of the rua sorcommon distribution mon belle vers illere is no the Supper of th Lord biit a false and preposterous imitation os t. But falso imitation is a corruption and the corruption O S greata myster cannot tali pineo ithout impiet y. PriVnte maSSeS, theres ore, re an impioia ubia Se . nixus One abus in religionSOOn produces nother, after the introduction Os his custom os
offering ithout communicating the began by degree to have innumerable asses in ali the cornor of the temples, und thusto divide the ooplo rom achither, Who ought o have united in ne aSSembly, to celebrate the mySter of their Union. oW,let the Romanisi dony, is the can, that the are uili os idolatry in exhibitin breui in thei masses, O be orshippediristea os Christ. In va in do laey boas of thos promi Se of the prosunc os Christ for hoWever the may be underStood, the certainly vere notatuen in orde that impure and profanemen, Wheneve the please, nil for linteVer improper Se,ma transmute read into tho od of Christ ut in ordertha bellovers, religiousi observin the eommand of Christ, in Celebratin the Supper may eivio a triae participation of him in it. IX. In the pure times of the Church, his corruption RS
menn nothin more hau the commemoration os that truo an d
sor ur si iis, and of his lood, hic in Was o liud o the remission of ur ins But in the prosunt sacrifice, there S a
thanksgivin and commemoration os tho nosti os Christ, hic lilio has offered, and of his lood, hici he has hod sor S.
Heno Augustine himself, in various passages, Xplainscit to enothin more than a Sacrifice of pruisse Andrit is a re mari ostensound in his Wri tings, iliat the suo rit' suppor is callo a Sacrifice, sor no ther reason than beenus it Sin memorini, mage, undultostation os that Singular true, and ni sacrisce, by hicli Christinus redeomodis Thero S also a remari able paSSage in his reatis on tho Trinity, horo astor havin tro ted of theoni Sacrifice herilius conchidos In a saerisce, Our thing areto e considere&- to hom it sistered by hom it is ossered, What is offered, and sor horti it is offerod. The alone undirue Mediator, by a sacrisce of enco, reconcilin US O Od,
rumuin sine illi hirn to homine has offerexit malles themi r homo has offoro it in in himsuis is the ne hoatone has osset sed it an is himself tho oblation hicli 0 has osse red. V Chrysostom uiso pentis to the Same purpoSe Andilio ascribe the honour of the priosthood o exclusi vel to Christ, that Augustino declaros that is any one hould set up abishop as an intercessor botweon God and man, it ouldi thelangvago Os Antichrist. XI. et e domo den that tho oblation o Christ is there exhibito to iis in sucti a mannor that the tu of hi cros isatinos place before u eyes the postle says that by the preachin os the ros to th Galatiaris, Christ ad beon evidenti sol orth bosor their yes, cruci sed amon them. V o)But porceive that hos anciunt ather mi sapplied his memorial O a purpos inconsistunt illi tho institutionis tho Lord, ecauSe the Supper, a celebrated by them, repreSente Ilino no What appearance of a re iterat ed, or at leaSt reneWed oblation the fas est a sor pio iis ind will e to acquiesce in the pure an simple ordinane of the Lord, hoSe Supperthis Sacramen is called, ecaus it ought to e regulate byliis sole aut hori ty. Findin themo have rotaine orthodoxan pioia sentimonis of this hole mystery, and no detectingilium os havin intendod the least orogation rom the ne andalone sacrifico os Christ, I dare o condonii them sor impiet ;yet Pthinlicit impossibi to xculpate them rom havin committet soni error in the X tornat orni. For the imitat edth de Wisi modo os sacrisio in g, mor than Christ ad Om- manded, o the natur os the ospe admitte I. The censure Whicli the have dosorvud, horos oro, is for thi prepOStero US conformit to the old Testament that no content illi thesimple an genuine institutionis Christ tho have symboli Zedio much illi the hadow of the law.