Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


XII. Is an person,il attentivel examine, he Wil observethis distinction clearly mari ed by the ordis tho Lord, e-

tWeen the Mosai Sacrifices an oti eucharist that thoughthos sacrifices represented to the Je Wish eopte the fame essicae of tho deat his Christ hic licis no exhibitet to iis in tho Lord 's Supper, et the mode os repre Sentation a disserent. For tho Jewish pries is ere commandet to prefigure the sacrifice hicli aso b accomplisliud by Christ a victim asprofonte in the place of Chris himself there a an altar on hic cit a to e immolatex in Shori, very thin WRS On- ducted in such a manne a to et e re the yes of the eoplea representation of the sacrifice hicli a to se osso rod o Goda an atonement for in s. ut Since that sacrifice has uenaccomptished the Lordinas proscribet to iis a diisserent method, in orde to communicate toto evers the bene sitis the sacrifico

gi ven usin table at hieli e re to sensi, no an altar ponwhicli an victim is to e offerox he has no consecrated prie sis to osse sacrifices, ut minister to distributo the sacredbanquet. In proportion to the Superior sublimit an sanctityo the mystery, With the greater care an reverene it ought tobe reared. The fas est Course thores ore, is to relinquisti allthe preSumption of human rea Son, and to adhere stricti towhat the Scripture onjo in s. Arad Surely, is, conside that itis the suppor os the Lord, and uot of men there i no cause Wh me liould uiser ursolves to e move aiair' bruadthsrom tho scriptura rule by an authorit of men or rescription Of ears Theres ore, hen the postle a deSirous os puri-syiniit rom ali ho aulis hicli ad ab eady cropi in to the Chiarchis Corinthi ho adopto the est an readies mothod,

by recalliniit to the ono origina institution, hichine howsought to e regarde ascit perpetua rule. XIII. That no rangier a tali occasion to oppoS USsrom the term sacrisco an priost, Ι ill riuit statu hates have meant by these ternis ali through thi argument. Someuxionii tho or sacri si e to ali religious eremonios and actions; ut foro his I se no reason. e lino that by the constant sage of the Scripture, the wor sacri lice is applied to

is offoro to God. heros recit is necessar for tis to mali adistinction, ut suci a distinctionis may be consistent illithe sacrificos of the Mosaic las; unde the hadow of hichtho Lord designe to reproserit to his Hople ali the truth of spiritua sacrifices Though there oro various Lind of them, yet the ma aliae res erret to tW classes. For ei thor theymere oblations made for in in a Way o satisfaction, by hich


guit Was Xpiat edae re God, o the were symbolsis Divine Worshil an attestations os devotion Thi Seconi Clas comprehendod three iud os sacrifices: some mere offerest in Way os Supplication to implore the favour os God soni in aWay of than kSgiving, to testis the gratitude os the minxsorbenest received an Some a Simple XpreSSion Os pie ty, Ore ne I the confirmation os the covenant to this classi elonge dburni-ossoring and rin k-osse rings sirst-s ruit alid ea ce-Oiler-ings. Thorus ore et u also divide sacrifices in t two in iis, and so tho Salio os distinction cal ono the sacri lice of reorshipalid pioly beenus it consist in the veneration and Service os God. lite me domanos and receives rom olio vers orci may

immenSe benesis, devote themsolves and ali thoi actions tollim in retiarn. Tho ther a b callud the sacrisce of propitiation or emplation. A sacrisco os expiation is that hic licis ossere trio appuas tho rath of God, o satisf his ustice, and thereby to puris y uti olearis froni sitis that the Sinner, de- livore 1 rom th de filumunt of iniqui ty, and restore t the purit os righteousness, a be 0-admittet to tho favo ur of God. This a tho designation, under the laru os hos Victims Which ivere offerest so the expiation os si iis no that theywere Susticio iit to effect tho restoration os the avour os God orthe oblitoration os iniqui ty, ut oenus tho prefigured that true sacrifice hic his longili as actuali accompliShed by Christ alono by him alonu bucauso it could e made by noother; and nee sor ali, se ause the virtuo an efficae os thatone Sacrifice is eternal as Christi inisseis declared, lieni Salii, It is finishod s that is o say, hute ver a neceSSar toreconcile S to the ather, an to obta in remission os Siras, righteouSneSS, and Salvation, asini effected an complete bythat ne oblation os himsuis, hicli a so persectis to leave

XIV. Whores ore, I conchide, that it is a mos criminal insuli, and intolerablo blasphomy both against Christ imself, and against the Sacrifice hicli ho completu on oti bolial by his

ker of tho passion os Christi And that thore might be nolimit to thei sol ly tho hau no boon satisfiod illi assirin ingit toto a common sacrifico osse rudiquali so tho hole Church, without adding that it Was in their po Ner o mali a pecialiar


applicationis it to an individua the cliose, or ather o Veryone ho as illin to purchas such a commodit With ready money. Though the could no reach the rice of Judas, et, to Xomplis sonae characteristic of thei author tho linVe re-taine the resemblance of number. Judas soli Iesus for hirtypieces of Silver theso men, a sar a in themius, soli hina, in French money, for hirty iocos of copper Oudns sold him ut onco tho sol him res osten a the meet illi a puro B Ser. In his sense, e en thret tho are pri est that the caniniorcedo illi God on bolinis of the ooplo by suci, an oblation; that he can appense the rati os God, or obta in the remissionos sin s. o Christ is tho solo Prios an High-Prios of tho Ne Testament, o hom at the anciunt pri0sthood hausebeen transferred, and in homolio a re ali torminate and closed. n even is tho Scripture ad ad n mention filio tornat privsthood os Christ, et a God sine the abrog tion folio forme priosthoods, has institute no ther, the argument of tho apostle is irrefragabio that io an alieththis honoriu uiato inisseis, ut e that is callod os God. ' q)With hat Hirrontery thon, do these sacrilegiOu mortalS, hoboast os se in the exsecutioners of Christ, dare o cui them-Selves priosis of tho livin God XV. Thoro is a beautis ut passage in Plato, in hiel, strent of the ancient expiation among the eat hora, and ridicules the oolisti considelice of Wictio an profligate men, hothought that such disguisos ould concea thei crimes romtho vise of thoi go is, and ascis the had made a compromise With thoi go is indulge thomsolves in thoi vices illi thegrenter Securi ty. his passago a nos suom asci it had 00n writ teri With a vie to the missa expiation a it is noWpracti sed in the ori l. To defraud an circumvent nother perSon, Ver One noW to e unlawsul. To injuro idows,to p inde orphans, o haras the Oor, o obta in the propertyos othors by iched aris, o Solgo any one' fortuno by periuries

considor, o hal find that the derive resti ne ovi agementsrom n other cuias than the confiden se hicli the suo thatth0 shali 0 ubi to satiss God by tho sacrifice of the mass,as a complete dischargo os ali thoi ob gation to hi in or ut leas that it ast ord them an eas modo of compromisin Withhim. Plato sterWard goes on to ridicule the ros stupidityos hoSe ho expect by such expiation to e delivored stom


preSSion is perpetuali occurring in the Scriptures. nil evenWhile the eoplo ere epi unde the Xternat disciplino of the law, it a sussiciently declared by the propheis that those carnal sacrifices containod a rea tynni truth hicli is commonto the Christian Chureli, as et a to the nation Os the eWS. For his ruasori David prayed, te in prayer e et forti, be- fore thou as incenseri and the lis tingit os in haud a tho even- in sacrifico. io And Hosea callod than ksgivings alio calvosos iuri ps, V m Whicli David calis offering than ksgivini' and tu i in prat se. V y In imitation of the Psalmist, tho apostlo himself says, te iis osse tho sacrisco os prais to God continuatly V and by Way of X planation adiis, that is, the ruitos oti lips, V confessin or giving thantis to his amo. V et)Thisa inuis sacrificu is in dispensabio in the suppor of the Lord,

in hieli, hile e commemorate anu declare his death, undgive thantis, e domo ther than osse the Sacrifice Os pruise. Froni his sacrificia employmont, ali Christians are called aroyal pries thood α because, a the apostle says, i Christu uisse the sacrifice of prais to God that is the fruit ostia lips, giving thantis to his naine. V or in domo appear in the pre-sunce of God illi ur oblations ithout an intercessor Christis the Mediator, by homo offer ursolves and ut that ehave to tho ather. He is ou Hi gli Priest, ho havin enterest

fui eligine to assui an conque thea ingdomos Christ. his isth Helen, sor hicholio nem ies of the truth in the presentilay contend illi crueity, age, an fur Helen, indeed, with Whicli the so polluto thomsolves illi spiritual fornic tion, hici is the most Xecrabie os all. Here I Ouch not, even illi in litti singer, the ros abuses hi h they might preterid tot profanations of the purit of thei hol mas Whatu Scandalotis rustic the curr On, What Sordidiatus the malle by thei maSSe S, Witti lint norinous rapacit the gratis the ira varice oni poliati ut, and that in se viti plain ordS, the


account of hicli it has attracto So much admiration and Veneration O S many ages. For an idustration os Such great mySteries proportioned to thei digni ty, ould require a largertreati se undes o in ianwil in to introduce hos disguSt in corruption Whicli are univerSnd notoriou that ad men a Understand that the massi considored in iis choices audinos estimabie purity, Without an os iis appendages, froni therae ginningto the rid, is sud os ver species of impie ty blasphemy,

idolatry, and sacrilege. XIX. The reniters may now oo codecte into a bries Summary, a nos every th in thates have thought important ob lino I respectin these Wo Sacrament the se of hic lilias besen onjoinei on tho Christian Church roin the com mencement of the e Tostamen unti tho nil os timeri thati to say, baptism, to cina inclis en traiice into the Chiarch, and an initiatory pro session os salti, and the Lord ' Supper, t be a continua notarishment, illi hicli Christ spirituali yseed his amit os bello vors. heres ore, a there is ut one God, ne Christ, ori faith, ne Church, the od os Christ,so here is ni in baptismi and that is neve repented; but the suppe is frequently distributed that those ho have

liis ili, chor urnishin iis an assurance of this disposition

XX. et tho Christian Chiarch, there re, e content illi


these Wo, an no Onlymetther admit nor ac linowledge any Otherint present, ut ne illior deSire nor expectinny Otho to theend of the ori l. Foris the JeWs, eside the ordinar Sacrament givon to them, ad uis severat thers, dissering accord in to the Varyin circumstances os different periodS, Such sthe manna, the water SSuin froni the oeli, the braZen Serpent, and the like, the were admonis ed by this variation no tores in such figures, hicli ore os hori duration, ut toexpect rom God Something et ter, hich hould undergo nochange an come o no Dd. ut ur ense is very disserent: to his Christ has uen reuualed in honi re id ali huti ea Sures os isdom nil nowled go,' sc in sucti abundando an profusion that to ope or destre an nox neceSSion to thes trensiares ould ually bo o di Spletis God, and provolae his rath against s. e must unge uster Chri St, e must Seeli contempla te, und earn him alone, ill tho dawning of that

cere montes hich have been instituto by God re noto bediscerned amoti suci a multitude Dothers by hicli the are


Over Whelmed. In baptism ho litile is seon os that hieliought to e the ni conspicuous object mean baptism it- soli se And tho Loru's suppe has been completet burtei sincei has been transformed into the mas ; Xcepto ut it i exhibito oncera ear, ut in a partia an mutilate form.

Tu procodili discuSSion respecting the Sacrament might Satiss person os docile and Sober miniis that thoy ought notio carry their curiosit an surther, o without the Sanction os the ori os God, o receive any the Sacrament beSide those two hic holio lino to have been institutud by tho Lord. But a the opinion Os Seven Sacrament has been o generallyadmitted in the common converSntion os manliind, and pervaded the controversie of the Schoois, und the Sermons os the

perform a Sesul service by enterin into a close and distincteXamination of the sive ceremontes, hicli re common lynumbere among the rue a nil genuine Sacrament of the Lord, by clearing Way very fallacy, and exhibitin to the vise of plain Christians the ea natur Os hos ceremontes, nil homfalsol tho have hi therto been considere a SacrumentS. Here, in the sirs place PWish to declare to ali belle vers that Pana no inducet to enter on his controvers reSpecting the term by the luas des ire os contention, ut that Pam urged by important rea Son to resis the abuSe os t. lam a Nare that Christians have power ver a me a mellis things, nil may theros ore appl Word to thing at their Wii plensure provide dthe retain aliou mean in g, even thotigii there e Some ini propriet os expression Ail his I admit though it ould bubet ter sor ord to e subject to things, than or hing to e

t homini the samo definition that tho ure visibi fornis of invisibi graueri the malae them nil utilio essuis of themoly Spirit, instruments of communicatin righteonSneSS, enu Se os obtaining gracu And the Muster of the Sentences, Lombard, dentes that ille Sacrament of the Mosai in are properi de-


Signa ted by this appollation 0cause the di no communicate that hicholio pro figur0d. Is it to e endured that those


III. Is the wisti to res iis illi the uiliorit of the ancient Church, Lassor that this is a groundie S pro teneo. O the UUmber of Seven Sacrament canio Chere e found in the eccle- Siastica writers nor is it cloar hen it Was introduced. I grunt, indoed that the sat hors sonio times mulio oo re a se of the wor sacrament; ut the iis it indisserenti to signis aliceremonio und Xternat rites, and ait Xercisos os pie ty. ut, Whon the Speuk of thos signes hicli, ought to regarit aste Stimonios os the grace of God the pro content illi thesetWo, baptism ad id the eucharist. That thi mn not e sup-

eXcellent in signification. Such are baptism, consecrat ed in thenam os the Trinity, and the communion os the od undblood of the Lord, an is thero se any the onjo in sed in the Canonica Scripturos. V Again, in his troatis On tho Christian Doctrino: Since the resurrection os ur ord, our ordhimself, and the praetice of his apostles, instea os many ignS, haVe gi ven uise , and thos InoSi RSy in performance, OStexcellent in signification, an mos pure in ob SerVance Suchare baptism, and the colobration of th bod an blood solio Lord. V Wh does e mal e no mention here of the aerei or Septenar numberct scit probabi that tu ould have omittodit, is it had then boon institutod in the Church Speciali a S,

in ther cases, he a more curioli in the observation ofnumber than was at ali necessar Θ And when e numes baptism and tho Lord 's supper, an is silent reSpecting any OtherS does heio su flacio nil indicato that these No mysterie SI OSSeS Superior an pecu a digni ty, and that nil other cere- monte Occiapy an inferior station horo foro I sirin that theSe ad Vocate sor even Sacrament ure not ni unSupporte dby the wor os the Lord, but also by the consent of the ancient