장음표시 사용
yet in thei reception of the Sacrament tho profes that there is no salvation for them any here e Xcept in him, and renounce overy the depende nee IVlieres re the are thei Own accuser they give testimon againSt theniselves the Seu their OWn condemnation. Moreover, hilo divido 1 and distrae ted from huir rethron, that is froni the member of Christ theyliave no par in Christ, et the testis that the only way of salvation is to participat o Christ, and o bo nitello him. Foroliis reason, aut ave the ollowin injunction I et aman examine himself, and so et hi in ea of that road, and rinlios that cup V n by liich. apprehend, he meant that very man nould retire into himself, and consider hether, illi sit cere confidence of heari, he re se on the Salvation procured by Christ Whetherine ac lino ledges it by the consession of his molith ohether e spire aster an imitationi Christ in thopursui os integrit and lio neSM Whether, aster the e Xample Os Christ, hecis ready to devote hiniseis to his brethren, unda , communicat himself to them With, homine has a common interest in Christ whothor, ath himself is acknowledged by Christ, hein ke manne consider ali his rethron a member of hisbody hetheri destre to heristi, re Serve, an assis themas his own members. o that these uties of faith and charitycanio AE persect in ut beenus this is the poliat hic hWe ought o seel the mos ardent destres and Xert homost Strenuou efforis O uttain that our uitli maybe more an more increased, and ur charit Strongiliene froni da totay. XLL In generat. When the have intende to repare e fons for his orth participation Os the sacrament, the havedreadsult harassed an tortured miSerable conscienceS, ndyet have no mentione a single thin Whicli the case required. The hau said that those eat Orthily, V ho are in a Stateos grace. Torae in a State os grace, thes have explainod toconsist in ein pure and leni)sed rom ad sin doctrine whicli ould exellido ali ho mori ho O live, o ever RVetive upon arth, rom the bene sit of this sacrament. For is t
whotinod with a sense of their in s. For is in Lord by his express interdiction, admit non to a participation Of the sup-per, ut thOS Who re righteoli an innocent, it requires nolit ilo care in an individua to attain an assurance of his possessionis that righteousness, hic hine find to se requiro byGod Νοψ, What round of aSsurunce have e that God is Satisfied illi persons ho have done ha the could Θ Andeven is his ere the casu, heu hali an mari e found hocan venture to declare that he has done ali that o could Θ
c00dex; hicli fit extrem austerit deprive and ob miserable in ners, ho re ali eady afflicted illi trepidation and SorroW, O the OnSolation os this sacrament, in hich at thoconis oris of the gospei ere et bes ore them. It was certainlyimpossibi for the devii to talio a more compendioli methodos ruinin men than by insatuat in them in Such a manneras totae prive them os ali iusto an rotisti sor such ood hichthei heavent anil mos mercisti Fat he had intonde so their
notariShment That, may no precipitate ursolves into his abySS, there re, et tis remember that this sacre batique is medicine to the sicli, comi r to the in ner atin to the oor
consider, that, come a pauper to the libera Benefactor, aspatient to the Physician, a Sinners to the Author os right- eouSneSS a person dea to the fountain os lis that humor-thiness,hicli is required by God consist principali in salth,
Whicli attributes very thin to Christ, an places no dependene On urSelveS, and Secondi Γ, in charity, even that charit whicli it is nough for iis to presen to O in an impers et State, that he ma increas an improve it for e cannot produc it in a State os persection. thers, wh have agreed Nith us that the orthines Whicli is enjoine consi sis in laith and chari ty, have ne vertheles fallen into a considerable error respecting the degre of that orthiness, requirin apersectionis salth to hicli noth in cari Ver approach, an acharit equa to that hicli Christ has manifeste toruar us. But by this requisition the exculde ali nien rom acces tothis aere Supper, a much a the perSon to homo adverte bosore. For is thei opinion ere admitted, o personcould receive it, ut uti Northily since all, ithout a single eXception, ould e convince of thei impersectiori Andsuret it must betra extrem ignorance, o to a Stupidi ty, t require in the reception Os the sacrament, that persection hicli ould rende the Sacrament hinneceSSary and SeleSS; sor it a no institute so the perfeci, ut so the imperfectan seeble, to waken excite, Stimulate, and Xereis their graces os salth and chari ty, and to correo the desecis os both. XLIII. illi respecto the externa ceremonial, hether bellovers tali the rean in thei hand o not whether theydividerit et oen them, or ver individua eat that hicli is given to im hether tho return the culminio tho haud os the dea con, o delive it to the person horis ext Whether the broad bo leavone or unieaven est Whether the ine e redor hite cisio of the leas importance These hings are indisserent, an test to the liberinos the Church. t is certain, ho ever, that the customis the ancient Church Was that e very
liovers onjo in it, than in hos insignificant an theatricalso alerios hich ni tendo deceive tho miniis of the gazinginuuitudo Tliis the callineo ping tholeopte in religion, henthe load them into any th in they lense, unde the Stupefaction an infatuation os superstition. s an ono e inclinod todes en suci, inventions by the lea os antiquit y I in equat ly
heari, und that, as os ursolve me are Ot orthy, he ould, in hi mercy, mali iis orthy of Sucho east Then ei ther Some Sulm Should e Sung or a portion os Scripture houldbe read, and belleVers, in ieconi in Order, hould participatuos the aered unquet, the minister breat in the rea' unddistributiniit, an present in the cup, to the eo pleri aster the Conclusion os the Supper, an exhortation Should e iven to Sincere salth, and a consession os the Same to charity, and a
XLIV. The observations hich e have uti eady made re- Specting the Sacrament, abundanti stio that it a no instituted for the purpos oste in received ne in a year, and that in a caretes uni forma manner, a i no the genera practice ut in orde to e roquonti celebrated by ali Christians that they might osten calicio in the suffering os Christ tho recollectionis, hieli ould sustain and strengthon thoi faith, ould incite them to in prat Se to God, and toconses an celebrate his goodness, and Would also heristi in thei hearis, and promote the mutuat Xercise of that charisy,
Christ. For lienever e communicate noli symbol of the
soliowed for many age aster. Ormeno tho Se ancient canonS, Whielior attribute to Ana lotus and a Xtus, that, after the consecration is finishod, nil hali communicate On ain os Expulsion froni the Church. V And the ancient canons hichare ascribet to the apostles, ny that hos Who Continue notto the Dd, and receive no the Sacrament, Ught to e correcte a disturbor os the Church. In the Couracilis Antioch, also it a decreed that those ho enter into the Church, heartho sermon, an retire rom the communion . e Xchide 1 rom
XLV. These decrees ere evidenti passed by the olysather With a vie xv to retalia an perpetuat the frequent celebratior of the communion, hieli hau been transmitte by thoapOSiles them selves, and which the perceived to bo hi ghlyboneficia to bellovers, ut by negligene to e gradu ali fall- in into genera di Sia Se Augustine te Sti sies re Specting the ago in hich e lived when e SayS lae sacrament filiis thing that is, of the unit os ille od of ur ord, is prepared on the table of the Lord, in Some places atly in
Whicli is a preparation for the reception Os the hol myStery. XLVI Augustine and Ambrose unite in condem ning the practice hicli in thei tim had atready been adoptet in the
Eastern Churchos, o the eopte to attendis spectator of the celebration of tho sacrament, an noto partast oscit Andiliat eustom, hich enjo in belleverso communicate on lyone Myear, i unquestionabi an invention of the devit, ho-eVer ere the person by hom it Nas introduc ed. It is aid
been Such ascis no represented. I i probable that tho regulation hic si h madu a no ill calculatu for the interes of the Church unde the circumstances of tho Se times. For hereis no do ubi that tho ac rei supper a then et bes ore themith sul liene ver tho assemble sor orShim; Or is there an more doub that the principat par of them sed to communica te ut ascit ould carcet e ver appen that at could communicate together, uni it a necessar that those howere miXed Nith unbo ovors and idolatsers, hould testis thoirsaith by so me externa sign, - that holy man, o the alie sorde an discipline, appotntud that a for at tho Christians a Rome o mali nihil, o consession of thei faith by a participatior of the Lord 's supper. The regulation Of ephurinus wa good in iiself, ut a grossi perverte by hi Succe SSors,
whon the made a certain a that there ho ut d bo ne communion in re ear the conseque noe of hi et has uon, halatinos ali mon, hen the have communiented nee re Signthem setve to lethargi repose, as f the had atri eXcused theriiselves sor at the res of the ear. Λ very disserent practice ought o have besen pursu ed. t eaSi ne in very eel tho table of tho Lord ought to have been spreud bos ore acti congregation os Christians, and tho promise to have been declare so thei spiritua notarishment no person ought to have been compellet to parta ke, ut at ought o have been exhorted an stimulated, nii those ho ere negligent, o have been reproved Then ali like person fami Shod, ould have assem-blo in crowd to suci a batiquet. I havo sufficient roason forcomplaining that it a tho artifico of tho devii that introducedihi cu Stoni, hicli, by pro Seri bing one da in a ear renderSmen loth fui and caretes ad tho res of tho timo. e seo that this abuse ad ah eady 0gian to prevat in the time os Chry-SOStom, ut e se at the fame time lio greatly it disploasod hi m. For in the place hiches have jus quoted he Severe lycomplain os a great insequatit in his mattor that ostentimespeo ple ould ot come to the sacrament ali the res of the year, notWithStanding the Nere prepared, ut that the would come a UaSter even ithout reparation. Then e XClatuis, o custom l O presumption In ain then, is tho dati obia tion in vain do e stando the auar. There is no nes topartalae illi us.' Soria is uel a practice rom ein Sanctionsed by the authorit os ChrySOStom. XLVII. Uroin the Same solare procoede an Other regulation,
Chri St, ho cannot nox be Separate froni his Ody. Thebody the res ore, contain the lood. See o human reasonis at variance illi Od when it has nee been lustra iis xvii
by the minister os Satan Wh are accuStomedo trea the Scripture illi contempl. In the sirs place the plead thata Simple et assord no sufficient ground rom hic 'o deducen ut os perpotua obligation On the Observarice of the Church. Hut it is falso to calici a simple aut for Christ notini gaveth cupo his postles, ut also commundo them to do the Sume in time to eo me For it S the angvage os command , irinii se ali os t. V And aut mention iis havin been practised in such a Way a fuit implie iis belli a positive Ordinance. The econi subterfuge is that Christ admitte none but therapositos to a participation of thi supper, hom he hadali eady chosen an admitted into the orderi sacrificin prieStS. Butes Would isti them to give me ans Nerso sive queStionS,
srom hicli the wil not be able to scape, ut hei miSrepresentations illi easti resuted. First B What oracle have the obtained his fouition So inconsistent With tho Wordis God Z The Scripture mention twelve, o sat down illi Jesus; butit dous no obscure the dignit os Christ O aso cal them Sacrificin priusis a name hic I shali notice in the properplace Though e then avo the Sacramen to the welve, b et he commanded that the Should do the sam that is thattho fhould distribute it amon them in a Simila manner. Secondi y Why, in that puro period sor a nos a thou Sand
io the participation os both symbol. Was the ancient Churchignorant vliat guest Christraad admitte to his suppurct Anyhesitation or evasion Nould etra the mos consummate impu- de nee Ecclesiasticat historios and work of the ather arest id extant, hieli furni si clear testimonios of this aut Ter
sui thsul. V Anxit even continue sor sola hundred ear after his death, notwith standing the universa degenerae which hadtaken place Nor a it considere meret res a cuStom, utas an inviolabie la v. For the Divine institution a thenrevere need, and n do ubi as entertaine of the criminalit os Separatin things hicli the Lord ad united. o Gelasius, bishomo Rome spealis in the fosso vin manne have underStood that ouae, ni receiving the Ord' body, abstain
this mySter canae made ithout great sacrilege. attention
The canonisis restri et tho decree of Gelasius to the pri ests, but his is o puerit a cavi to nee an refutation.