Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


produci of the procedure. one receives an additional estimate of the species num ber. the S Valuo.

The application os test communities with different species individual diversi ty and simulations by urn modelf we described above may be used parallel for abetter approach to frequency structure of poorly known fletu communities. In this phase we would recommend an approximation procedure to reach a congruence of the frequency structure of fie id communities and that of the simulation mode is by modifications in the modet structui C. It is not sui prising that o wing to the difficulties in methodology mentione lin the introduction. species number estimations and their concrete procedures have been Viewed by scepticism by sonae insect ecologi sis. We thin k that illisfield of ecology is no less ex aci than sonae other fiet is of science se. g. the mole-cular biology) but the numerical resulis are less re producibi e since the number of species at a si te may change with in minutes. Furthei more, there is pos Sibly a rea- sonable limit to the de vel os ment of a mere statisticat si de of the method s. Howe Ver, imprOVement of sampling methods cinci ci tot more data from fieta ueram lingare required; in order to amplis y the reli able primary data on true Nature, to improve ille authentity of the procedures, etc. This is why one must regarii as a permanent intention program me to recogniZe. test anil improve species numbers in Communities, when Stud ying insect communities.



In the bulky volumes of the 'Contributions to ia Mianutiit os Palaeci retici i teres' morphological physiological, genetical, ecological and economicup-tO-date knowledge of dipterous species sm id ges and si ies). which have significant importa iace in genetics as modet organisms, in plant culti vation as pests or beneficiat parasitoids. in animal husbandry and human health as vectors of serious illinesses and whicli are important for ecosystem functi on, are treate i. Morphological keys with excellent figures) for adulis and larvae whicli hel p readers wilh identification of dipterous pests and parasitoicis are provide l. while readers in fietis os applied dipterology will si nil sui table en viro iamental ly friendly methods against pests or biological con-li Ol method s. among others. Time table of series: l99J - Volume 2. l 998


The sollowing abbreviations are used sor lype depositorius: HNHM - Hungarian Natural History Muscum. Hudapest: ΗMNH - Nalui histori sches Muscum. Basel: LM - authoris collectiora.

Subsumi ly ALTI CINAE


elytra are H illi round willi black spol inste ad os transverse baiad. Muno hia suscinin Sp. n.


The new species is closely relateis to M. Eoi Stilix JACOBY l896 and M. Dryanti SCHERER. l 969. but the elytral patieria is different frona both and the antennae are with intermediate segments black. Livolia minuta inclicu SSp. n.

Fulvous or reddisti sul votis, elytra usu atly paler than prothorax. but Osten more or less clarkened around scutellum: last antennat segment anil undet si de pitchy black. He ad shining. frontal tubercles indistinct frontal grooves deep and sharp. forming an acute angle of abo ut P0' and directed to hi nil margin os eye. Vertex without impressions. with usual 4 se-tiferous pores in a transverse row and a sew additional ones a long frontal grooves. Prothorax practi catly fame as in nominative subspecies. laterat margins with rather seel, te angulation belli nil anterior angi es, feci, ly Serrate. sui face strongly and moderate ly denset y punctate, but sparser that compared willi the nominative sui species. Elytral rows more or less irregular in the scutellar area. Longili os hody l. 3-l. 4 mm . Holotype India. Tanait Nadu. Nil giri. Oolaca mund Do labella; 2500 m, 2 l. lil. l 980 leg. C.

This sub species differs frona the typicat L. minum JACOBY. l88J) in iis pale coloration and less denset y punctured pro thorax. In recent years the genus Liuolia has osten been uni ted with the Nori hAmerican genus Orthialticia. Sub fami ly GALERUCINAE Mono leptu merkli Sp. n.

Pale navous: labrum. antennae excepi l-3 basal segments scutellum. tibiae and tarsi h lackor clark piceous. Elytra narrowly margined with black smore widely on apex): humerat tubercle connected with basal margination. a spot ne ar scutellum so metimes reduce l. another one bel, inclmi lille so metimes very smali and indistinci patch near ille lalter black or piceous: laterat dark margination wide ned hesore and belli nil mi dille Fig. l0). Pygidium flightly darkene l. He ad duli. micros Culptured. without punctures. Antennae with segments 2 and 3 sube luat. segment 4 almost as long as two precee ling logether. sui ther segments sube luat lo 4. Prothorax l. J


Publications of the Hungarian Natural History Mus eum are avat labie




Current ly. 42 species are recogniZed in Zeti olo uX BROUN. l 903. The Asian species of have been studi ed by DA UENER l 982. l 9833. At present tonspecies are known si ona india and Sri Lanka. and one si om Korea. An additionalspecies si ona Malaysia is described below. The group was previous ly unknownsrom Africa although ille allied genus Cyrtuxti ERICHSON. l84l is represen ledihere by ai least smur species HLIS NIKOVSKY l066. l 968). A ne w species os oti- dolo MX si ona Ethiopia is gi ven helow. In addition to the descriptions os ne vspecies si ona Eihiopia and Malaysia. three species are transferred si ona Cyrii Sia lo es olo DX. and a checklisi os the 4J species os Zotidoto MX is presented. The genus Dormiati homo 'uX HLlS NIKOVSKY. l 963 includes 28 species dis tribu ted in Asia. Melanesia and Australia. The grous' has been siud ted by DAUE NER sl 986 i. t 988ti. l 990) and SVEC l 996). An aciditional species si ona indonesia is described here. The 43 species bolonging io Coloni, es FAU VEL l 903 are known io occur in Africa; Asia and the Australian region. The genus recent ly was studi ed by DAUE

l 996). A nexu species si ona TanZania is described in iliis paper. The material on whicli iliis paper based is hori sed in ille Hungarian Natural History Museum HNHMi and the auilior's collection.