Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


i caching hase excepi sor shoriened Jlh and 8th. interva is very tinely punctate. Punctures separatoclhy 3 5 times their diameters. Odd-num hercu intervals with sparsely distribuicit large puncturos as large as iliose in rows. Laterat margin os elytra willi row consisting os ab aut l0 largor punctures hcco ming smaller toward apex. The sit si puncture is ilic higgest. twice us large iis punctures in rows. ii si row os punctures hccoming sul urat stria in posterior third os elytra. Melasternum. With soveae and large puncturos as in Fig. 3. Si des longitudinalty micro sculp-

ings sui ly devolo ped. Abdominal sterna. Eii si visibi e sternite withoul microsculpture. willi a row os large so 'caenear anterior margin as in Fig. 3. Legs. Middie and hi nil libi ac very hroad as lypical in the genus. Hinu log Os male as in Fig. 4. Genitalia. Acucagus as in Fig. 2. Bionomy - Not known. The single specimen was collected by a stight intercept trai' erectedat ille euge os de graued molintain ratias orest. Utymology - The ncw species is dedicat, io iis collector. Dr. OTTO MEI KL. l l NI M. Budas est.

Diagnosis cidolo uX mer ii sp. n. is similar io Z. globuX DA UENER . t 083 and Z. fulvii, DA FUNER. l 983 in the elytral puncture rows reaching base; by the prese iace os fovea- like punctures on metas ternum. on ille sit si visibi e sternite an dat the elytral edges. The nexu species dissers si ona them by the arran gement of the large punctures on ille mei asternum. While ille metasternat punctures a re ar-


ranged in a single row anteriorly and in two oblique rows running posteriori y in Z. globuS ih OSe punctures are arran ged in one row at ille anterior part of the metasternum in X. mox li. Somewhat s maller punctures co ver the re maining lalerat paris of the metasternum in the species mentioned. Lurge punctui CS are ni ranged at anterior and posterior margin of the metasternum only in Z. fulvuX. Theshape of the aedeagus of Z. me uti is also disserent. Three species originalty described in the genus Cyrti Sia are herewith transferre t to the genus Zecidolo HS. The main characters Separat ing theSe two genera are the arrangement of the antennal clul, and the sit ape of the tibiae. While ille antennal club is formed by sive clearly visibi e segments in Cyrtusti the fame in es olo se, is obviousty four-segmented hecati se the Sth segment is not visi te. The tibiae are not modis ted in CyrtuXia while those are strongly dilated in Zeti o-lo HX. Ait ille characters typicat for Zetidolo ii, are clearly expressed in the original descriptions and on the drawings ad ded to the descriptions. The three sol lowing species are theres Ore transferred frona Cyrti XH lo Zoia toto MX. es olo MX froyiant X HLIS NIKOVSKY. l 9683 com l . n.


aled by about l-3 times their diameters. interspersed by one minute. Very sine. punctures. inter-stices sinooth. Laterat margin os elytra with row of punctures as large as Othors on clytra. Suluralstria reaching midule os elytra. Metastemum. without foveae and fovea- like large punctures: puncturation Coni Sc. regular. distinct. dense as in Fig. 8. Si des longitudinalty micro sculptured. ings stilly devel Oped. Abdominal sterna. Eii si visibi e sternite xv illi aut row os large foveae at anterior margin . Puncturos on sit si visibi e sternite shallow as in Fig. 8. Mici Osculpture consisting os transverse celis. Legs. Viddie and hi nil tibiae tibiae very broad. as typical in the genus. Hi nil leg os male asin Uig. 6. Genitalia. Acucagus as in Fig. 9. spei matheca as in Fig. P. Bionomy - NOt known. Elymology - The nanae is derived isto in the s hori ovat shape os the hocly.


Cyrti ueti rohiani PORTEVIN. l 93J os uncertain status is include l)l Hirsi visi hie abdominal sternite without row os large punctures at anterior margin . punctures os normal si Ze. irregularly distributed. Elytra withoui



MesO- and metasternum. Margin os mesosternat carina stightly bent. nearly strat glit in laterat Vie V. Metasternum micro sculptured by oblique elongate celis excepi sor smooth part above hi nil coxae. Central rat sed part os metasternum without microsculpture, covered by distinct. dense puncturos. separated by about l-2 times their diameters. Wings sui ly develo ped. Abdominal sterna. Without striking characters. Legs. Wilhout striking characters. First anil seconii segments of sore tarsi stightly dilated in

HI IS NIKOVSKY. t 9 2) in having large e yes; e marginate base os pro notum at ille hi nil angi es. antennae longer than tengi h of pro notum and sparsely punctate elytra. The new species differs frona D. Silviatici S by the much more Spars ely punctate head and pron Otum and ma in ly by the s hape of aede agus. whicli is do tibi e-hooked distat ly. while the aede agus is simply po in ted at the apex in D. Silviatic MX.

Type malerial - HOlotype. male Tan Zania. Tanga re g. . Amani. singled. No l49. l8.ll. l98 P. S. MAHUN KA & A. ZICSI lgt .l Deposited in the H NHM. Paralype. male sanae data. deposited in the nullior 's collection. Descriptiosa. - Reddish hrown. pro notat anil elytrat margins . sit st to si xth antennat segments and lcgs yello isti recl. antennal clui, reddish hrown in holotype. red in paralype. Underside reddis hyCllo V. metasternat proces s. rai sed part os mesosternum as weli as in id ille and hi nil coxae reddis li

Longili os hody l. 3 min. head 0. 20 min. pronotum G. 30 min. elytra O. 80 m m. antenna U. 40m m. maximum xvi illi os hcad 0. 40 min. pro notum G 80 mm . elytra 0. 80 nam Uust belli nil basis). Height os pro notum V 40 Iram. clytra O. 40 mm . Head. With microsculpture sol med by very elongale irregular transverse colis looking like strigos ity. Distance belwecia elements of strigosi ly about 0. 0l min. Punctation sparse . superficiat. extreme ly sine. punctures separated by 6-l0 times their diameters. Vertex with two large punctures siluated ut levet os hi nil margin os cyes. Eyes large . as long as last antennat segment. Clypeat lines lightly developed. superficiat. Longili ratio os seconit anu ali solio ing antennat segments 2ndsegment m l. 0) l. 0- l. 0 - 0. 3 - 0. 3 - 0. 3 - 0. 8 - 0. 3 - 0. 6 - 0. 6 - l. f. Maximum wid th ratio os antennal club segments Pth segment m 0. l) l. 0 - 0. 8 - l. 3- l. 3- l. 3. Pron olum. Vici osculpture and puncturation as on head. Punctures very smali. superficia lanci rare. bearing very shori and sine hali s. separated by aho ut 8-lo times their diameters. Basa lanu anterior margin os pro notum uia bordei ed. Hi nil an gles acule-angled. shortly rounded in dorsalvi e v. slighily obtuse in laterat vicw. Elytra. Whole clytra willi strigos ity formed by transverse wrin kles; the distance he tweenthem aliout 0. 02 nam. Sursace distinctly and sine ly punctate. punctures bearing Short pale hali S.


Punctures sol ming irregular rows near future and willi lenitency lo forna irregular rows on disc. Puncturation Sparse. punctures Separaled by 4 limes their diameters in average. Stilurat striae si ori. reaching apical si sth os elytra Meso- and melaslernum. Vesosternat carina low. iis margin straight with sti phily developeushort cmargination in mi id te in laterat vicw. Melasternum microsculptured lateralty by oblique elongate celis. central part os metasternum rat sed . covcred by distinct. sparsely distribuled punctures separated by abolit β-6 times their diameters. ings sui ly develo ped. Abdominal sterna. Wilhout striking charactei X. Legs. Withoul striking characters. Fit si io thiris segments os soro tarsi stightly dilated in male. Genitalia. Aedeagus as in Fig. l l . se male genitalia unknown. Bionomy - Not known. Etymology - The nanae os the ncw species is derived si ona the nanae os the country os ille type locali ty.

commenis on the manuscript.