Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


sensitive to ab iotic and biotic factors, and their ecology and systematics are relative ly well known. All these facts mal e carabicis and their communities poten

tialty good biological indicators of en viro iamental changes LOREAU l 994).

Our stud y was almed at the ecological analysis of the carabid communities of a Zonal Oak-horiabeam forest Ouerco-Ccir inetum), and pine plantations which were planted after clear-cut ting in an area of the sanae kind of Oak-horn-beam forest with particular referen ce to the diversi ty of the se communities.


Similari ty os the species composition was calculated by the Bray-Curtis dissimilari ly index. and the similari ty structure was analysed by Principat Coordinates Analysis GORDON l98 l). The NuCOS A package sn THMERESZ l 993 h) was used sor the computations. Two tradition ut diversi ty indices were used: SHANNON 's and SIMPSON's se. g. PIEI OV l9Jβ).we also calculated the essective number os species. based on the S HANNON diversi ty. This is thenumber os species which would have the sanae diversi ty is they were ali equalty frequent. Diversi ty prosilus were used sor scale-dependent diversi ty characteri Zation. We used the R ENYl diversi ty index sami ly becati se it was reporteil to provide good resulis sor communities os allsi Zos TOTI MERESZ l99 β). Diversi ty prosiles were calculated by the Divord package sTOTHMERESZl093ti). Statistical tests of the disseretice in diversi ty os the compared communities were based onthe normal approximations publis hed by TONG sl 983) sor holh the S HANNON and the SlMPsoru indices os diversi ty and the R ENYI diversi ty index sami ly.


Compositiori os the carabid communities of old spruce plantation and of the Zonal forest were similar to each other, and the carabid communities os both i heyoting spruce and the black-pine plantation differed considerably frona ille two a bove communities filiose of old spruce plantation and Zonal forest). The carabidcommunities of the yoting spruce and the black-pine plantation were also dissereni Fig. l). The num her of species was the highesi in the Zonal Oak-horiabeam forestand ii decreased in the folio ing order

As regariis the order sor the effective number os species. the SI ANNON and

Dissere iace in diversity het ween the communities of the Zonal forest anil olus pruce plantation. and the dissereiace belween the communities os black-pine an dyOung Spruce plantation were not significani. whereas the other dissere iaces in diversi ly were significant spς0. 0 l).li is clear si ona ordering the RE NYl diversi ty indice illat ille carabid communities os ille Zonal Oak-horiabeam forest and the old spruce plantation cannothe ordei ed based on their diversi ty. hecati se ille diversi ty prosiles intersect eacholher. The sanae is valid sor the communities of the old spruce and yoting spruce plantations. and sor tho se of the yoting spruce and black-pine plantations s Fig. 2).Ηy increas ing the value of the scale parameter ii may be polia ted otii that thediversi ly prosiles of the communities of old spruce and black-pine plantation. and ille communities of Zonal forest anil black-pine plantation also interfeci e acholher. But ille communi ty of the Zonal Oak-horiabeam forest was significant ly pQ ). Ul) more diverse than the community of the yo Ung Spruce plantation.

Tahle l. Diversi ty statistics os the studiud carahid communities Zonat sol est Young Sprtice plantation Aged spruce plantalion

plantationNumber os species

Number os individual s

0. 50660. 5030. 6908


Tu hie 2. The number os taxons and individuals os the potentiat prey groups os carabidZonat sol est Yoting Sprtice plantalion Aged spruce plantation Black pineplantationNumber os taxons

Number os individuals


Fig. 2. Diversi ly pro siles os the curabid communities by the Ri NYl diversi ly index lanii ly. Scule parameter controis the contribution os the species to the diversiiy os the communi ly. Eor a s maliscale parameler value the rare species have a Strong iniqueiace. whereas sor large scale paramelervulues they are ignore l. . Ionat sol est. Φ yoting spruce plantation. Φ old spruce plantation. Nhlack-pine plantalion

Renvi diversi tyScale parum e ter


Composition os ille cara bid communities os old spruce plantation and the Zonat sol est xvere similar io cach other, and the carabid communities of hoth theyoting spruce and the black-pine plantation dissered qui te a tot frona the abovei vo communities. The carabid communities os the yoting spruce and the blackpine plantation xvere also dissereni Fig. l). It may be expla ined by the structu reos ille vegetation os the habitat s. li is almost enlii ely indisserent sor ille curabidbeelles whai Lind os planis are present in the higher layers of the vegetation. is ille densi ly. height and cover os ille layers are similar. In the old spruce plantalion these characterisiics of the vegetation xvere similar to those observed in ille Zonal Oak-horiabeam sol est. The acidic effect of the fallen pine needies may also he an important factor on ille dispersat os carabilis. Recati se os ille mixed irces. howe ver broad leaves vere much more dominant at ground levet os the oldspruce plantation than the pine necilles. The yoting spruce plantati an was exire me ly illic k: thus, at ground levet a continuous ih ick layer os pine needles was dominant. This layer was covered in a sew places by moss paiches, which may indicate ille sit si stage os a secondary succession . in the iree layer os the hiack-


Fig. 3. Diversi ly prosiles of the potentional prey groups of the curabid hecties hascd on the R ENYl diversi ty index sami ly. . : Zonat sol est, . yoting spruce plantation old Spruce plantation. dilack-pine plantalion

Renyi diversi ty

Scale pura meter pine plantation only pine trees were found but the herbaceolis and shrubby vegetation was ricli in nati Ve Species. Although there is much dehate abolit the uses ulla ess of diversi ty indices. it is stili one of the most important ecological characteri stic of communities. Diversi typlays an important role in ecology and in ecological theories, and it is ostenad Opted to characteri Ze the state of ecological systems and is frequently used in monitoring. Variotis numerical diversi ty indices. howe ver may produce different ordei ings os the communities by diversi ty see Table l). This is clue to the statistical seatures of the diversi ty indices. The S l ANNON index os diversi ty is more sensilive to the rare species than the SIMPSON index os diversi ty. whicli tendes toemphasi Ze ille dominant species. A solution is avai lable through the diversi typi Osiles. whicli produce a scale-dependent diversi ty characteri sation sometimes these techni ques are mentioned as diversi ty ordei ing. because they produce a partiat order of the communities PATl & TA ILLI E l 982. TOTI MERESZ l 993ci

whicli has a scale parameter. The scale parameter is relateis to the abundance-dominance structure of the community. At disserent values of the scale parameter the function is sensitive to rare, abundant and frequent species. This way we can


Compare the communities concerning the spectrum os frequencies si ona the pol nios vi e w os diversi ty. According to this, one os ille communities is more diversethan the ollier is ii is more diverse acros f the whole range os ille scale parameter. When the diversi ty prosiles cros s each other, the communities cannot he ordere claccording to their diversi ly hecati se one of them is more diverse sor the rare species. but the other one sor the frequent ones. RENYl diversi ty is sensilive to therare species for smali values of the scale parameter whereas it is sensitive to the abundant species for larger values of the scale parameter.

It is clear frona the diversi ty profites s Fig. 2) that the carabid communi ty os

ille Zonal Oak-horiabeam forest was significantly pQ ). in l) more diverse than the communi ty of the yoting spruce plantalion whereas the other communities Cunnot he ordei ed according to their diversi ty hecati se ille diversity prosiles intersecte ach other. Diversi ly os ille yoting spruce plantations and the diversi ly of the oldspruce plantation are almost identicat for the rare species saround the Zero scale parameter Value), whereas they a re significantly disserent sor the dominant species for the scale parameter values 2.0). Both the S HANNON and the SIM PSON indices os diversi ty are included in the RE NYl diversi ty index fami ly. Whenthe value of the scale parameter is equat lo l than the S HANNON diversi ty is cal-Culaled, whereas when ille value of the scale parameter is equat to 2. it is relate dio the SIMPSON diversi ty. Theres ore it can he seen clearly that the Zonal forest is more diverse than ille old spruce plantation as calculated by the S HANNON index whereas the old spruce plantation is more diverse using the SlMPSON index os diversi ty than the Zonal forest see Fig. 2). Sthidying diversi ty is a use fui mei hod os en viro iamental asses sinent anilquali fication os natural communities. Reliable diversi ty compari sons can be Ob-ta ined by scale- dependent diversi ly characteri sation through diversi ty prosiles.

which should be preferreis inste ad os classical diversi ty indices.

Felling the Zonal forest anil planting non- native species in the clear-cut arcu causes di amatic changes in the structure anil composition os carabid communities. Changes can he found both in the species spectrum and in diversi ty. In ille old plantations, where native sit rubs and trees were let to grow the carabidcommuni ty became more anil more similar to the communi ty of the original plant

MADER s l 986) research supporis our resulis as he potia ted out that significant changes in the vegetation were accompani ed by drastic changes in the composition of the carabid fauna. NIEMEL A sl 900) also potia ted o ut that the impo verishment of Vegetation causes a decrease in the diversi ty os ille carabid communi ty. SZYSZKO sl 986) also clai med that radicat changes cata be experien ceu in ille carabid satina aster clear-cut ting and sol lowing the establis liment of plantations. Only gradual regeneration of the carabid communities can be observed during the growih of the plantation.


we also sampled animais that may serve as si ad sor carat, id beet les SER GEEVA l 994) as they also move on the ground LOREAU l 988). Diversity profiteos the potentional prey group of the cara bills in the yoting spruce plantation was significantly more diverse pQ0. Ul) o Ver the whole range of the scale parameter than the groups of potentiat 1 ood of the Zonal Oak-horiabeam forest Fig. 3). There fore. the differe iaces found in ille diversi ty of the carabid communities of the Zonal forest and the yoting spruce plantation cannot be explained by the variabili ty of the potentiat 1 ood refources. The differe iaces may be caused by othereia viron mental factors or sonae kiniis of hiotic or trophic effecis. The composition of the vegetation. iis densi ty and cover may be key factors SUSTE K l 992 l 994). Light condition. temperature; humidi ty. structural condition and PH of thesOil may be relevant en viro lamental factors PAJE and MOSSA KO SKl l 984. TRAUTNER l 992): and intra- and interspecific competition might be biotic or tro

The carabid communities of the yoting plantations have low diversi ty e Venmany years after est ab iis liment and it is not expla ined by food refources hecausethey are as abundant anil diverse as in the other habitat s. It may be related tomicroclimatic conditions and e specialty to the structure of the litter layer anil herbaceous vegetation. In the old plantations. where ille si rubs and herbs of the native vegetation are present. the diversi ty and composition of the carabid communities are similar to the communities of Zonal foresis. Monitoring human- influenced; degraded habitais is essential as it includes early observation os structural changes re-urran gement of the community, degra

a nil succession os suci, communities may pro Vide usesul information sor man agement plans. In these areas adequate nature management anilior forestry practices play a cruciat role treat ment in the main te nance of the diversi ty of carabid communities. Hell-establis hed plans. based on firm ecological knowledge; is inevit utile io facilitate the proces s of regeneration. which may again result in natural orat lea si natural like habitat s.






This bullers ly requires well- structu red habitat s. Larvae foed in humid deciduous sorests on CoryclialiX Ccivia and C. Solinia while imagoes preser clearingsor clear-cut spois sor maling and sine ling. Consequently populations can on lysui vive in areas where fore sis willi ho si planis and clearings are both present.

use changes. large- scale deforestation stat ted in the valleys and lowland s. result-ing in ille separation os the forested area os ille Aggtele k-karsi Mis; ille B likl