Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류




s ungi; ooZing sap os deciduous woods etc.). made it possibi e to colleci numerous Auliac ig&Ster specimens on sap runs on deciduous trees in Hungary during thelasi three years c. twice as many as the whole pre violis collection in the H NHM. Vinalty the preparation os the aulacigasti id chapter in the new 'Contributions toa Manual os Palaearchic Di plera required a clearer picture of the species occurri ing there. The in ilial problem with Auliaciga,tor species is iliat most of the disserencesare in the male genitalia. whicli are rather intricate structures. Their main paris


directed anteriori y as a pair os long processes. gonopods embracing phallophore gonopods extended mediat ly and fused in the sagittat line) and joining to it Or-

Xcub but a caudat connection also is sonaewhai scieroii Zed. membraneous caudat paris as an additional proces s in iciterat Pieri . HARRACLOVGL s 'latera lapodenae is actualty the hypandrium. His 'parameres V Cannot he true para meres since they do not direci ly jo in aedeagus. Below the hand writ tela label data are gi Veia in quotation mari S my Own In notations of the label data are in square braci eis. The specimens are deposited in

the Diptera Collection of the De part ment of Loology. Hungarian Natural History

Meso notum and abdomen salso main ly pleurae) dark hrown covered with thic k grey microto mentum. humerat aren yellow. Orange transverse band on frons broader than hals distance of lunule to fore ocellus. Posterior hals os frons s heside ocellar triangle, caudat to orbitat hi isti es) shiny. Reduced ocellar sciae longer. tength c. equat to distance os anterior anil posterior ocelli. Ad clii tonat s mali acrostichais belwcen mediat rows and dorsocentral lines; plus acrostichais tending tobe hi seriat. Humerat callus ycli Ow. Epandrium with numerous. comparative ly long setae Fig. l). Cerci long broad with dense long cilia but wilhout any longer fetae. Sube pandriat scieri te Fig. 9) with long and very broad caudat pari. Male sui stylus long but btunt Fig. l. 6) with rounded apex. Gonopods Fig. 3) venti allywith a number os medium long setae. De talis of gonopod s. ventral process, hypandrium and aedea-gus disserent si ona those of sialc citia. Female terminalia without peculiar characters.



Orange frontal transversal band very hroad. broader than huis distance os lunule to sore ocellus. Posterior hals os frons heside ocellar triangle) shiny hut caudat lo orbitat hi isties with narrow microtomentose orbitat margins . Humerat callus yellowis h. Anepisternum mediat ly with dissu se light colour sa dissu se band)srom hase os fore coxae to ane pisternat bri siles. Almost ali kate pisternum hare to levet os humeralhristic. Acrostichais tending to he hi seriai. No ac rostichais hel cera mediat rows and dorsocentrallinc S. FixΝ 5-8. Atiliac ig&XIer sp p. maleS: Sui styli in bro adest extension. A. leuco orti MEIGEN. l830) 6 A. Gfghiariorum Sp. n. . paralype A. neoleuco ora MATHIS ct FREIDA ERG. l 994 8 α Aultici-gGSic fialc citia Sp. n. . paralype. Scale 0.l nam for alt


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I sound no truely disserent characters when comparing sialciam and a fghΩΠΟ-rum se males. Howeve r. since the males are so desinite ly disserent in genital charactei s. it is possit, ly only a question os lime and patience to si nil such se male

charactei S.


Hody characteristic s are repente i ly described in the literature: almost ille Same as in A. MEOleuco cres MATHIS et UREI DEERG l 994. It was decisive to si nil differentiating character s) other than male genitalia in identis 3 ing se males sandalso to save time in separat ing males without genitalia preparation). The si Ze os ille bare spois laterat to the ocellar triangle is a reli able character. Os coui se differences in the male genitalia are always important. Epandrium with sparse setae Only, particular ly so dorsally. Cerci and caudat part of subes andriat scieri te ipsi . li) large and broad but without long setae sui stylus long digitis orna Pigs I l gonopods venti ally with numerous medium long setae Pigs lβ-l6). Sub marginal laterat fetae of se male Sth sterni te Fig. l9, are sonae huis horter than in Mooleuco era hut this differen ce cloes not seem io he sufficient loseparate them. Spermathecue ig. 20) large ly cylindrical more than spherical apical hals with fine annulation. All the specimens in ille HNHM were identis ted during the coui se of the present stud y and genitalic preparation were made os severat specimens inci . pati s in copula). MATHls and URE ID BERG sl 9943 reported leuco era frona England Uran Ce Germany Hungui . lsrael. italy Poland . Spatia s Canary ls. La Palma fil) and Sweden. All these are imponant recordes. since the specimens were identis ted during the studies of the Nearctic num ig&Ster species in comparison with leuc OPE G. I studied the only se male specimen in the H NHM illat i h ad previoris ly reported frona N Korea PAPP l9J4 Prov. Ryang-gang, Chalan-Pay platenti. Sam-Zi-yan). Unfortunate ly the female is not identi si abie, although I suspeci that it be long s to an undescribed species in the leuco er&-nesteuc OPeria group son ly bares pol lateralty to ocellar triangle, ac rosticha is uni serial etc.). It may be conspecificwith the specimens that Duda sl 934) reported frona the Ussuri Mounta ins


External hody characters sexcept for tho se above and in the key below) arethe fame as in leuco oria. All the above specimens were collected together with specimens of leucoVerti and severat also im falciata. Epandrium with sparse Setae Only particularly so dorsally. Cerci and caudat part of subes andriat scierite very shori Fig. l 2) but with sonae long though thinsetae. Male sui stylus Fig. P) Shoin and emerging in an acute angle frona epandrium. Its short and weali cerci visibie on majori ty of males without genitalia preparation. This species is new to Hungary and to the Palaearctic Regio n. However. Iihin k that A. neoleuco ora could be a recent introduction to Europe since I didnot finii any specimens in old collections. The specimens in Hungary were found with in a circle of c. J V km radius. Since the ratio of the specimens of this speciesto leuco orti specimens is only l io lo. much more collecting is needed to bellerassess iis distribution.



ween mediat rows and dorsocentral lines. Humerat callus yellowis h. frons caudat to orbitat hi isties with narrow microtomentose orbitat margins . Hun-gary. Croatia sulcutu Sp. n. 4 l) Orange transverse hand on frons narrower or much narrower than hals distance of lunule to fore ocellus. Humerat callus clark concolorous withmesonotum). Acrostichais uni seriai. Posterior hals os frons heside ocellar

I 6) Shi ny spoi laterat to ocellar triangle large Fig. id). i. e. iis diameter distinct-ly broader than microtomento se orbitat margin laterat to illis spol. Male sur- stylus Fig. P) shori and emerges in an acute angle frona epandrium: male cerci si ori and caudat part of subepandriat scieri te Fig. l 2) shori narro vand willi sonae longer fetae. Holarcticricoleuco eria MATHIS et URE ID BERG. l 9046 β) Shi ny spot laterat io ocellar triangle smail Fig. l 3). i. e. iis diameter distinci ly smaller than microtomentose orbitat margin laterat to this spol. Male