장음표시 사용
HIEM Mese. Only specimens xvith normal or complelely regeneraled antennae ero used . There was no disse reiace in the number os antennat articles betweenthe lest and right antennae or be tween naules and se males.
The number of antennat articles in creased si ona LV io P β as shown in Fig. 4. This serves as a good distinguis hing mark sor stadia belween nil P 4. The maximum number of antennat articles in sonae specimens collected in ollier localities in Sio venia is hi gher than in ille specimens near Ribnica. The number of antennat articles in L0 to LP is equat in L. Viali uX and L. forficatu1. In I 3 and other later stadia the number os antennat articles is hi gher in L. Vtili MX: Consequently this reli able taxonomic character may be used to distinguish among the se similar species. Is we exclude the clam aged antennae. and is we know the vari at ion in this character. xve can use this Character for compari son et ween different populations. Ocelli. The variation in the number os ocelli cluring post-embryonic devel Opment is stlown in Fig. f. The stadia l. L 2 and L 3 always have 2 ocelli one ach fide. In the later stadia; the number of ocelli increases and hecomes Very
Fi; . S. Num bur os ocelli in the disserent post embryonic stadia os Lithootu, utilius X MEINERT
ACCESSOry GPiciat cla in On the JIni Pair OflegS. An accessory apical claw onthe metatarsus of the last patio os legs was absent in ali specimens studi ed. COXtit ores. The number os coxal pores increases in post-embryonic de Vel os ment frona PLl to P 0. The increase is regular frona P l to P β one new poreis developed in each coxa in every following stadium. Aster P f. the de vel op-ment hecomes irregular, whicli resulis in a variation in the number of pores. Onihe basis of the total number; it is stili possibi e to distinguisti he tween dissereni luter post- larvat stadia Fig. 6). Genital Sternit EX GDd gono DES. In PLl, sex cannot yet be recogniZed. Thesii si genital sternite has no fetae and non e of ille visibi e gonopodes whicli de- vel op in PI 2. FemaleS. Gonopodes heco me evident in P 2 when they are stili devo id os Sotae. In PL3 the gonopodes are ali eady well-de velo ped, and One spur is usual lyindicated. On the sit si genital sternite GS l) there are usualty two setae. whereasgonopods lack setae. In P 4, o ne spur is de vel oped and a new spur is indicateis and there are 8-l2 setae on GS l. Females of PLβ have 24 36 seiae on GS i and twO Unequat ly devel Oped spurs are present. PL6 has 44-56 setae ora GS i and 8 l l dorso laterat fetae on the second gonopod article. In later development, thenum ber of setae on ali patris of the last article increases; so that in P J there areabo ut 88 setae on GS i and id dorso laterat fetae on the seconii gonopod article. PLX and P 9 have a number of setae similar to that os P J. J2-l24.
Fig. 6. Post-larvat de Veios ment os coxal pores ora lusi sotir coxa in the disserent stadia os Lithobius utilicius MEINERT
Lithobiu, uti lini X MEI NERT si ona Central Europe has I larvat and 9 post-larvat stadia . These were determinod hy observations os reared and preserved ani
The pro vili os the body and of the head bd gins asster L l. The dimensions os
the hody and of the head are characlers that can he used sor identification os stadia only in combination with others. Aut they are more usos ut sor distinguis hingbei ve en L. Pialiut X and L sors tituX in larvat anil early post- larvat stadia . The number os ocelli is constant in ille sit si sotir larvat stadia with 2 ocellion each side: thereaster, they grow irregulari y. and their number becomes hi ghlyuari able in ille last two stadia . There is no asymmelry in the number os antennat articles. Lil e vise lhere is no variation in stadia yotinger than 3. so this se ature is a good character sor dis- linguis hing bet ween L0 and Pi l. This character can also he used lo distinguis libet con L. Vtili tu, and L. fors tituX since - in stadia older ilian 2 L. Piali D, has more antennat articles than L. bo fictili X. The posterior projections on tergites 6 and P de vel op in L 2. while the characteristic shape os the male tergite is develops in P 2. Coxal pores ure a good character sor identi sication os the post larvat stadia os L. Vtili HX. in stadia yotinger than P 8 a new pore de vel Ops On each coxa aleach mouli. so that the number os pores on coxa l3 and id corresponds to thenum ber os the stadium.
tended these subgenera io sui ther American species. Aster re-examination os Clo te, on a wor id hasis. KlMSEY and BOHART
The det alled data of the type materials and the corrections of the earlier i it eruture are gi Veia. Only tho se referen ces a re included in this paper; whicli contain
descriptions of the type material or ne w observations, and new SynonymS O ing
The id taxa of the sub genus Hol octo IcX occur in warlDer paris os the Palae arctic and in the Oriental Regions. The type material of one of the species was
3 Abdomen nearly entire ly black 4
xviiij each ollier. Longitudinal sulcus os pronotum distinctly developeu on lyin posterior hals mediat ly. Abdomen entii ely black only T-I bas atly lateralty and along posterior margin sonaewhat brownish red. Pro notum.