Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류



cover of leas litter. cover of herbs and shrubs: while correlations bet ween thenum ber of individua is and lwo other variabies stemperature. and COVer os canopylayer) were not significant. The species richness per tras' increased as relative virm Ois ture, cover os leas litter, cover os herbs and shrubs increased. and when relative canopy co Ver decreased . The other correlation was not significant stemperature). Shan non diversi ty per tras' increased as relative vir moisture, cover of the leas litter cover of the herbs and shrubs ali increased, and as relative canopyco ver decreased. while the other rank correlation was not significant tempera- tui C).Ηy multiple correlation analysis we pro 'ed that there were signi sicani positive correlalion belween the si x measti red en viro iamentat Vari abies and the num


The heterogenei ty of ecological systems has be come into focus recent ly. Their mosaic- like componenis differ in structure and dynamics HOL AND et est. l 90 l). The complexilies os transitions bet ween relative ly homogeneOUS patches and the interactions bet ween such patches provide a challelaging research problems. The relations het ween ecotones and biodiversi ty have traditionalty caught the interest of ecologist s. hecause ecotones may serve as ei ther barriers Or corri-d Ors bet ween populations. and hecati se they represent unique habitats savoured by sonae species, and an inhospitable to othei X. The edge Zone may serve us a secondary habitat for species.


Our study revealed a significant elige essect on the carabid assemblages. The number os curabid individuat s. ille number os species and diversi ty increased a long the transeci towariis the forest elige Fig. l). we also proved that relativeair moislure the cover os the leas litter. cover os herbs, si rubs and canopy layerare important factors determining the number os individuat s. species richness and diversi ly os carabid assemblages along the transect Table 2). Multiple regressionanalysis proved that the si x studi ed en viro iamentat variabies were significant lycorrelated with the assemblage paramelers. Howe ver il also potnted oui iliciinei ther os ille en viron mentat variabies can expla in alone the changes of the assem blage parameters along the transecl. li means that these en viro iamentat Vari abies are strongly correlated and they hoost cach other's essec t. it is also evidentsrom ille values os ille multiple correlation analysis that these en viron mentalsactors explain only 30 Uta os the iolat variation. theres ore there are other importuni saci ars insitiencing the distribution os the carabid assem blage. Eood and soli parameters may be mentio neu as ollier relevant en viron mental sactors THElELE l0JJ. LOVEl und SUN DERI AND l 906). Similar observations have been reporied in ille literature: vegetation and iis conseque iaces to the microclimate are likely io be sonae os the mosi important sactors structuring carabid assem blages



the hi gli diversi ty value we observed at ille Odge. The disserent habitats the interior anil edge of the forest) are not independent of each other at the studi ed locat spatiat scale. and the carabilis Can move eas-ily be tween these adjacent habitat s. Dispersal belween habitat patches consider- ab ly influences species composition. diversi ty and the structu re os carabid assem blages NIEMEL A l 988). There were significant negative correlations he tween species richnes s. diversi ty os carabitis per tras' and the canopy co Ver Table 2). Willi decreas ing cano py cover. species frequent in Open habitat s Canalso immigrate in to the forest elige. In our stud y Har cili X latu5 LlNNAEUS

The higher abunda iace. species richness and diversi ly at the forest elige maybe caused by locat dispersal processes, as Carabid beet les a re able to cover large

l 986). Migration greatly reduces ille Chances of extinction, emphasi sing the importance os movement bet ween sui table patches. Edges with permeabili ly approprin te sororganisms operatingon severat scales Ni EMELA et a l. l 993 l 994). undi hey Caia connect severat populations HANS EN and Di CASTRI l 992). Our re-search po in led o ut that the forest edges may play a cruciat role in the mainten-ance and preservation os diversi ly theres ore their protection is essentiat.




illi obiu, Ptili MX MEI NERT l XJ2 is a common species in Central Europe


cation of the se species has been impossibi e or uncertain. Up to now Only the post-embryonic de Velopment of L. forficiatuS has been described ANDERS SON

knowledge of the variabili ty of certain characters during the post- embryonic de- vel Opment has ali eady been potia ted otii. Since sonae taxonomic characters of Lithobio morpha change during post-embryonic development ANDER SSON l9 6 l9J8ti; D. l9J9. l98 l. l 984. FRUND l 983. MIN ELLI et est. l 996. MURA KAVll9β8) the complete taxonomic description os a species must also include there levant datu . Hor our fui ther ecological studies, we nee led to identis y exactly the stadia of L. Vialidus. their taxonomical ly different populations , and also similar species. It was necessary there fore sit si to study the morphological changes during the post-embryonic de vel op ment of the species.


The method sor studying post-embryonic de vel os ment follows that of ANDERSSON sl 9J6.l9J8ci. h). Data were collected hoth frona specimens reared in laboratory and Dona specimens collected in nature and preserve i in P0ri ethanot with l0R glycerol. De vel op ment isto in the ogg was monitore t to the death os ille animal s. All the specimens os the studi ed ogg-laying semales in the laboratory. and the preserveci specimens came si om the Same locali ty i .e. a mixed forest near Ribnica. Sloveni a. The animais reared were observed orace a weck. Specimens in the mouiting period were nolincluded in the meastirements. The measti ring methous are described by KOS sl 98J). The characters observed were: number os legs. hody tength; head longili and wid th. number os ocelli. numberos antennat articles; number os forcipular teelli. posterior projections on tergites 6. P. 9. ll. and l3. spinulation. number of coxul pores ora the last four legs number of setae ora the ventral si de os thesii si genital sternite. number os fetae on the seconit genital sternite os males, and number of dorsolatural setae ora the seconii article of the semale gonopod.


e found 5 larvat and 9 post- larval mouit ing stadia by rearing L. Viali HS frona eg g to death in the laboratory. The reared specimens of the ninth post- larvalstadium were similar to the most developed specimens frona nature; te ad ing tot he conclusion that L. Vialidi S also has nine post- larvat stadia in nature. The Stadium PLl0. reported by BROLEMANN l 930) sor L. forficiatus frona central Europe waS not sinu nil in L. Vialint X.


is the best character sor identification os larvat studia; and is also most usos ut sore vulti alion os ollier Clini Acter, .HO ' longili. Body longili is not a reli able character and is also dissiculi ionaeas ure. Recause os the sost intersegmental membrane; hody tengili dependes oni ho condition os muscies in ii se and aster si xation. Body longii, was. ne Veriheles,. meas ured sor comparison willa existing descriptions os illis and of her species


Fi . 2. Head longili in the disserent post embryonic stadia os Lilhohitiue utili tiX MEINERTHead lengili and wid th are also characters which can be used only in combi nati an with other ones sor the stadium and species identifications. The variabili lyof the head longi h and wid th of so me post- embryonic stadia is greater than thedissere iace in these characters bet ween consequent stadia Figs 2. 3). oeth onsor multi DXlemite. In stadium I the forcipular coxosternite is not 3 et distinctly denticulate i. The initiat 4-4 ieeth de vel op in L l. The numberos forcipular feeth in creases with mouit ings; as presented in Table l. The growths in. 3. Head widlh in the disserent post embryonic stadia os Lithohitis utili HS MEINERT


is irregular and variable. theres ore ille number os forcipular teeth is not a reli ablecharacter sor the identificalion os stadia . On the basis os this character. L. Phili us can eas ity be distinguis hed si ommost other species in Europe since they have 2-2 forcipular ieeth. The combina

Ccili X. The number os forcipular leelli also rema in f higher in older stadia os this

Fi: . 4 Variation in the number os antennal arii cles os the lusi antenna in the disserent post-cmbryonic stadia os Lithobiu, utili. X MI INERT