Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


β Vertex rare ly partly pronotum and mesonotum large ly osten also scutellumi lanae red or greenish golden. Upper margin on the longer and posterior partos hi nil se mora usu atly with a lighter or dari er brown isti line 6 Head and thorax largely violet. part ly willi blue res lections, never flame red

6 Hi nil tibiae otii fide with metallic bluisti green reflection. Laterat spine os propodeum potiated with thoria like or smaller base margins os disc more ortes s divergent back variis. Postscutellum oblong parily with parallel laterat margins and willi normal pit mediat ly. T-I usual ly with dense punctures. Pro nolum evenly Slighlly curved in laterat view. JHi nil tibiae brownish without metallic reflection. Laterat angi es os propo

with a potiated spine Fig. 6) margins os disc parallel. Laterat margins os postscutellum convergent basalty Uig. 6) and with larger piis in front 8J Laterat spine os propodeum large r. with thoria like basis and more potia ted apex. laterat margin os disc more si) or less sci) divergent backwariis. Thepit S-row of pro notum posterior ly and the longitudinat naid-line different ly


presse l. Pronotum H ith coarser punctures. Postscutellum green willa an Un

plish gold. Propodeat an gles posteriori y directed otii artis, protruding apex hard ly po in ted. Pronotum not black mediat ly with pils-row posteriori y discconvex, longitudinal sulcus strongly impressed mediat ly. Postscutellum greenish gold withoul a pit in front mediat ly. Posterior ocelli connected by a


Pronotum xv illi a stiari' narro v longitudinal sulcus anteriori y whicli heco me indistinci posteriori y. posterior margin wilh a s harply Oullined piis-row.

Supraoccipitat surro v absent or hard ly discerni ble. Transverse surrows anum id line on pronotum normalty de Velopeii or shorter. Lower margin os Clypeus narro ver than bes ore, stra ight willio ut tridentate apex l2

vivid violet res lection. head . pro notum and postscutellum only parily wilhViolet linis. SCape, propodeum. mesopleuron, T-l in front together willi T-l-li lateralty and part ly se mora and tibiae more greenis h. Apicat margin os terga black. Postscutellum with an unus ually large pii mediat ly in si oni and wilh two sna alter piis apicatly Fig. P). Frontal sulcus stat ted in a distinci pii nol near sore Ocellus. Laterat margins os propodeum nearly parallel. Terga


Addition to the original diagnos is . Nervulus ante surcal. The solio ving table compares ille proportions. The numbers were obta ined by dividing the longili os ille studi ed morphological pari by iis xviillh.

2 spec. si ona Armenia

The variabili sy os illis species is ruther large both in sculpture and in colour. bor ex ample the posterior row os piis os ille pronotum is seel, ly developed in thelio lotype or in one male si ona Novi scoli. l2. Vll. l8903. hut ii is xveli distinguis habie in other males. among them a male also si ona Novi collected l8963. Longitudinat naid-line os pro nolum s hallo v and de vel oped only on anterior halsos disc holotype ci). usual ly longer or when sonae times de vel oped posterior ly. ilion indistinct in front 2 63. The si Ze os the laterat an gles of propodeum is disse sereni on the righi and on the lest si de in the very sanae specimen Budapest Remeichegy coli. l 954). The oval and round or narrow pit on vertex bet ween hi nil ocelli does not restricted io males or to se males. T-I usualty wilh sine and dense punctures l-3 PD apart Soror holotype) or denser. nearly closely punctured 0-l PD a pari s Budas est 6 holotype. France). Lo ver sace large ly black 23. or green willi sexu violei tinis in holotype scii and large violet or black. also me-


The holotype correspontis to the original description . excepi the abdomen is disserent ly punctured Fig. 8); gi ven in detail in the key not 'gaster aliove fine lyclosely punctured ). Additions to the original diagno sis. Anterior ve in os discol dat celi pale. nervulus distinctly antes urcal. Lower margin of clypeus con Vex with nearly rectangular corners. M S l. 6 MOD long. Ped l. 3 times as long as wide. F-I 2. 4 T II l. 6 times as long IS wide. Distribution. Thallanil TSUNEKl l 9823.



distinctly stronger than in se male. Sculpture and colour are also disserent. Mid-line os pro notum is seel, ly de velo ped posteriori y in holotype. hard ly distinct anteriori y in one se male or normalty developeis a long the disc in one se male anil male. whi Ch were collected in ille sanae locali ty. Scutellum; propodeat disc lateralty green, central area Os propodeum dari. green and postscutellum violet in holotype: scutellum; propodeum bluish violet with clark h lue central area. and postscutellum dark violet in theother se males, ali collected in the sanae loca lily. The sanae differen ce can he seen in the colour of the male terga af gi ven in the key. Distribution Jupan TSUNEKl l 959). Cluptus igni dorsum Sp. n. ci