장음표시 사용
greater, unis orna patieria occurred. Figure 2 visuali ses the method. We used the statisti cs gi ven by REBS sl 989) sor determining signis cances. The expected values. which were based on the simulati Oins were compared to the Observed values using the statistics
where measu red distances to nearest neigh bour for individual i. p densi ty os individuat s. andia is the number os individuat s. The value os Z at the 0. 05 significance levet is Z α l. 96. sor twotailed significanCC. The SPA was carried out sor each checkings of the two winters. for ali the Greal Tits and sorine resident tits separate ly. we considered a bird to be resident is it was recorded to roost in nesthox more than stur times cluring the whole study l 986I8J-l 989I90). For the analysis of the distribu tion os ali Great Tits and of the resident tits data were grouped as solio ving si) adult males. 2)adult semales 3) immature males, and 4) immature females. e investigated the essecis os sex. age and residency status by analysis of Vari ance A NOVA) using aggregation index as the dependent variable.
The fideli ty of Great Tits to a restricted area of ca. lfo m diameter in winter was shown in our previ ous study BALDl 9 CSORGO l 994ti). This may indicate a inter site fideli ty. there fore in the present stud y we attempted to detect Somes Orm of winter territoriality by the analysis of spatiat position of roosting individunt s. In spite of the expectation we detected main ly randona distribution os theroos ting individuat s. What should be the reason for the fallure os detecting non randona patierias by the SPAJ There are various wintering strategies in the Great Tit, frona inoaters
ferences may indicate that in winter the de since of the area of the potentiat breed ing territory is weal . bul the large proportion os empty nesiboxes in inter indicates strong defence of the holes. This patieria may be expla ined on a functionalbasis. In the bree ling season territory may be maintained for smod sor avo id ingpredat ars or sor pre Venting extra pair copulations. In winter. hOwevcr. sui Vivat depends main ly On weather conditions, even food supply is mediated by weather. There fore the area is not defended. In spite of this; the nestboxes h ad significantro te in inter sor protection against wea ther. and it has a potentiat role in the su iure as breed ing hole.
Publications of the Hungarian Natural History Mus eum are avail able
An ecotone is a Zone os transition bet vecta adjacent ecological system, having a set os characteristi cs desined by space and lime scales and by the strengili os ille inieractions hei vecta the adjacent ecological systems. Thus, Anecoione is a system that cuia be interpreted ut any hierarchical le vel . si ona popula tion to the biosphore: at any extensiori; si ona a sexu centi meters to thousantis os kilomelers: according io the spatiat anil temporal scale os rese arch. The sore si eugeis a type os ccotone which is interpreted at ille me so- spatiat scale and at the communi sy levet HOLLAND et est. l 90 l. HANS EN and DI CASTRI l 992). in the fore si eclge there are abrupi changes in lighi reginae. substrale ater conditions. species composition and of her abiotic and biotic factors that generat ly characteri se theedge. These sactors are hight y significant for smali animais suci, as insccis . e specialty ground -d vel ling bediles SAM WAYX l0043. Monitor ing os eliges is also essential as these may reaci earlier to changes than ille adjacent ecological systonas and so includes early observation os structu
rat Changes. degradation and succession HANS EN and DI CASTRl l 992). Suchearly observations may also contribute to the SucceSS of nature Conser Vation. Carabilis are excellent subjecis for stud ying the effect of changes in en vi
we studi ed the carabid assemblages in an Oak-horiabeam forest along a transeCt.we also examineis ille en viron mental meastire menis that may be important for
distribution of litter-dwelling carabilis NIEMEL and SPENCE l 994). MATERIAL AND METHODS
Based on continuous pittali catches poolud ovor the whole activi ty period a reli able quanti tali ve measti re os illo si Zes os carabid populations and os assemblago structure can he obia incit BAARX l9J9ti). Theros ore; po aled sumplus were used sor the numerical analysis. It also compen- sales the disserunces in the phcnological dynamics hicli cloes not mean structural disseruncus in the composition Os the cara id assemblages. To test the cdge essect on curabid assemblages. abundance. obsci Ved number os species and Shannon diversi ly c. g. Pl EI OV l9Jβ) wcre calculated per tras'. Regression analysis was applied iodemonstrate is thure was an increase in the studi ed characteristi cs a long the transect. Mann-whit-ncy U-lest was used to asscss disserences in assemblage structure botween the two habitals . Speai man rank correlation anu multiple regression were applied to analyse ille relations hips bet cen thecarabid abundance. species richness. diversi ty and the studicit cravit onmental measti rements SOMAL and ROH l08 l). Analysus were carricii out by the SPSS-PC program me package.
A iotat os l3 3 individuals be longing lo 20 carabid species were collected
in the pii tali traps Table l). There was a strong positive rank correlation bet weenthe abundance os a species and the number os traps frona whicli it was recorde l Spearmaia r α0. 98βl pQ i. ) in in l) Table l). The abundance categories xvere determine sor the capi ured species. Three species soli nil in more thaia 50 traps and represented by a mean value os more illata 2 individua is per trap were designate lus abundant sol est generali sis and abundant species. Two other species were captured in 20 30 traps wilh 0. 5-l individuals per tras'. which can be mentioned assubdominant species. Two-thirils of the species were soli nil in tess than is trapsand were represented by a mean catch os tess ih an V. 3 individuals per tras'. These Species are rare anil may preser microsites willi specific elavit onmental conditions
There was a significant positive correlation detected he tween the number os