Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


inal vlew that the two are specifical ly distinct. Howe Ver, the present authors found that it was not possibi e to distinguish willi certa in ty bet ween se males of the two laxa: the dental characters si elative si Ze of the tipper incisors and the small


penis is very large. The baculum is long 8. 9 mm). ih in and sinuous with a characteristic do ubie curve when vlewed lateralty Fig. 4). The base is stightly bilobate and the tis' bis id. In the si ull. the rostrum is s hori. moderate ly broad and willi a very shallow median depression. The nasal notch is long V-s hapud but villi a stightly rounded base. The post arbitat constriction is not significantly nar-rower than the rostrum. The braincase is short broad and moderate ly instate i. The supra accipital fornas the most posterior part os the si ull. In laterat prosile there is a stight depression in ille inter arbitat region. The lambita fornas the mos te levateis pari os the si fili. The basi occipitat has a weli desined central rid ge run- ning bet ween the two cochleae but the basi spheno id piis are virtualty absent. Thesii si up per incisor si ) has a weli desined secondary cus p that is abolit two thircis the height of the primary one. The seconii incisor si ) is equat in height to the secondary cus p of i . The tipper canine is tali and narrow with an incipient posterior secondary cus p at a bout one third the heighi os the principat one. The sit si ut per premo lar pni in is dis placed internalty in the toothrow. it has a simple conicalcus p and a crown area sub-equat to i': it is parii atly visibi e when ille toothrow is vlewed laterat ly. The canine and the seconii premo lar spiav) are not in contaci. In the mandibular dentition the sit si premo lar spi ) is abolit three quarters ille cro via area and height of the second spreti). Taxonomic re marks KOOPM AN l 993) included tibi timi S as a synonym os P. j ivtinicuX: this vlew ignored the very disserent bacula os ille two laxa HI &HARRISON l98J) and is not sol lowed here. A description os the distinctive ka-


BATES. P. I. I. Et al

Description: The pelage is a uniform dark clove brown on the dorsal sui face. The hairs on the ventral sui face have pater brown tips and dark roots. The ears are smali and moderate ly broad. The tragus of each ear is smali. with a concavo anterior horder and a convex posterior one. The penis is os moderate si Ze.

The baculum has a thin sitast os moderate tength 3. J min) and a distinctly bifidiis': the basal l obes are weli developed and deflected venti ally Fig. 3). In thesi uti the rostrum is relative ly narrower than that os specimens referreis to P. Veste Ctili S and P. GDriamuS: there is a s hallow median depression and the nas alnotch is V-s haped. The bra incase appears sonae hat in altened in comparison to P. GDrtim HS and in laterat profite. there is an almost strai ghi line frona the nares to


Ecological notes: The single subaduli specimen si ZM. β. 30J02) was collected over the dry riverbed os the Huoi rivo r. adjacent lo a village.


indochina . considered here io be the geographical region os Vicinam. Laos Cambodia. Hainan and Yunnan consi sis os a hight y complex mosaic os biogeographical subregions ilial a re poorly undet stood. Receni bird studies RORSON orti l 989. l 993) and high prosile disco 'eries os large mammais in ille Annam itemouniatias Di NC l 993. TtlOC l0043 have undet scored i vo basic potnis. Thesii si is ilial the region boasis an extraordinary levet os species richness, eveniliough biological research is sar si ona complete. The seconii is that ii is home iomany species xvii h primitive characteristic s sor their grotis' and that ille region is likely io conlatia a number os contres os endem is m. A receni hird siti ly identisiecismur such centres: lhe Annamese lowlanus . ille Da Lai Plateati. Coch in China and Hainan sic BP l 9923. However much os the receni re scarch and interest has rema ined socii sed on new high prosile species and other possibi e flagshis' speciessor conservation. To date. scani regarit has been gi ven to more diverse groupssuch as smali mammat s. ille herpeiosatina and invertebrales. The recent sui vey in Cuc Phuong operated willi the minimum os sophi sit cased equis'ment. However. it has ali eady shown thal in Vicinam even a relative-

Three os ille species os Pi iXtroitu, described here have not previ ous ly been recorded si ona Vietnam. They are ali rare and are listed as conservation priori lies by BAlLLIE R GRO IMBRI DCE l 996). As such. Vietnam must he considered a priori ty area sor hat rescarch and conservation. However. Vicinam is tosing iis


iast natural forest co ver for various human-related reasons, and with it, probab lya large number of undescribed taxa. Bats are e specialty vulnerable in Vietnam since less than l2R of the country is now covered by closed tropical forest an d

with less than ita in pristine condition COLI IN S et a l. l99 l). In addition the

seum. London sor ille preparation of skulis. On bellais of the Harrison Zoological Museum. we would like to thank our curator os colleC-tions KAREN BATES who has most cares ut ly prepared the specimens. their Skulis and bacula.



BATES. D. I. I. et Gl.





much less studieii and theres ore systematical ly uncertain species M. lGHigor CORBET & HILL op. cit.) were used here sor Compari Son Ν. Description os a medium si Zed sample, two adult males and eight adult se- males os a new species os Myotis frona Nepat is gi ven below. The specimens


Externat meastirements soreat in longili and lihia longili) os bl as xvcli as craniat anil mandibular meastire menis os 46 adult specimens os M. longi es, deposited in the Mammat Collectio in os the Hungarian Natural History Muscum. Bucla pest xvere used . The material si ona a population estimulod to number abo ut sotir thousand. was collected by the present author the Bum Iou Cavc. alabout 2000 in a. s. l. on the north-soulli rori te bet ween Pahalgum and Anant nag. Kashmir. lndia. on uJune. l 96J. According to KOUL sl 96β. p. fl), an earlier nanae sor Anantia ag was Isiam abad. Thus the typo locali ty could bc close by or even at the sanae placo as sor the present materiai. The s hortest dis lance bet vecta the current ly well-known istam abad. N os Rawalpinili. Dakisian and Ananl-nag is abo ut 200 kilometres. and the one belwecn Anantia ag and the localities Os M. cXDrhesi Sp. n. in Nepat is ab aut l040 km to the solitheast os Anant nag. Specimens os more than 3J percent os thelaum Zou population hau sonae irregularly placeu smali albi nolic spois os variotis extension on theupper Is weli as On the tander pari os their pelage.


M. CXO hesi s p. n. samples. Eoi ly-nine craniat and 35 mandibular characters were meas ured. The characters. willi their desinitions where necessary. are listud in Tables 2 and 3. M casu rements were collected by a Mitutoyo digilat cali per lo U. Ut nam accuracy - using a binocular microscope and a Mittito communication adapter VRS l00. Uor descriptive flatis lics. Shapiro-wil k normalily test. Kolmogorov-Smirno v two-sample test. l-l est sor independent samples, discriminant, canonica l. and Cluster analysis were u scis. Ali statistical analyses were persorinod using the Statistica b. t sost vare.