장음표시 사용
Measu rements with descriptive statistical data for externat characlers are included in Table l. those of the si ulls of the type series are gi ven in Table 2 and for mandi bies in Table 3. The skuli and mandi hie of M. CSorbiai sp. n. Ire depicted in Fig. l.
and se males in any craniat character. The sanae conclusion was drawn frona theresulis os a t-test sor independent samples. Descriptive stati si ics of the mandibular meastire ments of the studied materi ni os M. lorigi EX males anil se males, respectively, are gi ven in Table 3. O ut os 3β mundibular charactei s. in tu the se males h ad greater mean values. in P themales xvere larger while in ille other 9 ille means were pracii catly equat. In the Olmogorov-Smirno v test and the t-test at V. Ut alpha leve l. ille re was no significant dissere iace between the males and the se males. Com GriSOH of M. csorbai m. i. GMA M. longi pes
Descriptive stati si ics os mandibular measti remenis Os M. CXOrhesi ΝP. n. nres hown in Table 3. Measu rements in which there was no overtas' bet ween themaximum values of the new species and the minimum values os M. lorigi PS
Table 2 continuod Anterior palatat e marginationM. longi ES
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