Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


In the bulky volumes of the 'Contrit,utionX lo a Miani est os Palaearctic Di teres' morphological physiological genetica l. ecological and economicup-to-date knowledge of dipterous species smidges and si ies); which have significant importance in geneti cs as modet organisms, in plant culti vationas pests or beneficiat parasitoids. in animal lius bandry and human healli, asvectors of serious illi esses and which are important sor ecosystem sunCtion, are trealed. Morphological keys willi excellent figures) for adulis and larvae which hel p reaclers with identification of dipterous pesis and parasitoicis are provide l. while readers in fiet d of applied dipterology will findsultable en viro tamen lalty friendly methods against pests or biological controi method s. among olhers. Time table of series: l99 Volume 2. l 998






most enlii ely on limestone karsi. The single sile aliove 200 metres exhibits submontane closed broadicaveis evergi con sol est. Generat ly there is lilii e variation in habitat types. with so me P0π os the park's 220 km land arca under sorest. although virtualty nono rem alias pristine. Vost os thewatei Cotti ses Ire seasonui. Only one rivcr. the Song Buoi. is permanent: it runs through the extremenorth-west os the park. The karsi geology os Cuc Phuong has resulted in a complex net vork of suh- terranean rivers, sinkholes and caves providing ideat roosting sites sor bals. Using misi iacis anuhancl-held hultei sty iacis. si sty voticher specimens xvere collected and deposiluit at the Harrison Zoological Muscum si ZM) sor identification. Thiri y- sive species hc longing to eight families xvere identi si ecl. including ni ne specimens os Pi AtrolluS reserable to si ve species. Ali specimens are current ly preserved in P0 et hyl-alco hol. xv illi the s kulis extracted and preparcit. Standarit externat meastire ments were taken si ona the spirit specimens prior to their preparation. The additional externat and craniat measti rements were taken alter preparation willi eleC-


ironic calipers accurate to 0 0l min. The abbreviations and mei hod ol measti remoni solio v BATI s& HARRisON l99J). The bacula os the sive male pipisti elle specimens were prepared sol lowing the method ovilined in Trio aris os cit si994). The penis xvas dissected si om ille hody il was subsequently placed in a test tube and lightly boiled in waler sor ahout three to sotir minutes. The water vas Grai neu and the penis test in a finali container sor 24 hours to macerate in a solution os 5 π potassium hydroxide and aligarin red. The sost lis sue was then removed by manuat disseclion leaving the sta inod baculum. The bacula were flored in glycerol. The illustrations os the bacula and dentiti an were drawn by DLHi using a Wild-Heerbrugg sterco microscope and attached camera lucida. Ali specimens si ona Cuc Phuong are hou sed in ille Harrison Zoological Muscum. Se venoaks. LJK those si ona Ha De Nationat Park and Na Hasag Nature Reserve are in The Natural History Muscum



nearly alta in f the primary cusp in height. The seconii incisor si ) is relative lylarge. with a secondary cingular cusp internat to the principat one: there is also an external one in specimen HZM. l. 30538. The tipper cani ne is without a secondarycus p Fig. 2). The sit si up per premo lar spm ) is very smali; abo ut hals io twoi hircis the cro via area of i . less than half that os i : ii is situ aled in the recessimi med by the hipper canine and the seconii upper premo lar spm ) whicli are ne arly in contaci: il is obscured or partialty obscured when vlewed externalty. Thesii si lo ver premo lar spm ) is situ aled in the toothrow: it is belween hals and two thircis the cro via area and half the height of the seconis to ver premo lar piati). Taxonomic re mari s the taxon cci orneso was lis ted as a provisional sub- species os Pi iStroilus Scivii BONA PARTE; l83J) by ELLER MAN L MORRISON SCOTT sl 9 l) but folio ving HlLL sl 962) was subsequently irealed as a disi incis pecies. It dissers frona P. Xcivii in iis relative ly tali not flattene d bra incuse and iis dees' basi sphenoid piis. in P. Scivii the piis are scarce ly present. The baculum is also strii ingly different. In P. Scivii; ille distat end of the baculum is more robustthan the base and is transverse ly expande l. without a dorsal Or ventral concavi ty


Se males emales emale males emale s emale males emale female males emale male





se male specimens tentative ly res erreis to their respective species See text)


Diagnostic descriptiori: The dorsat pelage is long . t hic k and silky. li is essenti ally black but the hairs are tipped with go iden-hrown. On the Ventral sui sace the hair roois are very dari . the tips are a pale bus sy-brown. The ears are charac teristi catly very tali but not as broad as ilio se os P. cadorniae. The tragus os eacheur is broad. ii has a stra ighi anterior margin and a convex posterior one and is about one third the height of the pinna. The penis is os moderate si Ze. The hac ulum is relative ly short 2. 4 mm). It has a b road sh ast that is smooth dorsalty huihollowed out helow. The tip is biunt anil the base simple. not bilobate si ig. 3). In the si ull. the rostrum is long relative ly narrow and willi a s hallow median rostrat


depression: there are si allow laterat depressioris above the anterior margin oseach orbit. The bra incase is elongated and instate i. especialty anteriori y: the supra accipitat is bulbous and fornas the most posterior part os ille skuli: there is as hallow depression at the fronto- parietat future. The sagittat crest is absent orvery shallo v. In laterat profite; there is a mari ed frontal depression: ille anterior part of the rostrum is iit ted upwarus. The Zygomata have a s hori dorsal processon each jugal bone in sonae specimens. The basi occipitat has a weli desined central rid ge running bet ween the two cochleae but the basi spheno id piis are virtualty absent. The sit si us per incisor si ) is robust. shoin and broad and has a dis tinct secondary cus p which attains two thirils the height of the primary one. Theseconii incisor si ) is relative ly large, with a secondary cus p internat to the principut One. The upper canine is without a secondary cus p. The fit si upper premo lar pina ) is relative ly tali hut iis crown area is usualty about two thircis or equat lothat of i': it is situ ated in the reces s sol med by the up per canine and the secondupper premo lar spina ) whicli are in contact: it is obscured or partialty obscured whon vlewed externalty. The fit si lower premo lar pia i ) is siluated in theloothrow: it is belween half and two thirus the crown area and half the height of the second lower premo lar spia u). Taxonomic remari s The distinctive shape of the baculum clearly distinguis hes males of this taxon frona simi lar si Zed pipisti elles such as Plistrolli SDVGHic HS. Howe ver in the case of semales, ille identification os specimens is more dissiculi as the differences in the craniat anil dental morphology belween P.

Distribution Ba Be Nationat Park and Cuc Phuong Nationat Park are thes ii st known recorus sor Vietnam. Et se here it is widespre ad but lilii e known insolitheria China ALLEN l 938) where recor is include the provinces of Ytanna n.

Ecological notes: Hoth specimens si ona Cuc Phuong Nationat Park were Caught in misi neis placed across the enti ance to the Cave of Early Man. ThisCave, sit uated in the solith-central part of the pari . is one os ille main tourist silesos Cuc Phuong. There is considerable human disturbance including Shou ling. thethrowing os sticks and rocks and the burning os incense wii hin the cave. Howe ver SO me l9 species of mega- and microbat were collected ut the two ent rances


lo the cave and many of these bais roost with in the cave complex J. L. WALSTON personat observation). The two P. Puli oriati X specimens xvere collected at l9.20 and 20. 0 hours on in May l00J. Their roost was not locatecl. The area in front

Descriptiori The hairs on the dorsal sui sace are clark chocolate brown throughout their longili xv illi the roois scarce ly disserentiated frona the tips. On the ventral sui sace, the hair bases are also dari. but the tips are a pater ginger bro via. The head os the male specimen was clamaged and theres ore it is nol possibi e todetermine the si Ze and shape of the ears. Howe ver iliose of the reseri ed se male specimens are stiori and of moderate wid th. The tragus of each ear is weli de-veloped and moderate ly broad villi an essentialty struight anterior margin and a Con Vex posterior One. The penis is unusual ly large . although comparabie in si Zeto that os P. tibi timuX. The baculum is diagnostic: it is very long sl l. 6 min) with a narrow sh ast anil a strongly bifid ii p. ille horias of whicli are deflected venti ally Fig. 43. The s kuli os HZM.4.30Jld is had ly damaged. The rostrum is s hori. iis breadit, is in determinate. In laterat pro sile. there appears to be concavi ly where the posterior part of the rostrum meeis the anterior part os ille bra in case. The Ventral aspect os the bra incase including the masto id and basi occipital region is entire ly absent. However. the mandi ble. including iis dentition and the lest maxillary dentition a re complete. The sit si ui per incisor si ) is bicus piis; ille seconii si )alta in f the height os ille secondary cus p os i . The posterior cuti ing edge of the Canine is without a secondary cus p. The sit si upper premo lar pni ) is smali bul