Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


M. CSOrhesim

0. 260000. 260. 260. 000000

0.320000.300.340. 028 284


0. 800. 800. 023396

M. CAD Desim

M. CSDrhesim

I. CXo Desim

M. CXO Desim

3I. CXDrhesim

l. 80 2.24

M. CXDrhesim

M. CXorhesim


cant disserence also in Pa Crown wid th.


hight y significani Q 0. 00 l) dissere iaces in 34 out os 49 meas ure menis si . e. in


condylobasal tength. in ner distance of M'-M outer distance C-C crowns, oti ter alveolar distance of C C, o uter alveoli os M'-M'. bra incase widili; masto id

Besides the a bove lis ted. the t-lest at V. Ut alpha levet showed also significant difference sor outer distance of M'-M crowns; anterior palatat e marginationwid th and anterior palatat e margination long th. ho e ver not so for M' M' cro via longili and M' ante ro- posterior longi h. in almost ali os these meas ure ments the species M. itiniger was Somewhat larger ilian the new M. CSori,si s p. n. The lalterhad greater means in lachrymal bi id ge wid th. xviilth be tween cochleae; P' basal longili and P' crown width. however. not significant ly. In P' o uter alveolar longilii he means of the two species agreed up to two decimat s. Unfortunate ly bollis amples xvere limited in si Ze. thus the resulis of the t-test xvere less conclusive. In mandibular characters the Kolmogorov-Smirno v test resulted in highly

grenter Values. M. Cia ciccirili evident ly so in the ollier measti rements.


sum ti p. the species M. lorigi PS see med lo have s hortor anterior portion os thelower dentilion. and iis one rooted premotars were also narro ver than in M.

ces iaccinii had ille greater values excepi the lachrymal hi iuge widii, where thenaean value os M. longi PS significantly was greater. Although nol signi sic antly also in M' an iero posterior longili. M' M' alveolar tengili and P' otiter alveolai longili M. longi ES had greater means. Other characters where no significant dissere laces xvere found are the solio ving row longili. P' basal longili. M ante ro- posterior tength. M' crown widit, and Ρ' M' alveolar longili. There were so unis hight y significant disserences Q U. 00 l) in almost ali 32) os illo 3β mandibular charactei s. sui thermore. significant dissere iace QU. Ub) in V ialon id widiti by the Kolmogorov-Smii nou les i. There were no Significant disserences in Mi talon id widit, and processus articularis xvidi h by the sanae test. The t-test at V. Ut alpha levet gave similar result willi the exceptioniliai the means os Mi talon id widi h also significantly dissered in the two species. The species M. Ces G inii h ad generat ly much greater meas ure menis and means than M. longi es, di d.


C P' alveolar tengit, ' and good significant disserence so Q 0. 00 ) in palatal

physis tength were greater in M. EGMDEHIDMi. COm GriSGH of M. dati benioni GHd M. capaccinii The statistical analysis of these two well-known European species by the Kolmogorov-Smirno V test sanit exactly the fame in t-test) brought also sonae resulis which were uses ut in the present series of statisticat work. Ita most of thecraniat characters sin 43 out of 49) ille species M. desubentoni had significantly Q 0. Ol) smaller means. although in the case of interorbitat constriction the mean was significantly greater in M. diauhenioni than in M. cci ciccinii. Among the characters with no significant differences: nasal notch tength. anterior palatat