Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류






cimen probab ly represents another distinci species, bul. ha Ving an unique specimen os this dissiculi species complex. we refra in frona describing it. Gortyna plumbiiincta SP . n.

in si Ze. the post mediat line is much more arcuate, sharply desine l. the marginalarea is almost unicolorous, characteristi catly dark plumbeotis grey ille apex is more acute, etc.. the genitalia os both sexes a re strongly disserent s see Uig s). The new species dissers frona the allied G. flavinia sp. n. described abo ve)and G. sortis BUTI ER. l8J8) in the larger si Ze. the whilisti has at spol and the whilisti markings of the renis orna. ille conspicuous ly arcuale post mediat line anillhe evenly plumbeo us-greyisti marginal si e ld. The male genitalia os G. Plumhi tinctia disser very strongly si ona those of the related species. e. g. by the disserent lys haped costat iobe. the more simple costat proces s. ille trapeZoidat s hape os the

clavus. the s hape. si Ze and armature os cornuli in the vesica. etc. see Uig s). These male genitalia os G. Plum bilinctia has. compared willa those os G. lmi inti ianu G. sortiX. longer ductus bursae. smaller cervix bursae and four longer signa. The taxon G. intermulti S INHOE l89 l. considered as synonymous willa G. hiaXtili unc Ititia is described si ona the solitheria Hima lay a. The illustration in


Gortyna Dium hentu Sp. n.

Diagnosis: the G. Plumbitinctia line consists of three recent ly found species forming a compaci Specie S grou p. G. Plumbeata differs externalty hom G. Plum


high as lip of cucullus, ille cucullus is rounded triangular with rather long po in ted ventral extensio n. ille clavus is large r. with rounded projection towariis fultura inferior; ille aedeagus is longer, ventral plate os carina much stronger, dor- sal plate reduc ecl. the Vesica is longe r. narrower. the single cornutus is significantly smallei siner; the spinulose fie id consisting of much larger stronger spines situ aled relative ly far frona the sole cornutus. The se male genitalia os G. olum hetitia disser frona those of G. Plumbitinctia in the longer, narrower OVi positor, s maller ostium bursae having narrower caudat plate, longer, more cui Vedductus bursae and large r. more distinct cervix bursae.

The thirci member of the species-grotis'. G. imitianX differs externalty rat herstrongly from G. Plumhciam and G. Plumbitincta, resembling most closely G. f Vinci and G. sortiX in the narrower marginal sielit closed by the less arcuate. fine post mediat line and the pater colouration os the hind wing. On the ollier hancl. the genitalia os both sexes indicate clo se relations hip willi the two other taxa os thegi OUI'. In ille male genitalia, compared with the two relati Ves. G. imitians has thehighest cucullus willi the costat iobe sit ualed relati vely far frona the lip of valva the longest, most acute ventral extension the largest clavus, ille ventral plate Osthe carina is long narro almost straight. covered with large r ieeth. the bulbed cornutus is complete ly missing but ille cornuti sield is significantly longe r. stronger. In the se male genitalia G. imitans has ille longest ductus bursae and thel argest cervix hursae. the mediat iobe of the ductus is rather smali hut strong sit uated closer to cervix than in the ollier two species.

Fig. l88. Male genitalia os Telorici citrifuSG SP. n.