장음표시 사용
tinguis hed by the following features
striate clements. scutum along iis laterat margin with crenulis orna rugae: seconii iurgite longitudinalty rugulo-striate. third tergite weukly longitudinalty rugulose-striate. mediat ly sinooth Fig. l6). Further tergites smooth and shiny. Ovi positor sileath almost as long as hi nil tibia Φ larsus com hine l. Colour os hody similar to that os male. Check. margin os cye above son vertex). pronotum and mesopleuron willi rusty hrown tinis. Hi nil coxa hrown. First sternile yellowis h. latero-tergites and sternites h lackish lo hrownis h. Wings subhyaline.
stigma. 1 2 twice to thrice as long as 1 I. Seconii tergite less transverse
con Cinctus Pro vancher. l880) is si x years yotinger ilian B. CinctuS AI KER.l8J4). consequently the former name is a junior homonym. Considering the respective instruction of the rules os nomenclature. it seems necessary to resolve
Etymolo . - The nanae 'koreanus ' indicates the country si ona where the lype sortes os thenew species originale .
the L. DXCuliator species-group with in the subgenus Glabrobriacon FAHRINGERconsidering the membraneotis hi nil paris of iis tergites 2-5. The new species is