Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류



Papp. I. Revision of the Chelonus species described by A. G. Dalil bona Hymenoptera. Braconidae: Cheloninae)Hrehlay. M. and L. Ronkay New Noctu idae Lepidoptera) species frona Taiwan and the adjacent areas

O Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences





Actia Mologicia Acti fomitio Scientiarum Hungaricae is published quarterly frona February l 994 other issues in May. August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungari an Acade myof Sciences with the financiat support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.



Human activities such as lanil use and disturbance may adverse ly asseci thebreecling os severat avi an species. GraZing livest ock may insitience bime ling byaltering the structu re os ille habitat, changing the distribution of the hircis' smodand trampling the nesis of ground -nesting biriis sHUDSON et til l004. FLEISCH NER l 9943. GraZing may reduce the population densii ies of hircis and influe iacelli e composition os avi an communities FLEl SCHNER l 994). Similarly. the u se osroads may increase ad uti mortality and the rate os emigration. and it may reducethe densities os bird populations svan cler ZANDE et til. l 980. REIINEN & FOPPEN

These essecis, however, are not overwhelm ing. A number os studies falleclto nil eviden ce sor the negative impaci os graZing and road use on reproductive



nest was found we checked it e very 2 or 4 days. Successi ut nesis, i. e. those iliathalched at least one chic k. were identis ted by the prese iace of chic k s) in the nestor by minute eggsheli fragments in the ne si materiai. Incubation bellavi our was studi ed over the hi eed ing season at nesis in whicli et ther one or both parents were

ui opean Time). we recorded whether ille nest was incubated by ei ther male or


i emnanis around the ne si or by the di sappearance of the eggs si ona the nest. Abandoned ciuiches were identis ted by seeling cool on at least two consecutive visits and the eggs of these clutches were stuck into the nest materiai. The mi dilate heiween ille detection os fallure and the last visit when the clutch was stillincubated was used lo estimate ille date os ne si saliure. A variabie portion of the study site was used sor extensive sheep-sarming in

ille assumptions os parametric tests were violated then non- parameli ic tests were


3 23 Standarit errors of dat ly nest sui vivat and tests of significance were calculated asrecommended by HENS LER & NICHOLS l98 l). Statistical analyses were carri edo ut by the SPSS program me package for the Macintos h. Mean i SE values and two-tailed probabilities are gi Ven.


Datly probabili ty os




clined in a Hungari an grassiand so did the number of breecling Kentish Plovers. Although these observational studies are important to direct the attention of conservationi sis to the variotis cosis and benefits of graZing for g round nesting biriis. ille exact nature of the relations warranis sui ther studies. In particular. sic id experiments are require t to demonstrate how the different species of livestock e. g. Catile, sheep and horse) influence habitat structure, prey abundance and reproduc live success os ground-nesting biriis in the pusZta.


Road hi se did not insitience ille reproductive success os Lapwings in otii stud y area, ali hough these roads were infrequently used. Recent studies stio velliliat severat ground-nesting biriis are also unas sected by road iras sic. Grey Parti id ge Pordii Perdit seleci nest siles irrespeclive os the distance to motorways

Howe Vcr. many os these resulis are observational and thus may be con-founded by the non-randona distribution os breed ing biriis. For ex ample . is the 'best ' Lapwings. i. e. ille ones whicli are able io protect their ne si most success-sul ly. choo se io se ille on graZed grassiand s. ilien ille esseci os iram pling may have been underesti maled. Similarly. is 'poor' breeders avo id io lay their eggs close toroads ille unas sected re produciton in the vicini ly os roads may nol mean illat i heroad usu cloes nol in siue iace Lapwing 's breecling in i his habitat. To demonstrateu nequivocalty the impaci os graZing and road usu on the reproductive success os hirtis one has io cari y out experimen is in the natural habitat os these biriis. Oneavenue is to u se artificiat ne sis PATON l 994) and investigate ille moriali ty os theariis iciat nesis in relation to graZing and road use. Another possibili ty is to manipulate experimental ly the graZing pressure and road use. and investigate the response os hi eding hirtis to these treat menis . Good habitat management practice requires such experimenis. Certa in ly. successsul execution os such experimen is vili ho a challen ging task sor conservation-m includ stelis ornithologi sis.