Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


are inentioned in the di agnosis. Female genitalia Fig. ll 9) ovi positor rather long. Strong, acute. gona pol hySUS Strong. OS-tium hursae calyculate. membranous. with a scieroli Zed caudat plate. Ductus bursae relative ly long tu utar curve l. with scieroti Zed ribs, in ner sui face granulosely scieroti Zed. Cervix hursae s mali. rounded. with strong wrin kles. corpus bursae elliptical -ovoid. hearing four signa.

Gortyna imi tun, Sp. n.

Diagno sis: the new Species is presum ab ly an allopatric sibi ing of G. Plumbi tinctia and G. Vltim Decim. G. imitians differs externalty frona both relatives in themtich paler fortiS- Or sti Vina- like colouration, the marginal area is narrower without the strong plumbeotis suffusion the post mediat is much less curve laround celi, the hind wing is paler, etc. The comparison of the genitalia of thelhree relaled taxa is gi ven in the diagno sis of G. Plumbeam.



but sultura inserior higher, narrower. cucullus hi gher willi longe r. narrower Ventral extension. clu-VUS large r. hi Oadcr. necleagus f horter. thicker, tess arcuate, ventral plate os carina much more elong-aled. almost Straighl. covered sparsely willi large tecth. vesica broade r. recurve l. without mediat cornutus but with a long terminal cornuli sic id consisting os long spines. Female genitalia sFig. l 20) ovi positor strong, acute, gonapophyses Sirong. Ostium bursaeshori. more or less calyculate with scieroti Zed posterior hals. Ductus hursae ruther long . curve l. proximal ly tapering. with strong ribs and laterat scieroti Zation, laterat appendage smali. rounded si tu aled close to base os cervix hursae. Cervix hursae large . apicatly rounded. scieroti Zed an drilibed. corpus hvrsae elliptical. with sour sine. long Signa.

Diagno sis Am hi yria civernia Sp. n. is the Taiwane Se sister species of A.

charon DRAUDT. l 950 Figs i 23. lJ8). and dissers frona it in the sonaewhat nai rower forewing. the pater, more indistinci spot of the renis orna, and pater cilia. The se male genitalia differ in the s horter and hroader ductus h ursae. The alsociosely related A. monochroma YOS HI MOTO. l 994 Fig. l 22) has evenly dari erground colour. and similar clark cilia os the hind wing.

Description wingspan 49 min. longili os sorowing 23 min. Palpi clark choco late-hrownmixed sonae whilisti scales. Frons, collar. tegulae. thorax and the sorewing lighter. mixture oshrown and ochi cotis scales. Antennae os male silis orna. Ante median and postmedian lines wide. double. sinuosely. filled with lighter coloration. Sub marginal line indistinct. marginal line sonac-what clarkcr. cilia in sanae colour. Orbicular smali. pale with a clark Spol in the mi lille. outer part osculi with a large . dissuse, indistinct clark shaclow. in the marginal siclit at the velias Cu l-2 twoblackisti stripes. Hind wing sonaewhat darker, basal area lilii e pater. without patieria. cilia Ochi cotis. Underside os forewing pater. with indistinci post median line. discat spol and a dark marginal stri pepresent on hind wing. Female genitalia: Ovi positor hard ly scieroti Zed. gon apophyses long. Ostium wide, suranel like . a smali, rounded. weli scieroti Zed plate with ii ny crest in the mi lille. Ductus bursae narrowproximal ly sonae hat enlarge l. hard ly scieroti Zed. Corpus hvrsae spaciotis, membranous Sac. with


the kind loan of their materiai collected in Taiwan. Our sincere than ks to Vr A. KEVE and Mr A. ORI At for the photographs. Last hut not least we a re indobteil to BARRY GOATER for the linguistic improvement of thi S paper. The research was supported by the Hungarian Nationat Scienti sic Researcii Funil No.




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