Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



O Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences



Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is published quarterly DomFebruary l 994 other is sues in May, August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the financiat suppon of the Hungari an Academy of Sciences.


nais, a new inundaled area os the reservo tr. native water hodies inside the reservoli , in- anilouislow8. and River Tisga inside the reservoir. Bolli traditionat diversi ty statisti cs and scalable diversi ty characteri sation suggested that the most species-rich were the native water hodies with a species-pool os 34 species: there were 30 species in the in- and ouisnows, while the leaking canals and the reservoir were moderately species-rich with 25 species each. The River TisZa was relati Vely species-poor compared to the other water hodies si 2 species). Cluster analysis of the species composition revealed that the fauna of the River TisZa is clearly separated frona the other waler hodies. The fauna of the new inundaled area. the nati Ve water bOdies. and the in- and otiis lows were similar: these water hodies h ad direct connection to the res


Dragon tes are key organisms of the mod web as predators bolli as larvae and as imagoes BENKE l9J6). They usualty have definite habitat prefere iace and territorial bellavio ur CORBET l 999). The taxon has relative ly fe w species whichcan be identis ted in the fiet d. They are usu atly abundant anil sensitive indicators of the structural changes of their habitais, and the changes of the water quali ty caused by biotic anilior abiotic factors BUL NKOVA l99J. CH ALA & WARINGER l 996. LENZ l99l. MULLER et al. 2002. SCHMIDT l 985). There are standarit techni ques toestimate their composition and abundance DEVAI l99Ja). There fore, they are es-pecially uses ut for habitat asses sment; produc ing comparabie resulis eVen in locat regional or larger scale. All of the se features make the dragonnies a very usefulgrotis' os animais for habitat asses sinent and biodiversi ty monitoring e specialty in


The stud y period las ted for two years, hecause we wanted to pro Vide a complete collection of the species of the Reservo ir Tis Za-to. Besides the extensive faunistic furvey of the Reservo ir TisZa-to we wanted to explore the major differ- ences bet ween the characteristic types of water hodies based on the dragons ly



t 8 sampling locations of this kind.

pling locations

β) The River Tisga: This is a narrow riversi de margin of the river. The whole studi ed bed of the River TisZa was inside the reservoir, although it was connected to the reservoir only in the case of extreme ly high water levet. There were β sampling locations.

Scalable diversi ty characteri Zation was used to display the species richness of the dragoni lyfauna of the water hodies. The calculation was based on the relative frequency occurre iace data.

Renyi's diversi ty profite was used TOTHM R sZ l 998). As a speciat case it includes the logarith in os the species number, the Shannon diversi ty index. the quadratic or Simpson diversi ty index. and thelogarithm of Berger Parker diversi ty TOTHM R SZ l99 β). There fore. it is a fami ly of diversi ty indices. It is propo sed to use for diversi ty compari sons SOUTH OOD & HENDERSON 2000). It has aso-called scale parameter. When the value os the scale parameter is low the method is extreme ly sen sitive to the prese iace of rare species. When the value of the scale parameter increases the diversi ty is tess sensiti Ve to the rare species than earlier. For a large scale parameter value the method is sensiti Veon ly to the frequent species. The result os this scale-dependent characteri Zation os diversi ty can beu sed in a graphical forna to visuali Ze the diversi ty relations of communities. When we are using a

quently mentioned as the diversi ty prosile of the community. Basical ly, a SerVe S aS a Scale parameter, and members of the D a) diversi ty index fami ly have different sensitivi ty to the rare and frequent species depending on G, which may be regarded as a scale parameter. It is important to stress that thecurVes of two di Versi ty profites may interfeci. For two communities. the intersection of the diversi typrosiles means that one of the communities is more diverse for the rare species, while the other one is more diverse for the frequent specieS. Rogers Tani moto index was used to meas ure the similarity of the species composition of thedragoni y latina of the compared water hodies, and the single average method was used during the


There were J28 imagoes. 384 larvae and l94 exuviae collected during the study whicli correspond to J80 data items 543 imagoes. i54 larvae and 83 exu viae). Additionalty there were l0l imago data items resulting from ObserVations. All of these data items were recorded as presence absence data irrespective of the number of individuals actualty collected or observe l. Altogether, the total numberos data items was 88 l. As the result of the research we confirmed the presence of 39 species si3 Zygoptera and 26 Anis optera) altogether. The collected and or observed di agon y fauna of the Reservo ir TisZa-to is stlown in Table t for the Zygoptera and in Table 2 for the Anis optera, as weli as the country-wide Occurre iace frequency DEVA I et a L l 994) and the locat occurre iace frequency. The most species-rich were the native water hodies, with 34 species: there were 30 species in the in- and outflows, while the leaking canals and the reservo irwere moderate ly species rich with 25 species. The River Tis Za was relative ly species-poor compared to the other water hodies: l2 species were identis ted. The totalia umber of collected species for the studi ed water hodies, separate ly for the two suborders, are shown in Figure l.

Scalable diversi ty characteri Zation, provided by the diversi ty profites of the water bodies; is dis played by Figure 2: it is evident that the native water hodies


were the most diverse: the in- and outflows were the second most diverse. Theleuking canals were more diverse than the reservoli , and the River TisZa was thel ess diverse. The cluster analysis of the species compositioia of the di agons y satinas howed that the species composition of the River TisZa was very different frona theothers, while the fauna of the other water hodies were similar to one another Fig. 3). The most similar was the species composition of the native water bodies, and the in- and out o ws. The fauna of the reservo ir was also similar to them.



e identi si ed 39 species: l3 Zygoptera and 26 Anisoplera. This was 60 percent of the whole Hungarian Odonata fauna. We compared the species richness Ofthe studied water hodies Fig. l). Species richness of the Reservo ir Tis Za-to was the smallest. Majori ty of the di agon y species of the Hungarian latina preferred standing waters and there were only a few species living in larger streanas as were


reported by DEVAl and MIS KOLCZl sl 98 ). This was also the case for the studi edwater hodies. Even nowa lays, three decades after the est ab iis liment. the most species-rich were the native water hodies inside the reservo tr. In- and ouisnows were very important froni the poliat of View of coloni Zing of the reservoir. It resulted in large species richness hecati se both the dragoni lies of the creeks and standing water habitat s were represented. In these water hodies we demonstrated the prese iace of many species with sporadic, rare and moderate ly frequent occurrence according to the country-wide occurre iace frequency DEVAI elial. l 994). Among the se there was a species. which was found only here forthetrum CoeruleSCEMS tinc S SCHNEIDER. t 84 )J. The native water hodies contained water during the whole year, and theywere under the controi of the nature conservation auspices of Hortobagy NationalPark. Because they were permanent; the number of species was the highest here. Ilwas rem arkable that sonae nationalty sporadic species Anc piartheno e SELYS-