Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


The distributio in of

Authors atmed to continuo the traditions of Hungarian faunal mapping Set by Pinter and co-workers in 19 9, and to create a comptiter program me and a databaSe, that a re able to colloci and manago data both frona tho litora ture and collections and able to creato distribution maps. Diae to this 'li Ving data System, where the integrationos new data is permanently done and the errorS are continUOUSty Cor-




ed ly longer than peri trema and elongated below stigma. On periti ematic stile id posterior lo stigmathere is a post-Stigmati C pore. Ventral fide of hyposto me Fig. 3) with horn- like corniculi and 4 pairs of simple setae, ille lon

Etymology The species is dedicated io my claughter MARIA MAGDALENA G IAZDO l CZ.




Soil and litter samples were collected frona Artvin. Y usus eli village. The samples were placedinto plastic bugs. labelled and transscri ed to the laboratory. Asterwariis. the soli and litter samples were placed into com hined Berlese stilaneis and mites were extracted for 5-J Jays according to their humidi ty. At ille enit os this process. the contents of holites were transferreis inlo petri dishes and mites Here Separated under a stereo-microscope. They were placed in lactic acid in order to facilitate examination. The examination and drawing of mites were made under an Olympus B X50 micro



are deposited in the aut hors' collection.

Dorsat fetae Fig. l A). On the podo notum sela j l seat hered. setae 1 3-r6 delicate ly barbed. There maining setae of podo notum smooth. On the opisthonotum fetae Ji-J, long and delicately barbed. Seta not reaching the base of seta J . Seta Ja reaching to the base os feta Jo Sela J. long and barbed with hyaline en ling. Set a J. l26 μm son average) apari si ona each ollier. Selae Zi-Zi long and delicate ly barbed. Seta Zi nol reaching the base of Sela Z . Seta Zi similar to sela J .. excee ling a third os iis longili beyonii margin os opistho notum. Seta Z similar to feta Zi. The distance belween setae Z -J. is 3 l μ m. Setae Si-Si similar to se tu Ti. Sela Sa long and barbed willi hyaline en ling. Selae Ri-Ra delicately barbed. the re mainder of this row smooth. Lengilis and their mutuat distances os opistho nolat fetae are gi ven in Table l. Tulit e l. Longilis and their mutuat distances M. dist.) os opisthonotat fetae