Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



analysis frona scats and stolo ach contenis LANSLKI et al. l 999). Valuabie information obtained frona hunters in the study region was also incorporate i. Pre limi- nary resulis indicate an increase in the number and range of Meles metes and Martes fotna. Both of them frequent the rural as weli as the urban en Viron ment.

All of them have disjunci populations with in Hungary area. Their dam age cause dis rather neglible, even though Pine Marten os ten pillage the nest os protected tree

The three layers of the hair are the cuticula; cortex and the medulla. Theirmorphological characters may provide data for statistical analysis. In taci guai dhair can yie id a tot of valvabie information. According to internationat experien ceit is the adults' dorsal guarii hair that reve at the most clues. There can be, howCVer significant variations that occur as a function of the age of the hair sample, the partof the body the sample Originates frona. the age and condition of the animal and Senson. As a consequenCO analysis based On One or a few samples will only provide a limited levet os confide iace. It is stili heing de baled whether hair characteristi cs are distinct enough to play a role in taxonomy. It is recogni sed howe ver thalso me parameters or their combinations show specific or generic trentis and ostenreveat genetic, phylogenetic and other morphometric information ENNE DYl 982. CHARRABORTY l 998. MCDANIEL 2000. MO AT L STROBECK 2000). Theobjective here is to de vel op keys to the identification of mustelliis living in the

Carpathian Bas in through hair analysis. while also identibing oVerlapping characters which may lead to the incorrect identification os species.



Hairs were gathered mainly frona specimens deposited in the Depariment of Zoology of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. The sun lamental selection criteria were species identity and sotirce os collection. Specimens derived frona different paris os Hungary. The stud y series included a minimum os sive individuals of each species with 20 randonaly selected guard hair samples takensrom each individual. This brought the number of samples for each species to l00.

The sumples were cleaned in 60 in alco hol theia ether to free them os grease and dust. The cuticular preparations were made in about 20ta gelatine willi thymol preservative. Canada balna was used for the permanent medullar si ides. The applied methods and the nomenclature os cuticular. medullarand cros s- section patierias were based main ly on TEERINK sl 99 l). Some relevant expressions were also adopted frona MOORE et til. l9J43. Macro- and microscopic investigations were carried out on the samples using sections and impressions. The standarii magnificalion os photographs was 400 limes. The meastirements were taken by ocular micrometer or using Windows Win imag in Order to get more preci se resulis in micrometer. The resulting data were then used to de vel op quantitative and qualitative keys of identification. Due to the relative ly smali number of samples, the frequent occurrence of extreme Values anilhigh variances ii was decided to use SPSS Non-parametricat . independent statisti cs. The SPSS Hierarchical Cluster Analysis was used to de vel op Dendrogranas representing AVerage Lin kage as a function os tengili si). maximal diameter d). medullstotal. maximal diameter ratio at thic kest part ossi te id sin d) between the len sinali carni vore species investigaled. The Mann whitney statistical test

was used to compare the mean Value of characters.

Qualitative data descriptive characteristi cs were Used

and has one proximal colour de marcation. TEERINK sl 99 l) used the expression 'tis' 'main ly for the most distat Zone frona ille base without medulla. The exact meas urement ostens th of this region is difficuli; hecati se it osten shows a gradual transition. ne Veriheles s.colour is regat ded important.


Tahle l. Descriptive characteristi cs of hair of mustelids and mistakable species Red Fox and wild Cat). The denomination of VBrowies mean the different tints of this colour may occur at e very species includedo the greyisti, reddish and ta ny tintS

Species Colour Colour of Colour No. Culicula os shalu Cuticula os Cuticula os Medulla Medulla os Medulla of Medullar Crossos the tip os base ban is transitional shield os sitast transitional shield margins sectionhair pari pari

Ρeclinate and dia monil petat Regular dis

Pectinate and dia monil petat Mosaic an de longate petat nivalis

and dia monil petat Mosaic

Dianaond petat Mosaic

Fig. 6)oblong


lar ladderIrregularmulti cellular Cloison ne Scallopedovat oroblong

lar ladder Julticellular Cloison ne

fringed- like oblong


Colour Colour os Colour

Cuticula os sitast Cuticula os Cuticula os Medulla Medulla os Medulla os Medullar

of thetip

margins Sectionhairpari part8. Lutria

amonii petat

galedwhite Orrare lyrare ly

l0. Felis

Regular waVe Mosaic and Close. irreg- Irregular, Irregularii regular

ban is cellular



hairs of the sanae specimenS)Mustela et inea nivalis et inea nivalis eminea nivalis

0 P0 8

226 lib

38 4582 β

0. 860. 69

0. Mean

60 28 250l 20

0 430. 66


All the descriptive characteristi cs of the ten species investigated necessary sor surther identification are included in Table l.



Resulis stlow that signis cant disserences sat p 0.0β) are very rare. MuXIem Ermineci and M. nivalis stlow significant dissere iaces only in tength. ille Stoat 's guard hair heing longer. MuXIE Putorius and M. everSmianni show sonae disserences at maximum diameter wider in Polecat. The MiarteXIDinia and M. miartes disser in maximum diameter, the Stone Marten having a wider diameterat the thickest part of the shield. Cluster analysis os tength. maximum diameter unil medullary index os ali species silows. that even these littie disserences can give sonae potnis os branching that may beused for identification.


Previ ous publications MOORE et al. l9J4. DEBROT l 982. BLAZEJ l 989. TEERIN K l99 l) have indicated the most important features of hairs that are require t for identification hut they used osten a different nomenclature for patierias and did not give statistical descriptions. Some deviations of quantitative character- istic s may be connected with the different geographic habitat willi in the area of thegi ven species. CHAKRABORTY et est l 999) could use the differe iaces in Side-to- si de cuticular scale tength sSS) and Proximo-distat cuticular scale tengili PD) sorsegregat ing the lesser in dian cats. the genus Piantheria und Mongoose species. These meastirements were carricii out for Mustelidae. but in this case the variance and overi ap were too hi gh to use them as identification keys. Meas ure menis onlength. diameter and ratio os medulla- maximal diameter have shown high vari-ance, and may Vary with in the fame individua l. Multiplying the samples could noti educe the high variance while the mean value proved to be standarit, so these parameters were not relevant for distinguis hing mustelliis. TEERIN K l99 l) described the so-called mustelid- like characters as it having dia monil petat cuticula

sent in Badger and Otter. Analysis has shown that only the combinations os certa inseque Iaces and ratios are relevant for identification. The ''mustelid- likeV characters considering only the sub fami ly of Mustelinae are hairs have no bantis: - medullary index: mId α 0. J-0. 8.- the seque iaces of cuticular patierias frona ille base to the tipo transitional


manes have the fame patiems hut guam hairs are much more longer. Some shorterhairs of Lutra lutra may be similar to these species, but the medullar characters are differcnt.



Marte yssinia and M. niti neS e can separate Amrte yssirici and M. marteS Onthe basis of the structure of medulla. As described by TEERIN K l99 l). the medullar celis lie perpendicular to the cortex in the case of Pine Marten. hut lieoblique ly Stone Marten. This mark is not always visibi e . statisti catly the mean value of tengili. maximal diameter anil medullary index have shown sonae differ- ences Table 3). Stone Marten has significantly wider diameter at the shie ld. d mll6 sd α ib). while d α 9J sil α l8) of the Pine Marten. The mean Value of medullary index. mId α 0. 6-0. 5 of the Stone Marten. but mId osten excee is the0. 8 of the Pine Marten. MuStelia PutoriuS and M. et e ramianni: Previolis publications did not give adescription of hair of M. et e ramianni. This study has potiated out that Mustelia PutoriuS and M. et e ramianni can only be distinguis hed statisticatly based on thevalue of the diameter Ρolecat s diameter significantly wider at the s hie ld. mean

than whi te in case of Steppe POlecat. Lutria lutria: The fine. thin homoge notis brown hair has a lighter Zone at thebase and at ille tip. sonae guard hairs may have bantis as brown hairs with one whiteband or light-brown. whi te hairs with one hrown baiad. The mean tength abo ut 23nam sil α 4. 22). The medullary index about 0. 6-0. . Medulla at s hie id has celis reaching acros f the total width. so instead of the mustelid- like cloisonne we findma in ly the uni cellular uia broken patieria and stra ight or scalloped margins . Thecros s- section is elongated oblong. The cuticular patierns are regular and close. Some s horter guard hairs of Stone Marten may resemble Oiter's hair but themedullar configurations have relevant differen ces. Meles metes Badger is unique among the Mustelidae, significant charactersgive keys for identification. The long. stra ight. strong hairs have a white tip and base, so e Ven the externat characters make exact identification possibie. Other-wi se . CVery internat characters are different. The mean tength 68 nam sil α l 9). The mean maximal diameter of shiel l l 96 ym sil α 33). The medullary index about 0. f. That value s how significant deviation frona the ollier sinali carni vores where mId values are abo ut 0. . 'Mustelid- likeV di amo nil petat of cuticle at sitast secti On. the cloison ne patiern and scalloped margins of medulla at thic kest part of shield are absent. The cuticular patierias ure mostly trans Verse, regulus wnVCS, margin of the medulla mostly struight or rare ly si inge l. the medulla is amorphous illiso me large . rounded or ovat celis. Mistakable characters of hair of Vul EX Pul es and Felix Sili eXIriS: There aresonae brown hairs which have light-yellow or brown or fulvotis sitast anil dark


inate frona the coat of Martens. Pol ecats. Red Fox or rarely the wild Cat. Important factors distinguishing these species are the characters of medulla. The medullar

cloisoniae patieria of medulla is typical in Polecats and Martens. The multicellular 'cloison ne-likeV patieria os Red Fox and wild Cat are reatly similar, but the medulla os Red fix Fig. 9) contains rounded or ovat celis against the mostly Spin-dle-like or large celis in Hild Cat. Tal ing into consideration that most of the wild Cat's guard hairs have at least one band and the petat patieria of shast is absent. this species differs significantly from the other investigateil smali carni Vores.