Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



MulayosccliS gen. n. Diagnosis illi ali characters of the tribe Pycnocerini see GEBI EN l 904)and subtribe Chiroscelina ATT l9 4). Head with clypeal suture distinctly impressed: temples considerably broaden ed. Antennae with prolonged antennomere 3. Both mandi bies bifid. Maxillary palps with broaden ed last segment. Pronotum l. 3 times wider than long. with distinctly crenulate laterat margita. Elytraonly withtraces of 5-J keels. without distinct rows of punctures: epipleura regularly nar-rowed towariis apex without abrupi constriction; impunctate. Abdominal ventri tesim punctate. Sursace os ali legs ne arly impunctate and shining femora in both sex eswith distinct apical ieeth. anterior tibiae bent in males, anterior and mi dille tibiae in males with distinctly hooked in ner apex: apex of tibiae without spurs and with

characters: head with impressed clypeal suture and willi distinctly broaden ed tem ple S, antennae with a prolonged antennomere 3 mandi bies bis id, pro notum withcrenulate laterat margin apex of tibiae without spurs and with comb- like setae. anda similar body tengili os abo ut lβ-20 min. The congeners of Aedistoris forna a disse ferent monophyletic group hOwe ver species characters are stili unclear). Aedistoris is separated frona MialayOSceliS by a narrow pro notum subquadrate or longerthan wide) weak crenulation of the laterat margin elytra willi 4 distinci and complete keeis besides distinct scutellar keel; scutellum with rough punctation, epi pleura with a longitudinal row of distinct punctures, abdominal ventri tes willi part ly cocii Se punctation, legs with coarse punctation and duli sui face; and by disse ferent modifications of the legs. The third genus frona ille Oriental region Pheugonii X FAlRMAIRE. l899. obvio us ly be long s to an other evolutionary group together with the African genus Prioscelis HOPE. t 840) because of the folio ing characters: antennae relative lyshort with antennomere 3 nol prolonge l. laterat margin of pro notum Smooth elytra with 9 distinct punctural rows and fiat intervals without any keeis; and different modifications of the legs besides the litige bo ly si Ze of 50 60 nam.


. SCHA ALLERDescriptiori male): Body tength l6. 0-l P. I in m. Body and appendages unicoloured darkhrown to black. elytra sonae limes indistinctly pater: sui face of head and pronotum duli. os elytra sonaewhat shining without regular setation. Head Fig. 3) with coarse; confluent punctation; genae aliove antennal insertion without punctation and shining. clypeal suture distinctly impresse l. clypeus excavated: temples considerably broaden ed and separated frona the narrow neck: proportions os antennomeres see Fig. 4 antennomere 2 Shori. antennomere 3 prolonged, antennomeres 4-l0 subquadrate, antennomere it twice as long as antennomere l0: both mandibles bifid: maxillary palps Fig. β) with broade ned last segment: mentum pentagonat with an impression on each si de and willi a weak longitudinal keel mediat ly: undet si de of head with rounded gular impression . Pro notum Figs l. 3) l. 3 times wider than mediat ly long with coarse and con uent punctation as on head. sui saceso mewhat uneven: ali margins hordei ed and shining laterat margin distinctly crenutate: propieti res with punctation sparser than on disc. Prosternum Fig. 8) with a rounde l. nat prosternat proces s noti ixs 3-l0. Miali incolis gen. n. gehieni sp. n. 3 dorsat View. 4 antenna maxillary palpr 6 anterior leg os male: P posterior leg os male: 8 prosternat process. 9 aedeagus: l0 gonostyles and last coxi telobes of se male. Scale line: l0. 0 nam 3). b. 0 nam 4-l0)



distinctly surpassing posterior margin . Mefoventri te with duli and confluent punctation. Meta- ventri te mediat ly impunctate and shining. with a distinct longitudinat line mediat ly. Scutellum on lywith fine and separate punctures. Elytra Figs l. 3) long and parallel-sided: with traces of 5-J keeis. these keels shining between the keels with shallow and confluent punctation. surface with additionalmicrogranules. epipleura regularly narrowed toward apex, without separated constriction. shining and without punctures but with microgranules in the humerat pari. Wings fully developed. Abdominal ventrites unpunctured. hut with leather- like microstructure, last visibie ventri te uia hordered and without distinct modifications. Legs Figs 6-J) with the anterior and middie femora with a single. posterior femora with 2 distinct ieeth shortly before apex: anterior tibia bent; posterior tibia straight: ali tibiae with crenulate in ner fide: anterior and middie tibiae with distinctly hooked in ner apex: apexos tibiae without spurs and with comb-like setae: tarsal segments not dilated in males: claw segmentos ali legs longer than hasal segments combined: trochanter of ali legs without spines or Other peculiarities: surface of ali legs nearly impunctate and shining. Aedeagus Fig. 9) quite smali in comparison with the body tength. connate parameres finger- like. Sexuat dimorphism: Not striking. Females also with armed semora, but anterior tibia sonae-what strat gliter. anterior and middie tibia without hooked in ner apex. Etymology: This taxon is named in honour of HANS GEBIEN l8J4-l94T). whose monographos the Pycnocerini l 904) was the Girst of his numerous and substantial contributions towards


. SCHA ALLERBiology: Adult beet les were collected in standing trunks os dead broad leaved trees, together illi larvae and pupae. The rotten. white coloured substrate was salil to be extreme ly dry. A species of Aediotoria was soli nil syntopicatly BE VAR. personat communication).

The species identification with in the genus is unctear, although only a fewtaxa have been describe d. However. most descriptions are based on single males orla males without considering sexuat dimorphis m.

Ac non te gementa - Thanks are due to the colleagues listed in the Introduction sor the loan os materiai under their care. Dr. O. VER KL made valvabie comments on an earlier drast os this paper. J. REIΗΝla Z Stutigari) kindly produced the photograph S and the naap.



Actia Zoologica Academicie Scientiarum Hungaricae ψ3 J). ρρ. 203-2II. 2002



pean Russia and the seconii frona AZerbahan. All the species recogniZed with in the cytiesurimiaculiatuS Species group are described below and their male and semale terminalia figured.



Altogether 39 specimens both di ted and flored in ethanoli frona institutional and private collectioiis have been examine l. Male and se male terminalia were macerated and cleared in l0 per centpotassium hydroxide. neutrali Zed in acetic acid and placed in a pinned micro viat silled with glycerol. or were test in ethanot. The terminology principalty follows SOLI l99J). Collections examined: IEE - A. N. Severisov Institute os Ecology and Evolution. Mosco , Russia: MMΗ - Moravi an Museum. Hi no CZech Republic: JS - Collection os JAN SEU IK. Ostra va. CZech Republic: PCH - Collection os PETER CHANDI ER. Mel ksham. Uni ted K ingdom.