Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


I vhte 4. Summary of Wright 's F statistics at eight polymorphic loci in the populations of eilosia verniali v


mentioned parameters, the highest value os mean heteroZygos ity was observed in

and CV DUR were more similar to each other then to the other populations. Geneti C


GEOGRAPHlC VARIATION OF CHEILOSIA VERNALIS DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE, 263 Table S. Estimates os genetic structure parameters in the populations of Chellositi PeriistiSPopulation

Private allele


The use of morphological characters in defining cryptic taxa and evolution-ary relationships of closely related species has been pro Ven insufficient in many groups of organisms SI ARMA et ali l 999). especialty in insects FOLEY et a l99β. NARANG et ah l 993. MILANKOV et tiL 2000. 200 l). The reasons for this are contribution of ecological variance to the overati phenotype Vari ance, complicate ldefining of polygene genetic controi of morphological characters and pleiotropices feci. Also the difference in selection pressures on different traiis and speed of

Fig. 2. Dendrograna of genetic relationships among the populations of Cheliosici PerntiliX species us


evolutionary changes in genes at certain loci might cause the ab se iace of correlation be tween morphological and gene-enZyme variabili ty. There had been problenas in defining the taxonomic status of widely distributed Palaearctic species Ch. vernia liX based on the analysis of morphological characters. Due to hi gh variabili ty of the studi ed parameters and distinct seasonat di-morphism it has more than once been suggested that Ch. VerritiliX comprises se V

gene-en Zyme analysis and descriptions of morphological characters were compared for euch specimen. No correlation was found be tween morphological characters and particular gen Olypes or alleles. The specimens willi distinct morphological traiis did not have unusual genotypes. while specimens wilh Unique genotype Shad no particular morphological differe iaces comparing to specimens with the most frequent gen olypes. No correlation bet cen sex and certain alleles Or genotypes wAX rcgistered. Howe Ver. specific combination os rare alleles in Gni and Milh-2 loci was found . Only in two specimens frona CV KOP homoZygote G ih h was registere d. and in the both instances combined with a unique homoZygote M δε-2Qq. This unique combination os specific homoZygotes suggesis possibi e presen ce of cryptic taxa. but fui ther investigation is necessary. it is important to poliat out that

The reason for the significant deviation Table 3) be tween observed and expected genotype freque iacies at GPi locus is probab ly the observed specific patiernos GPI Zymogram. The populations os Ch. Verriti liX had the heteroZygous combination characteristic sor other syrphid populations MILANKOV 200 l). willi 'flowVanil 'fast' allelomorph. Unique for two individuals from CV KOP was the geno- type G i '. No other syrphid population had the homoZygote sol med by the slowVallelomorphs Vl ANKOV 200 l). Possit, te explanation for the deviation os geno- type frequencies frona the expected values for GPi locus might be the presen ce of the lethai recessive allele. as weli as inabili ty to deieci the activi ty of the alloZyme coded by alleles in the homoZygous combinalion. Also, individuals might have disserentiat sui vivat due to selection pressure against the 'flowV homoZygotes. Significant deviation of the observed genotype frequencies si ona the expected at M. -2 in CV KOP population might be due to the cryptic taxon with specific combination os genotypes GPi ' and Muh-2 S. Randona changes di ist) in genotype freque iacies can be Very important in s mali populations thus it has to be included in population - genetic analysis. It is also important to bear in minit that the period ofactivi ty is very shori only a se lays) sor adulis os Ch. vernalis and is strongly impacted by en viro iament suns table weather conditions in early spring cause the reductiora of the effective population si Ze). Regis tered differen ces in Values of ge-


netic structure parameters were probab ly due to association belween genetic Variabili ty. levet os ecological heterogenei ty and effective si Ze os populations. Thes mali population os changeable si Ze. originating frona Morinj had the smallest mean

numberos alleles per locus and average frequency os observed heteroZygosity. Thehighest values of these parameters were registered in the population frona Frusi a Gora. Very smali numbers of active adulls were regis tered in l99β. l 996 and l99 in CV FG population. This might have been due to the hi gli mortali ty caused by sudden changes in temperature whicli might have assected the genetic structure os the population. The way in which the weather conditions can significantly influence the effective population si Ze is illustraled by the regis tered differe iaces among the three samples of CVMOR collected in different years. Comparison os geneticvariabili ty parameters and F i estimates among samples collected in different years showed that the smali population CVMOR had tinstable genetic structure. Thehighest value of the standardi Zed variance F. ) between C Mi and CM2. the lowest polymorphis m. and the average number of alleles per locus calculated for C 42 are indicators of possibi e population botileneck severe reduction os population si Ze) or selection Vagainst ' certain alleles that is phenotypes). Thus. the allele H q, and

the rare allele G i alloZymes of this locus silow thermal stabili ty dissere iaces WATT et til. l 996. KAIN et tu. l99J) as weli as latitudinat clines MILANKOV et til. 200 l)J were regis tered in C Mi and CM3. but not in C M2. Differentiat se lectionmight have caused the presence of the regis tered heteroZygote Hestes' ' in C M l and CM2. but not in C M3 sample . The analysis of alloZyme variabili ty and interpopulation genetic divergen ceamong Mediterranean population frona Morti . two montane populations frona Durmitor and Kopaonik and population frona the low Pannonian motin tu in Frusi a Gora, presented in this paper. Showed that this extraordinary variabili ty could pres-ently be interpreted as geographic variabili ty. The presen ce of major alleles indicated genetic diverge iace of the analyZed populations of Ch. vernialis. Spatiat distribution of genotypes rare and major alleles caused distinct structuring of the species. F i as index os genetic differentiation was 0.l85 among analyZed populations. Population subdivision of Ch. vernialis was due to differences of allele frequencyvariances at Pgm Hiaci and Milh-2. Genetic diverge iace among populations waS toa tesser extent; affected by allelic frequency variance at Milh-J. H - 2 and lik-3. Besides the decreased gene flow between geographi catly distant populations elimination or favori Zation os alleles and genotypes through natural selection. and coadaptation of gene combinations to specific habitat conditions. historic factors

played a role in genetic diverge iace. Rare alleles suggest the possibili ty of population botilenecks in the past MUNSTERMANN l 994).


Genetic differentiation os investigated populations salis with in locat population differentiation values of fruits ies Droso him ii illiuetoni sibi ing species AYALA et til. l9J4) and hoversites Merodon civi luX A and M. aviduS B of the a Vidi S groti ps MILANKOV et til. 200 l). The smali number os analyZed specimens, and the possi-ble prese iace of cryptic taxa; caused CV KOP to have the lowest calculated genetici dentity values. Genetic divergen ce of CV KOP and CV FG was due to specific ge-notype Gni ' and the differe iace of Goth h and Goth h geno type freque iacies. Spati alvariabili ty of the genotypes at Hesu and Pgm loci caused genetic differentiation os CV FG frona other analyZed populations Of Ch. Verat GliS.



26 P



Key woriis: Aphodi ini. Ahermodontus. AmmoECiuS. Vladimit elluS, new genuS, SyStemuli CS nomenclature. distribution


then a number of relevant nomenclatorial and taxonomical changes have been made. We dee med it necessary to thorought y revise the systematics of the laxa in-VOl Ved. to ut date taxonomical positions , and to redescribe and illustrate the laxa. The types of critical taxa were examine l. Other i Se, it see med Un necessaryto study types of well-known. eas ity identis labie species.



long S to the genus Hia GHOgGSter. Howe ver because the specimen is a semale sonae dotabis remain on the specific attribution.