Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



Hungarian Natural History Museum and Hungarian Academy of Sciences



Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is published quarteri y DomFebruary l 994 sother is sues in May, August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences with the financiat support of the Hungari an Academy of Sciences.



Greatly variabie species ChelloSiti verutilis FALLEN. l8l J) be long s to the meliariuria group of the genus ChelisSiti. the fami ly Syrphidae. The lack of mimeticcharacters otherwi se present in hoversites; is specific for the tribe Chellos lini. The species in the genus Chellositi are dark with shiny thorax and abdomen. Comparing with other species groups in this genus, the gro Up melanuria compri Sescio sely related species with the least differentiated male genitalia diagnostic features V VJ IC l 992) - considered the most important character in the systematic sand taxonomy of hoveri ies. Population genetic analyses of the species ChelloSiti vernalis have not been performed, and taxonomy and systematics were based sol ely on the analysis of morphological traiis. The species ChelloSiti vernialis has been described 8 times under differentia ames PECK l 988. V VJ IC l 992). This suggesis that there had been problems in defining iis taxonomic status. Based on interpopulation variabili ty of morphologicalcharacters face in profite - faciat tubercula and mouili edge, the s hape, si Ze and colour of antennae, distribution and colour of body hairs; cuticular punctuation) ithas more than once been suggested that Ch. vernaliX includes severat closely related species SPEI GHT & LUCAS l 992. V VJl C l 992). Howe ver no satisfactory basis for subdivi ling the species has yet been demonstrated and the male terminalia of the variotis different varianis appear identicat SPEI GHT & LUCAS l 992). The species Ch. vernialis stlows distinct seasonat dimorphis m. Spring brood specimen S are typicatly entire ly, or predo minantly brown haired and frequently have the third antennat segment orange while summer specimens te nil to be pre-


Ch. Perarialis is extreme ly widespread species. It has been registered in most European couniri es, on Caucasus, in Siberia and the Oriental region. In the northeria part of iis areat preferred en viro iaments are dry mea lows with shori vegetation Oid pastu re dune systems and grassy clearings in wood lanii, while it hecomes in- creas ingly montane in the solith SPEI GHT Ω LUCAS l 992. TORP l 994). li has been regis tered in lower altitudes in the north of the Baikan Peninsula and in the Medi terranean Zone MARCOS-GARCI A l 990. V VJ IC l 902). Chellositi vernia liX can befound in urban biotopes as wello parks, gardens and ruderat en viron ments BAR KEMEYER l 994). The objective of this study was to analyZe the population geneti C Struct Ure, geographic variation and genetic differentiation among populations os Palaearchic species ChelloXia PernaliS by alloZyme electi Ophore sis.


Stim te collectionSamples of the species ChelisSiti vernaliS were collected from smur geographic regi aias: Morinj. Monte negro CVMOR: 46 specimens). Adriatic sea in the Mediterranean area: Fruska Gora Mis.

In vestigaled areas included disserent biogeographic laniiscapes on ille Bul kan Peninsula. The analyZed populations originaling frona specillic habituis, geographicatly distant with no gene flow.were a good modet for the analysis os genetic diversi ty and molecular mechanis nas os adaptation in Ch. Perficilis. Collection os the in seci materiat was hindered by the very shori period os activi ty sadulis of this species a re active only a sew days in early spring). In addition. un Stable weather conditions osten caused the reduction os the population siZe s CV KOP was very small). However. the inclusion os the population si om Kopaoni k was important not only sor enZyme polymorphism analysis, but also for taxonomic reasons. Morphological ly distinct individuat s. and unique combination os genotypes at G i and Muli 2 loci were registered see Resulis and Discussion) suggesting the presence os cryptic taxa. Good Zymogram resolution that en abies correct identification os genotypus was an additionat challelage. The species h ad a speci sic gene expression and in spite os successsul analyses os alarge number os isoen Zyme loci in other syrphid species and groups MILANKOV 200 l. Mi LANKOV et Gl. 20Ol. MILANKOV et til. 2002G. h). electrophorogranas for the solio ing enZymes could nol he obtained: AAT aspartate amino transferases). AO alde hyde Oxi lase) and ME malic en Zyme). Geno- type identification sor sonae en Zyme systems GPl. MDH. HAD and SOD) sui ther decreased thenumber os specimens included in the analysis. Due to the low success in the analysis of SDu- . ille allele frequencies at this locus were not included in the analysis os hierarchicat structu re os ille species Wright s h statistic s). Further investigation os the biology os Ch. verutilix might hel' explain the dissiculi ies encountei ed in the una lyses. especialty sor the individuulf originat ing 1 rom Koptionik.


CVMOR specimens si ona ali three seasons were pooled together sor geographic variabili ty analysis os the species. Prior to electrophore sis, species were identi icit based on ille sit ape os face. colour oflegs and the tengili and colour os liati s on mesonotum and scutellum.


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Table 2. Allelic frequencies ut heteroZygotis loci in the populations os Chellositi vernialis

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