Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


Figs 24-29.24-25 α Gonio res hia decussa STAUD INGER). Alide No . RLJ53l: 24 α female genitalia. 25 α posterior pari in larger magnification. 26-2J G. diXCuSSia sp. n. . paralype, si ide No . RI J48l 26 α se male genitalia: 2J posterior pari in larger magnification. 28-29 α G. Stichet in i sp. n. . holotype. stide No . RI Jβ4J 28 α female genitalia: 29 α posterior pari in larger magnification


A REVISION OF THE PALAEARCTIC EUGRAPHE LEP. . NOCTU IDAE, GENERIC COMPLEX. I. 363 Figs 30 35. 30 l α Goniogra ha sun ei PUNGELER). stide No . RLT 554 30 α female genitalia. 3l posterior part in larger magnification. 32-33 G. melia sun et Sp. n. . holotype, si ide No . RLT528 32 α se male genitalia. 33 posterior part in larger magnification. 3 35 G. Haumianni Sp. n. paralype. stide No . RI J584 34 α semale genitalia. 35 posterior pari in larger magnification



Diagno sis: Mollis of sin alter si Ze with conspicuous ly stender body sho ingsonae externat similari ty to the species of the Caria trinia genui gi OUp see the taxo nomic mi splacement of the species by STAUD INGER). Iias qui te dissimilar to ali re lated Noctuinae sp p. but rather similar to the newly describe d species. X. hyPO-gria hia Sp. n. The most important differentiat characters are the very large sharplydes ined orbicular and renis orna stigmata with light ochreotis fit ling. the s harply


ti ny shorter bul broader than in the new species. sinely rounded apical ly. Sacculus simple, claVus reduced, juxta broad. rounded trape Zoidal. weakly scieroti sed . Aedeagus simple willi dentate ribbon onthe carina. dentate ribbon os aede agus more scieroti sed, more and uiae Venly dentate than in the newspecies: Vesica Saccate without cornuti and scieroti sed element s. Female genitalia Fig. 4 l): Ostium bursae scieroti Zed. quadrangular. broad and shori, caudat margin willi two smali. ear- like posterO- laterat appendages. Ductus bursae medium-long. broad, stat- tened. granulous ly scieroti Zed, ventral sui face willi stronger mediat plate. Scleroti Zation os anterior part asymmetricat, considerably longer on test fide. Appendix bursae large, subconicat. weaklymembra notis, finely wrin kled. projected proximo- laterad. Corpus bursae elliptical, membranous with sotir shori. weak signum-s tripes at fundus bursae. Bionomics and distribution: The species is distributed si ona the northeria Tten Shan Mis. throughthe Panairs and Hissar-Dat waZ system to easteria A fghanislan Nuristan). Etymology The nanae resors to the conspicuous ly ricli and coloursul marrings of the species.


A REVISION OF THE PALAEARCTIC EUGRAPHE LEP.. NOCTUIDAE) GENERIC COMPLEX. I. 36JFigs 43 9. 43 Stia S. l.) hyPOgria hia Sp. n. , paralype. Stide No . RLT 42. pOSterior pari in largermagnification. 4 45 α Eugria he sigma DENIS et SCHIFFERMULI ER). stide No. RI J596 44 α ω- male genitalia. 45 posterior part in larger magnification: 46 P α Hypemaenia denticulam WARREN). female genitalia. stide No. RLT560 46 α posterior pari. 4 anterior pari. 48 9 α' graphe V versum PUNGELER), slide No. RLT504 48 α female genitalia. 49 α posterior pari in larger magnification


pressed by the denset y dispersed dari er scales: the wing patieria is tess s harply

mai ked renis orna and orbicular stigmata are narrower, more greyi Sh.

The male genitalia of the two sister species differ in the following features see Figs i5-l P): the unctis of the new species is more spatulate and obtuse than that Of χ. Orniates, the pollex is longe r. almost strat glit anil more potia ted: the harpeis significantly thinner. longe r. apicatly acute: the dentate ribbon of the carina isthinner, e Venly Serrulate, the Vesica is more saccate, e specialty in the basal hali . The ground plan of the se male copulatory organ is the fame in the two sibi ingspecies Figs 4l 3). but the ostium bursae of the new species is significantly longer, narrower und the appendix bursae is projected lateralty while that os X. s. l.)ornalia is situ aled closer to fundus bursae and projected proximo- laterat ly.

Dexcriolioli: Relative ly smali mollis with flender body. wingspan 32 34 min. tength of fore-wing l4-l 5 in m. Sexes similar, semales sonaewhat large r. more broad-winged. Head anit abdomenlight ochi eous grey, slightly darker than in ther former species. thorax Stightly darker Ochi eous grey. Antenna silis orna. in male ciliate. Forewing triangular willi rounded apex and oti ter margin ground colour darker greenish-ochreous grey. Orbicular and renis orna stigmata regular. lighter than theground colour. not sharply define l. Clavis orna spot obsolescent. Anie- and post mediat lines cloubie not sharply de ne l. Subterminal line obsolescent. Hind wing ochreotis grey. Cilia OchreoUS grey. Male genitalia Figs l6. id b): Uncus spatulate, obtuse apical ly. Cucullus and corona reduced. Valva potia ted apicatly pollex potia ted, Straight. longer than in x Orritisti: harpe tiny. acute apicatly clavus reduce l. juxta broad, weakly scieroti sed . Aedeagus simple, carina with thin, e Venly serrulate- dentate ribbon. Vesica saccate without cornuli or other scieroti sed elements. Female genitalia Figs 42. 43): Ovi positor stiori weak: gon apophyses flender, fine. Ostium bursae scieroti Zed, quadrangular, relati Vely long and narro , caudat margin evenly convex. with twos mali. ear- like postero- laterat appendages. Ductus bursae medium- long nattene l. broad ly tubular. bolli sui faces granulous ly scieroti Zed. Ventral plate willi stronger mediat plate. Scleroti Zation os anterior part asymmetricat, considerably longer on test fide. Apical part os corpus bursae membranous sine ly wrin kled-ribbed: appendix bursae large, subconicul. weakly membranous, sine ly wrin kled. projected laterad. Corpus bursae ellipticul-saccate, membranous, with sour shori, narrow signum-stripes close to sundus. Bionomics and distribution: The new species is known only Dona the norih-westeria part of the Tien Shan Mi X. Etymology: The nanae refers to the main externat disserentiat seature of the species: the lessilisti iaci fore ing markingS.