Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


pollex long straight. oblique. Aedeagus long and thin, si ightly arcuate: carina smooth. Vesica relati Vely smali. Shori. recurVed, with long Strong. bulbed cornutus. Femule genitalia Figs 32. 33): Ovi positor shori. weuk: posterior gon apophyseS medium- long stender. sine, anterior apophyses shori. Ostium bursae scieroiiZed, iis ventral plate elongate. triangular- infundibulis orna, caudat margin stightly convex, arcuate. with shallow mediat incision. Ductus bursae long . tubular. si attene l. granulous ly scieroti Zed. sine ly lupering towariis ostium bursae. Proximal hals os ductus bursae with long. strong laterat sold along lest margin: junction to corpus bursae illi long . cristale-ribbed lamina at in ner curve. Apical part os bursa copulatrix wrin kled -ribbed. part ly gelatinous and scobinate-verrucose. Appendix bursae medium- long elliptical - subconicat. sine ly wrinkled: corpus bursae discoidal-globular, Heukly membranous, Signa absent. Bionomics and distribution. The new species has a very strici ly limited distribution in illewesteria pari os the Tien-Shan massis and the Alai Mis. Etymology. The new species sol lows G. fm ei in the system.

Diagno sis: The new species is almost equat in si Ze with G. suu ei; althoughthe fore vings are stighlly narrower triangular with less potia ted apex. Fore vingcolouration and palteria of the two species are hight y similar ground colour os G. Hia limes et Hi is sonaewhat more Ochi eous grey. the postmedian line is tess evenlycurve d and crenulate; the clavis orna stigma is stightly shorter and more obsolescentand the hin diuing is a bit more suffused marginalty. The satisfactory separation oflhe two species requires the stud y of the genitalia. This process is much easter in thesemales, as no disseclion is nee led to recognis e the dissere iaces of the ostiat plate. The male genitalia os G. naumanni disser conspicuous ly si om tho se of the two twin species by iis considerably longer harpe distat ly upcurve d Vox bowV


s haped) pollex. the much stronger scieroti sed carina bearing 2-3 large, acute tecthand the prese iace of a litige subbasal diverticulum of the not fully recurved vesica . Comparing the se male genitalia os G. Hesumtinni with tho se of iis two sister

species, G. Hesumtirini has conspicuous ly broader but shorter, trape Zoidat, nol iri angular- infundibular ostium bursae and much stronge r. heavi ly scieroti Zed. very broad not tubulat but more or less cask-s haped ductus bursae.

Descriptiori. Wingspan 32-3J nam, longili os forewing l4-lJ nam. The main externat se alti ressit welt with those os G. sun ei, with only a bit more dissuse dark fore ing markings. The holotype male, and a typical se male are illustrated in Figs 60 and 6 l. Male genitalia Figs 9 il). The specific seatures os the male genitalia are ille long. stenderharpe. the long. distat ly arched 'ox bowV-shaped) pollex. the nearly strat glit aedeagus with two orthree large, pyramidat ieeth on the ventral edge of the carina. the dorsalty upiui neu bul not sui ly recurved vesica with elliptical subbasal diverticulum and with shori anil strong submediat bulbed


Diagnosis: Gonio res liti incircidia dissers frona iis sister species, G. Dumi- Peteri by iis generat ly more unicolorous brown isti sorewings with less intense pater irroration in the median area and by the rather concolorous brown hindwings of both sexes the in ner area of the hind wing is much pater. osten prominent lywhit isti in G. Dulcimeteri). Comparing the male genitalia os G. miarcidia and G. gyultimeteri. the distat

part of valva os G. mcircinia has longer processus, willi more arcuate pollex Originat ing rather sar frona Vpseudopollex these processi are s horter in G. xyulti seleriand the ''pseudopollex V is sit ualed almost at the 'halfway between valvat apex and pollex. The harpe of G. miarcidia is sonaewhat longer S-s haped. the juxta is nar-rower than in iis sister species. The configuration of the vesica also fhows eas ityrecognisable disserences as the vesica of G. miarcidia is upturned dorsalty but notrecurved as in G. gyultimeteri see Figs l2-l4) and the cornutus is longer. nar-rower wilh smaller hasal bulb. The se male genitalia of the two closely related species. G. miarcidia and G.

Dulcimeteri. differ conspicuous ly by their appendix bursae Figs 36 40) whicli is

membranous - scobinate in G. miarcidia while G. gyultimeteri has a large, stronglyscleroti Zed dorso- mediat 1 old. The ostium bursae of G. inti midia is broader. shorter without caudat incision the proximal part of the ductus bursae is fine ly curved laterad. having short but strong medio- laterat crest anil rounded. Verrucose Ventral plate while the ductus bursae of G. gyula meteri is strat glit, haVing more or less parallel margins without proximo- laterat Crest and Verrucose plute.


Diagnosis. The delailed comparison of the two species are gi ven in the diagnosis of G. marcidia. A shori summary of the specific seatures of G. Dultimeteriare as sol lows: the median area of the fore ing has stronger pale ochi eous -brownis h) irroration. the fit ling of the stigmata is also pater: the in ner area of the hin d-wing is whit isti in both sex es. in certain male specimens the whole wing is whitis hwith weak darker marginal suffusion only these specimens resemble also G. de-CuXSci and G. diXCuSSia. but their cros stines are less prominent, the wing is tess variegated, and the genitalia of the two species-groups show eas ity recognisable di

The male genitalia os G. xyulti seleri are characteri sed by the rather uniformiri partite distat part of valva with relative ly shori processi, the s horter. more urCU-ate harpe. the subdelloidal. rather broad juxta. the fully recurved vesica with shortcornutus sitiing on a broad. semi globular basal bulb see Figs l3. id). The se male genitalia of G. gyultimeteri differs frona iis twin species by iis longe r. narrower Ostium bursae, haVing shallow medio-caudat incision longerductus bursae without anterior crest anil ventral verrucose plate and by the pres- ence of a large strongly scieroti Zed dorso- mediat sold on the appendix bursae whicli is complete ly missing in G. mia Cidia.





srom the coli. PUNGELER type locali ty Alexander Mis). WARREN in SEITZ l9l0) synonymi sed L. macrina with H. ornata and placed ii to the genus Rhyiacies. He also provided the records of two patrs of specimens which were collected in