Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류


Stide Nos RLT545m. RLP546m. P04lVZ. Tl 56VZ males). RI J53l f se male). Diagnosis. G. decussia resembles mostly the nexi, newly described species G. discussa, ille third species of the species-group. G. Stichet in i is more similar externalty to the sinali specimens of G. Dulcimeteri Sp. n. haVing roundedforewing apex. The forewings of G. decuSSa are more triangular than those of G. diSCuSSa, apicatly more potia ted the orbicular, renis orna and clavi forna stigmata aremore regular. being desined fine ly by black scales and by fine ochreotis conto ur-line: the dark intermacular patch in the celi. the basal dash and the subterminalcho Vron-spois are also more sita ly marked. The hind wings are light hrownishgrey with darker suffusion along the Velias. The male genitalia of G. decussa can be distinguished hom G. discussa hytheir more convex 'hum pedV dorsat margin of valva, the more reduced harpe. thebroader juxta, the Somewhat more flender, not spatulate uncus, the Phroken course of the ribbon - like extension of the carina and by the essentialty shortercornutus. The la male genitalia of G. deci Sia have. comparing with those of G.


diXCMXSti and G. xlichethini Figs 24-29). the large si ostium bursae with the siron gest medio- caudat incision. The configuration of the ductus bursae is similar tolliat of G. Stichel in i but it is considerably longer. proximal ly less dilateil without prominent laterat angle and the anterior arch of the ventral plate os ductus bursae is significantly de eper. The characteri stic structure of the anterior third os ductus bursae of the third species of the line age. G. diScuXSti. differs conspicuous ly fronatho se of G. decuXXti and G. Stichel in i see also in the di agnoses of the two other species of the line age).

Description. Wingspan 2J-3J min. The externat seatures are described in delati by STAUDIN GER in the original description. two typical specimens are illustraled in colour in Figs 5l and 52. Male genitalia sFigs l-3): Uncus strat glit, obtuse: dorsat costa os valva hum ped. Dista l. erect part os harpe reduced lo a li ny protuberance: pollex moderately long. Stight y curve l. juxta very hroad. with smali. linguis orna appendix apical ly. Aedeagus nearly stra ight. moderately long . dentaleribbon os ventral edge os carina 'sickle -shaped. broken mediat ly: bulbed cornutus smali, shori. ostenhis id . Femule genitalia Figs 24. 25): Ovipositor medium-long. rather weak. gona POphyses Stender

sine. Ostium bursae scieroti Zed, iis ventral plate broad ly triangular. with broad. shallow medio- caudat incision. Ductus bursae strongly. ralher smoolhly scieroli ed. long broad. more or less flat- tened si is ci oss-section is inat triangular ut proximal part). Linely tapering to variis posterior end. Ventral sui sace of ductus bursae willi narrow longitudinat mediat future junction os ventral plate tocorpus bursae Strongly arched and crenellate. Apical part os bursa copulatrix globular. wrinkled ribbed. parily gelatinous and scobinate-verrucose. Appendix bursae relative ly shori. subconical sinely wrin kled: corpus bursae medium-long. elliptical -ovoid. weakly membranous, Signa absent. Bionomics and distribution. Gon log moliti decuXSti occurs in the western Tien-Shan Mls.where it seems to be locatly frequent in sonae lepidoplerological ly well-known localities. in medium


with that of G. decuXXti with generat ly more obsolescent markings. The maculation of the new species is tess conspicuous. with less s harply defined ochi eous out-lines of the renis orna and orbicular stigmata: the clavis orna stigma is narrower more obsolescent. The dark intermacular patch of the celi. the basal dash and the subterminal arrowheads are also tess sharply marked: the darker suffusion of the hin dwing is more diffuso. Comparing the male genitalia of the two sister species, the unctis of G. EiX-cuXSia is stightly broader than in G. decussia, slightly spatulate terminalty: the valvae have a less convex dorsat costa: the harpe is stightly more elongate: the dentate. ribbon - like extension of the carina is ora ly slightly arcuate, recurved terminalty: the bulbed cornutus is more acute and abo ut twice as large as in G. dec HSSci.


The se male genitalia of G. discuXXti differ frona tho se of G. decuXSG and G. 3hchethini by their characteristic long and deep so metimes sinuous ly folded ventral crest of the anterior third of ductus bursae, terminated in a large more Or tessglobular ventral potich. both related species have a dee per or shallower arch at anterior edge of ventral plate inste ad of this structu re see Figs 24-29). The ostium bursae is sinalter than that of G. decuXXia but larger than in G. Stichel in i themedio caudat incision is the smallest in G. diXcuXXa. The anterior third of the ductus bursae is tess dilate d. iis laterat margins are almost parallel; this part is bro ader G. decussa) or conspicuous ly bro ader G. Stichel ini) in the two relate d

archiate; recurved terminalty. bulbed cornutus large . acule.

Female genitalia sFigs 26. 2P): Ovi positor medium-long. rather weak. gonapophyses Stender sine. Ostium bursae scieroti Zed. iis ventral plate relatively short. broadly triangular. caudat edge almost stra ight. with minute medio-caudat incision Only. Ductus bursae strongly. granuloustyscleroti Zed. more or less stat tene l. long broad, willi almost parallel laterat margins Only posterior third dilated stightly. Ventral sui face os ductus bursae with sine longitudinat medio- laterat sultire. anterior third willi long and dee p. so metimes sinuo us ly solded large crest running into a rallier globular big ventral potich. Apical part os bursa copulatrix smali, si aliened-conicat wrin kled. parily gelati notis and scobinale . Appendix bursae ruther long . elliptica l. sinely wrin kled and gelati notis: corpus ursae elliptical -saccate: signa absent. Bionomics and distributioia. G. diue uXXti is distribuled si ona the Zeravshan and Hissar Misthrough the westeria Pamir Mis io NE Afghanislan Pro v. Badaklis han). mostly at medium but exceptionalty also at ruther high elevations. Etymology. The speci sic name refers to the less s harply desined markings of the new species.

Ioniographa Stichei Lini Sp. n.

Diagnosis. The unique type specimen of G. Stichel ini resembles mostly as mali G. EiX uXSti se male but even more unicolorous, with only very weak paler brownish-ochi eous irroration but with stronger violaceous hue. the fit ling of the


orbicular and renis orna stigmata is also malching willi ille violaceo his bro viaground colour and the fine brown isti suffusion of the hin diuisag is also more

The se male genitalia of G. Xhch et in i have the smallest ostium bursae and thes hortest, proximal ly conspicuous ly dilated ductus bursae with in the three closelyallied species of the decuSSG-linc.

Descriptiori. Wingspan 3l nam. tength os sore ving id nam. The main externat seatures sit wellwith lliose of the decus -grotis'. the disserentiat characteristi cs are gi ven in the diagnosis. Theholotype semule is illustrated in Fig. 55. Female genitalia Figs 28. 293: Ovi positor medium- long weak gon apophyses Stender, sine. Ostium bursae scieroti Zed. smali, ventral plate triangular-calyculale. willi sine. narrow mediO-cauda lincision. Ductus bursae heavi ly scieroti Zed. relative ly shori. proximal hals considerably broader. illi large . rounded laterat angle ut mi dille os test fide. Ventral sui sace os ductus bursae with sine, nar-row longitudinat mediat future. junction os ventral plate to corpus bursae sol ming a rather Hal arch. Apical part os bursa copulatrix semi globular. smali. wrin kled -ribbed: appendix hursae relative lylong elliptical. wrin kled. Corpus bursae medium-long. elliptical -ovoid: signa absent. Bionomi es and distribution. A poorly known species. iis unique type was collected as u pupa ala high altitude place neat by the Liungar glacier. Etymology. The new species is dedicateil to the late Y uri SI CHETKIN senior) the samotis explorer os the Lepidos tera os the Pamir and the His sar Mis in Tadjikislan.


Diagno sis. The forewing patiem os G sun et is the most distinct with in thesuri ei-grotis', even in case of the darkened specimens s see Figs 56-6 l). the fore wing of G. sun et is sonaewhat broader than that of G. metti sun ei. No fui ther keyseatures cala be found for the three closely related species of the grou p. the satisfactory identification requires the study of the genitalia. The male genitalia of G. fuit ei differ frona those of G. meliastin et by thes hape of the pollex beniling characteristi catly down proximo-venti ally) see Figsβ-8) the narrower distat part of the valva with longer ''pseudo pollex V and themtich shorter cornutus of the vesica sitiing usualty on a somewhat broader bulb. The differe iaces between G. sun ei and G. Hestimarini are much more prominent as

The fe male genitalia of G. sun et differ frona iis sibi i ng species. G. met&furi ei; by their shorter ostium bursae significantly shorter but so mewhat broaderductus bursae having only weak laterat sold and shori. less scieroti Zed proximo- laterat rib s) and shorter, apicatly more rounded appendix bursae see Figs 30 33). The fe male genitalia of the third species of the G. suu et groti p. G. HGum&HMi. is conspicuous ly different frona tho se of the two closely allied taxa bytheir heavi ly scieroti Zed much broader and entii ely flattene l. rather cask-s hapedductus bursae. fused firmi y with the relative ly short bul broad. trapeZoidat ostium

Description. Wingspan 32 36 nam tength os fore ing lβ-lJ iram. The main external featuresare svirly characteri sed by PUNGELER in the original description the stight differentiat characteristicsare gi ven in the diagnosis. The lectotype male) and u typicat semale are illustrated in Figs 56 and bd. Male genitalia Figs β. 6): The typical seatures of the species group are gi ven in ille di agnosis


kled-ribbed. partly gelatinous and scobinale-Verrucose. Appendix bursae relative ly shori, subconical -semi globular: corpus bursae disco idal-globular. weakly membranous. Signa absent. Bionomics and distribution. Gonio res liti sun et has the largest distribution in this species grotis'. The type locality is the Zeravsh an range. the area Os the species co vers the westeria Tien-S han dis Tui kestan Mis. Harategin range . Peter I. Vt s. etc. . the Hissar Mis anil also the westeria paris os the Pamir massis, where it occurs sympatri catly with G. Hesumtirini.

Ioniographa metus uni et Sp. n.

Diagno sis. GDHisgria hia metasuri ei differs isto in the two clos ely allied species by iis stightly but in larger materiai clearly recognisable) smaller si Ze and nar-rower forewing and the rather strong and blui red dark irroration. The male genitalia os G. mettifun ei differ frona those of G. sun et by their broader distat part of the Valva the strat glit, oblique thorn-like pollex and the significantly larger cornutus os ille vesica: si om G. Hesum anni by iis shorter harpe. broader distat part of the valva the stra ight distat ly not upcurved pollex and the smooth carina. The se male genitalia of G. metasuri ei can be characteriZed by iis long nar-rowly tubular ductus bursae with relative ly strong, long proximo- laterat fold and the presen ce of a long cui Ved, scieroti Zed ribbon connecting the anterior en d os ductus bursae with the in ner curve os appendix bursae. The ductus bursae of thene w species is ille longest with in the G. sun et groia p. the ostium bursae is longer more infundibular medio caudat ly less inci sed than in G. sun ei and the appendix b Ursae is longer more conicat apicatly less rounded see Figs 30 33).

Description. Wingspan 30 35 m m. tengili os forewing l3-l 5 mm. The main externat seaturessit weli xv illi ilio se os thesu i :-group the differentiat characteris lics are gi ven in the di agnosis. Theholotype se male) and a typicat male are illustrated in Figs 58 and 59. Vale genitalia Figs J. 83. The specific scatures of G. metasun ei are as sol lows: Dislat pari os Valva rallier broad. apical process and 'pseudopollex V relative ly broad, triangular. Harpe rather short