Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



ρhe V ornam species complex is transferred into SI s. L), with the description os a newSpecies of the group. X. s. l.) hyPOgra hia Sp. n. With 49 genitalia figures and 24 colour pic



Ρwell-known species of the Et graPhe incirci CHRISTOPH. l893) species-groti prepresent in faci three closely relate i. externalty hard ly separabie twin species. Onthe other hand. these studies reve aled the distinctiaess of the wide sense 'Eugres hemiarcidia lineage'' frona Lugres he s. str. and si ona the ΡΕ Hliculiam-E. XircingeH-XiXV specie S puir. Unfortunately these new species have long been remat ned unde scribe l. dueto the limited material avat labie for the studies. It is worth to mention that the three formet ly described species were rather poorly represented even in the large si mu-seum collections and were insufficiently documented in the literature. Moreover

the majori ty of the specimens we had the opportuni ty to study originate frona thecollectings of Vrs E. VARTIAN and Pros . Dr C. NAUMANN in NE Afghanistan. although. the type localities of the three formet ly described species ite in Central Asiatic part of the former Sovi et Union E. mcirci Tui kmen istan. E. decuSSci and E. sun ei Tien-Shan Mis). The last decade brought the breakthrough as wecould put together the materiat os severat Hungari an expeditions led to Tui kmen istan and N Iran. and the large collection materiais originating frona UZbeki stan KaZal stan Kirghisia and Tadjikistan for instance . ille SH CHET IN collection which is owned recently by Hungarian and German private collectors).

Thus, we could compare large series of most species and claris y the taxa of the three main lines of the E. miarcidia species-groti p. These three lines the decuXSti- the furi ei- and the marcid&-lines) are proved to represent a separate genus be-ing distinct of Lugra he s. str. The new genus, GOHisgres hia contains altogetherei ght species: the description of the new genus and iis sive new species. as weli asthe detailed characteri sation of the species groups and the three formet ly describe lSpecies; is gi ven in the Systematic part of this paper. All known species are illustrated in colour. including the holotype silectotypes of ali but one species G.


Taxonomic remarks. A probably monotypic genus. iis type species is Trans- Palaearchic. The genus is closely relateil to Antignori vinci RONKAY et VARGA.l 999. Coenophila STEPHENS; l850 Holarctic) gnorix nia BOURSIN. l946. and supposed ly also to the Nearctic Lucretiagroti v Diagnosis. The externat appearance of the only known species of the genus Fig. 50) is rather disserent frona those of the closely related AntignoriSmia, EugHO-rismia and Coeno hilti see also FIBIGER l99J). resembling mostly certa in species of Soaelotis BOISDUVAL. t 840 anil also G molliphoria OCHSEN HEI MEI l8l6. The closest related genus of Eugria he owing to the genitalia seatures of both Sexes, is Antignori Smia, one of the most uncient known groups of the EugnoriS-mia-Eugrc he phyletic line. Their male genitalia differ main ly by the fige and structure of the subbasal cornutus whicli is much stronger, longer in AntignoriSmia see RONKAY ς VARGA l 999. Figs 2 l. 22), the presencelabse iace of the long Zoneos fine scieroti sed ribs in the in ner curve of the vesica spresent in Eugria he. absentin AntignoriSinti) and the si ape and si Ze of the pollex whicli is much more lobate in Eugres he than in the AntignoriSmia XPCCi CS. The semale genitalia of AnagnDriSmia show a less homogeneous picture whercthe typical seatures os EugraPhe se. g. the well-developed postero- laterui append- ages of the ostium bursae or the mediat ly solded ductus bursae) may appear bul indisserent combinations, and a part of the species stili have signa in the corpus

The main disserences between the male genitalia os Eugm he and EugHOriS-mia lie in the aedeagus and the vesica: the aedeagus os Eugria he has a venti alscleroti sed bar of the carina extending towariis basal part of vesica. terminated in astrong, dentate bulb: the carina os EugnoriSma has generat ly a dorsal silentaled hooked. etc.) projection, is there is a stronger ventral scieroti sation sin the E. Chiali icti-E. SPDdici groti p) it is always Very Strong and pyramidat. Another generic apomorphy of LugnoriSmia is the presence os a distat, smaller or larger; fiet d


of minute cornuti in the vesica covering osten the sursace of a subterlo inal diver

ticulum: this cornuti sield is complete ly missing in Eugres he

The most conspicuous differentiat seature of the semale genitalia of Eugria he as compared with Eugnorisma, is the presence of large . heavi ly scieroti sed, terminalty rounded postero- laterat appen luges of the ostium bursae. The ostium bursaeos Eugno risinia is also strongly scieroti sed, but iis caudat margin is more or tessstrai glit, excepi in certa in species of the E. Chialdaica lineage, but is much weal er theres ore the caudat elige of the ostium bursae is only slightly U-s haped. It is w orthmention ing that Parcium iti and Antignorisma have suci, appendages, althoughtho se of Via radiaraici are considerably s mulier and wenker. Eug mPhe differs frona Coeno him, besides the externat dissimilarity by the presen ce of the sub basal cornutus of the vesica sit is absent in Coeno hilti). the different ly bulli apical part of the valva and the much longer, stenderer, cui Ved harpe


Diagno sis. The new genus silows a unicat combination of three main aut apo-morphi es in the male genitalia whicli are as follows: l) The dorsalty projected vesica with dentate eversi hie ventral har: 2) The complete lack of any spinulo se or



specialty modis ed sui faces on the vesica: 3) The characteristic tripartite appear-ance of the apical part of the valva. this unique character was atre ady observed and commented by BOURSIN l 964). consisting of the potia ted, cuneate valvat apex, thealso acute and usu atly strong pseudopollex and the well-devel Oped. cuneate ori horn- like polle X. The characteristic features of the semale genitalia are the scieroti Zed, rather large, triangular. calyculate or infundibular ventral plate of ostium bursae, separated frona ille similarly scieroti sed ductus bursae by a time membranous collar. thescieroti Zed flattened ductus bursae willi stronger or weal er longitudinal suture atthe Ventral sui face: the scobinate-wrint ted apicat posterior) third of the corpus bursae: the membranous. rather smali main part os corpus b Ursae. having no signa. Most of the related genera have ei ther a strongly scieroti sed . plate- like undspinulose carina bul without a bar-shaped dentate processus Eugii OriSmia. Met&gHOriSmia, Parciditi initi, Antignorisma etc.) with venti ally or Venti O- lateralty projecting vesica. Other genera show sonae different. osten modis ted fornas of the barshaped dentate processus, hut also combined with venti ally projecting vesica Eu-gres he, Coeno him, etc.). Those Xesti ini genera whicli can be characteri sed with bulbed cornutus of the vesica se .g. Eugria he, 'EugHOriSmGV miri lago, SOmC LyCO- Photici Spp. . PSEui hermoniaSSia, etc.) usual ly have venti ally projected vesica. The externalty most simi lar AntignoriSma sp p. do not haVe any dentate processus Onto the basal part of vesica but have a thorn- like . not bulbed cornutus and their vesica

is projected venti ally. Some species of the hight y diverse genus Xestici s. l.) may

have dorsalty projecting vesica, bul in these cases the dentate processus os carina isalso dorsal, and the vesica has no Cornutus. The structure of the fe male genitalia shows close relations hips of GDHiog mPhia with certa in species-groups of EugnoriXma and Protognorisma while it is rather distinct frona those of Eugra he. Coeno hilia or Metagnorismia. The se male genitalia of LugnoriSmia is generat ly more robust than iliose of Gonio res hia. theostium is large r. broader but less elongate and less triangular, bcing more Stronglys used with ductus bursae. the ductus bursae is regularly solded so metimes verystrongly. in different directions) and the posterior part of the corpus bursae and the cervix bursae are more ribbed-wrin kled and usu atly more spaci ous. The ostium- ductus complex of Prolognorismia is rather similar to that of Gon log moliti at therii st si glit but the proportion of them is different. the ostium is smaller shorter and the ductus is longer than those of GoniograPha. In addition. Gonis res hia and EugnoriSmes have no signa while Protognorisma sand MettignoriXma) have rib-

their larger si Ze and more spactous corpus bursae, by the characteristic structure of


the ostium bursae with the long postero- laterat appendages see above in the diag nosis of Eugrc he) and the mediat ly strongly solded ductus bursae.


Female genitalia Figs 24 0): The se male genitalia cata be characteri Zed by the weak. relative ly shorl ovi positor: the scieroti Zed. rallier large. more or less triangular ventral plate of the ostium bursae: the strong. osten heavi ly scieroti Zed. in altened ductus bursae. osten with sine longitudinal su- ture at Ventral sursace: the well-de Veloped. ribbed -wrin kled. subconical or senii globular appendix bursae: the scobinate-wrinkled apicat posterior) third os the corpus bursae: and the membranous, elliptical -ovoid main pari os corpus bursae, haVing no Signa.

Male genitalia Figs i ): Uncus digitis orna. os medium tength. obtuse terminalty: valva willi convex dorsat margin . laterat apical extension horn-s haped. longer than ille dorsal one: harpe reduce lio iis basal plate: pollex long po in ted apical ly. Oxbow-s haped. Juxta broad. shield-shaped. withshort, bar-shaped scierotisation apical ly. Aedeagus long . nearly strat glit, carina serrate, extended into a long . terminalty curved serrate ribbon-shaped bar onto ille hasul pari os the vesica . Vesica bilobate with a moderate ly strong bulbed cornutus subterminalty. Femule genitalia Figs 24-29): Ostium bursae with ventral plate shorter or broader triangularor calyculate, having Vari ab ly Strong medio-caudat incision. Ductus bursae variably long . si attene l. Strongly, sonae times heaVily scieroii Zed, tubular. usual ly sine ly lapering towariis posterior end. somelimes with large. rounded laterat angle at naiddie: junction os ventral plute to corpus bursae maybe weakly or strongly arched andior crenellate. or having long and deep. sometimes sinuousty sol dedlarge crest running into a rather globular. big ventral potich.



Male genitalia Figs β-ll): Uncus more or less spatulate, potia ted terminalty: valva very longwith nearly stra ight dorsat margin . stender distat ly. laterat apical extens tota acute apical ly. Stightly oressentialty longer than dorsal one: harpe strong. curved: pollex strongly de Velope l. po in led apicatly

with disserent sh ape in each species. Juxta relative ly smali, pentagonal. Aedeagus Very long. Straight willi strongly den late or sinely serrulale carina: dentale bar more or less reduce l. Vesica broad ly tubular. Unil obate, more or less recurved: position and si Ze os bulbed cornutus disserent in each species. Female genitalia Figs 30 35) Ostium bursae with ventral plate triangular. trapeZoidat orinfundibular. caudat margin stighlly convex. arcuale. willi Vari ab ly deep mediat incision. Ductus bursae medium-long or long. broad ly tubular or cask-s haped. proximal hals os ductus bursae may have a long strong laterat sold along lusi margin and a stronger laterat rit, or a weak. shori folii at anterior end. Appendix bursae relative ly short. subconical -semiglobular: corpus bursae discoidal-globular.

wilh con Vex, evenly arcuale caudat margin without incision. Ductus bursae. long. broad, fiat tened anterior end with shori but strong medio laterat crest and a large . rounded. Verrucose proximO- laterat plate. Appendix bursae large, subconicat willi membranous apex and wrin kled -ribbed. scobinatebasal two-thirils or with large . scieroii Zed, more or less rounded dorsat sold.